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Hawaiian Acres Issues
the law suits will also 'go away' but not until the lawyers have made a few more bucks.

I'll contribute my money elsewhere in the community, thanks.
"I'll contribute my money elsewhere in the community, thanks"

I believe that was Billy's sentiment in using the county card to beat paying the sales tax.... peas in a pod welcome to Puna - grin
using the county card to beat paying the sales tax

Yes, I'm sure Billy was merely looking to cheat the State out of their share of the GET when he used our pCard. He should have paid for the stop signs and the "Neighborhood Watch Will Shoot You" signs while he was at it.
why do you feel the HOA's should be run by folks who do not own land in the subdivision?

Conflict of interest. HOA needs to be a simple business function which facilitates the goals of the ("entire") community, not a cash cow to be milked, nor a mechanism to influence property values for the benefit of a few speculators.

I differ in opinion on this based on my experiences with HACA & HARC. Being a property owner since 1988 and the office manager for 10 years, I simply worked for everyone in the community. No conflict of interest and certainly no "cash cow"! But our 2 non-profits are not mandatory for lotowners to join and hence much less $$$ to deal with, which can bring out the freaky in even regular folks, lol! However, in most subdivisions, HOA's have the ability to place liens on properties and receive big amounts of $$. I hope we can agree that this is where the conflict of interest may be found.
Originally posted by birchl

Kalakoe - "a board that does as they like . and that includes spending"
I believe that's exactly the point. I also don't understand why this isn't obvious to all involved, especially when it's happened in other subvisivions and at every level of government.

kalakoa, firstly let me apologize for transferring your concerns to a different thread. i think you can work out why. the new board has in fact done all it can to ensure that every member receives ballots for the elections reforms. we are not 'doing as we like'. we have mailed out the new meeting times for the members. we are following the bylaws as best we can interpret them. we are reviewing ways of sharing information, and consolidating our data to lesson the chances of people being left out. far from ignoring the membership, we are doing our level best to be answerable to them. please don't encourage the haters to believe they somehow have a justifiable point of view. they don't.


The HACA & HARC boards deserve a chance to perform before anyone just disses them. They inherited a mistrust caused by lies, rumors and innuendo that caused a sense of outrage. they inherited a small membership because of a few folks lies. Now that the facts are known, let's get the trust back and move forward.
Originally posted by kalakoa

far from ignoring the membership, we are doing our level best to be answerable to them.

Only to the members, not to the rest of the owners.

If I join, does the farmers' market return and the lawsuits go away? I doubt it.

While some of the new board originally wanted to only work for & represent only resident lotowners, there is some level of exposure to other ideas, such as representing all lotowners & renters, absentee and others in the community. It is a learning curve and the lessons come from real life and getting their hands into the actual business. The lawsuits are in mediation, much to the dislike of the one who brought the suit. There is every chance these will "go away". Highly unlikely for HACA & HARC to experience any real harm. Farmers Market: moving forward to opening!!!
Ownership seems to create another set of divisions in the acres; whose opinion really counts?
Should some opinions count for more than others?
non-resident owners
newcomer renters
newcomer resident owners
HACA members
long time renters
long time owners
even longer time owners

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
Originally posted by Lee M-S

Ownership seems to create another set of divisions in the acres; whose opinion really counts?
Should some opinions count for more than others?
non-resident owners
newcomer renters
newcomer resident owners
HACA members
long time renters
long time owners
even longer time owners

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>

The point is to come together as HA "tribe". No division. All stakeholders, as is said, should have a voice, in my opinion. How to make this happen? The community center has been and should be a focal point of coming together on various levels and concerns. Respect for others' opinions is somewhere to start. Doesnt mean you have to agree, just be tolerant of others. Even the nay-sayers, de-structors, and just-simply-mean people should have a voice. Easier said then done, this I know!
All stakeholders, as is said, should have a voice, in my opinion.

They do. Look how that's turned out.
Originally posted by kalakoa

All stakeholders, as is said, should have a voice, in my opinion.

They do. Look how that's turned out.

I do not agree that enough stakeholders care to take time to express their voice. And actually kalakoa, things have not turned out badly, just were re-routed by lies & stupidity for awhile.
Things are back on track. The non-profits continue to work for us everyday. The best part in the Acres is you can contribute or not, be involved or not. the choice is yours. But Please dont complain about how things are if you are not willing to be involved on some level, other than complaining & pointing fingers. Thats just very non-productive unless you get off on complaining, as some folks do. But I do not get the sense that you are that selfish.

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