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Shady looking rip-off suspects
Just spotted in Hawaiian Acres: Two young local males in a metallic silver bronze or gold Honda sedan. License plate ZBT-788. Car has a loud muffler too. They slowly case up and down the roads looking for target spots. They stopped in my driveway and I was already outside so I surprised them when I came right out and greeted them. They said their dog got out but they weren't stopping and calling their dogs name at all. Just called my friend and he saw them too. C and 11, 10, and 9 road area and probably other roads too. Be on guard.
I see them parked at the community center now
It seemed to be a dirty white color, and it is a honda
This is very cool. Keep up the good work guys.
So have you called the cops to report this suspicious behavior? They might be looking for these guys.

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the two young local males in a metallic silver bronze or gold Honda sedan searching for a lost dog might have already called the police about the shady neighbors suspiciously stalking them? Smile
%&*#... I sure hope you gun jumpers dont call cops on me when I drive slow on my HA road to avoid screwing up my wheels/balljoints/breaks/bearings again in puddles and bumps...
what did these so called Criminals do that was criminal again??? drive through HA slowly in car that shouldnt ever go faster than slow...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Lol okay bananahead and punamauka2 it takes a certain type of dunce to not be able to differ between a legit person looking for their dog and a shady thug up to no good. That was certainly a lie and they definitely NOT looking for their animal! I've lost my dog I know how it works. You drive slowly in the neighborhood, yes, but you occasionally call for your pet. You do not creep very slowly through the neighborhood and stop at every driveway and peer in quietly for minutes to see if anyone is home, before moving on to the next. Perhaps you, bananahead and punamauka2, would like to start an argument when you weren't even here to witness the obvious that I witnessed. Like a way of saying I'm not intelligent enough to see what's really going on. Petty.
DWL... driving while licked can be enjoyable but is dangerous. Less dangerous though when you are creeping down a Hawaiian Acres road.

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