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Ormat gossip
Originally posted by kjlpahoa

What is wrong with you Rob, can't you handle or tolerate someone that is smarter than you. Please don't dictate what beliefs can be expressed on your website and who can express them.[quote]

So RJ is smarter than RT? And since when did owning your own forum mean that you can't control the content? Takes all kinds in Punaland...
Well, RJ is certainly smarter than Linky. But he chases sticks, shakes himself dry, and sniffs the crotch of strangers.
Is it that no one sees any worthiness in this topic and is somehow only interested in bashing or defending me?

I am going back on topic and the point I would like to make in this case is this, if Ormat is being accused of lying to the federal government about the Puna expansion project and being accused of lying to their stockholders are we suppose to naturally trust them and everything they say and every contract they sign?

I just keep remembering what my mentor said, "we are not born corrupt it is a human value one must choose to be that way" and corruption usually doesn't stop until it is pointed out. Look at what is happening to the Mayor.
Sorry RJ, just one more post about differing opinions and what happens on Punaweb. Recently in a great conversation with half a dozen bright, really bright, creative, kind, fascinating and successful folk and I mentioned that I had been kicked off PW and that Rob tends to not care for my perspective. Actually I had been given a time off, hence I'm back.

Everyone starts laughing, "Hey I got kicked off too, me too, me too, Rob doesn't like my politics etc.."

Like I said these are great folk, high on ethics, brains, common sense, intellect and education.

Punatic007, you made me feel good.
Originally posted by RJHampton

Punatic007, you made me feel good.

Mission accomplished, you can put your sign down and go home now.
Originally posted by Punatic007

Sorry RJ, just one more post about differing opinions and what happens on Punaweb. Recently in a great conversation with half a dozen bright, really bright, creative, kind, fascinating and successful folk and I mentioned that I had been kicked off PW and that Rob tends to not care for my perspective. Actually I had been given a time off, hence I'm back.

Everyone starts laughing, "Hey I got kicked off too, me too, me too, Rob doesn't like my politics etc.."

Like I said these are great folk, high on ethics, brains, common sense, intellect and education.

You and your friends may be confusing style and delivery with content when identifying why you got a time out. Rob has hosted a wide variety of viewpoints on PW over the years, but certain styles of delivery seem to earn vacations, no matter the topic or content. Maybe you just hang with people whose online personas are prone to pushing Rob's limits.
Hay Rob, are you afraid to comment or just haven't been able to read all the posts. Seams like others have problems with your censorship and inability to cope with certain personalities. If the Punaweb is to be considered as YOUR personal property, then maybe all of us should go and create or use a different website.

okay bye-bye now. thanks anyway.
Please, Rob, censure, censure. Both of em.

They come to pick a fight. Life is too short...


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