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We need affordable spay & neuter for dogs & cats
Hi everyone,
We need affordable spay & neuter for the dogs & cats, as we have a major overpopulation of these animals on this island. Most people, want to spay & neuter their animals, but just don't have the monies and also for the strays they are adopting. That's why we really need an effective & affordable spay & neuter program. Many have said, even with the Humane Society coupons, its just not affordable. So, I have a petition, and do so need signatures which will be given to the County Council to establish such a program. These animals need our voice. An affordable spay & neuter program prevents animal overpopulaltion, prevents animals being abandon, prevents animal cruelty. Today I will be at the Keaau Village Market, On Sunday I'll be at Maku'u, and on July 5, will be at Keaau Shopping center infront of the Laundry Mat. Need your help, as our goal is for 5,000 signatures.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Had a wonderful response day with people stepping up and signing our petition. Also, they share their stories. Many have said that they live next to the forest, and have had a number of abandon dogs and cats coming to their home - abandon & hungry. Others have said they are trying to get their animals spay or neutered, but just don't have the money.
A fertile female dog can produce 2 litters per year of approximately 6-10 puppies per litter. In six years, one female dog and her offspring can be the source of 67,000 puppies.
One fertile female cat can produce 3 litters per year of approximately 4-6 kittens per litter. In just seven years, one female cat and her young can produce 460,000 kittens!!!
We have a major animal overpopulation, a major factor of animals just being dumped (abandon) and so much animal cruelty. The positive solution is affordable SPAY & NEUTER. I'll be at Maku'u, and be needing your signature on the petition. Its your voice for the animals that need your helpSmile

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Had a terrific day in getting signatures on the petition. Very sad, have had 3 different people telling me they are shooting the cats and dogs coming on their property. It breaks my heart on such cruelty. On Tuesday July 5th, I'll be in front of the Keaau Shopping Center Laundry Mat. From 930 to 200pm. Let your voice be heard for the sake of the animals. The win-win solution to overpopulation of the these animals is affordable spay & neuter.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
ARCHawai'i is offering special spay/neuter coupons for cats and dogs. They range from $25 to neuter a male cat to $50 to spay a female dog. Check out this web site for further information:

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
yES, you can also obtain these coupons at the Humane Society. The problem is, $50.00 for a female dog, to many people, is too much money. It is money most just do not have. It comes out of food, gas, etc budget. A family with kids, or on a tight budget its really tough to find the money. For me, I am neutering a male stray cat and paid for the $25.00 coupon. It has taken me 3 months to save. He is a good "ratter", so its good to have him about stopping the rat off-springs from getting out of control. Also, some vets add on "additions" like flea treatment, etc. So you have to make sure what the charges will be, as some vets are cheaper than others. In the end, its the animal that suffers if it does not get spay or neutered. To some, $25.00 or $50.00 dollars is affordable, to others far from it. Because of the epidemic of the animal overpopulation, and the terrible abuse that goes with it as these animals are being dumped along road sides. We need this spay/neuter service free or no more than a $10.00 charge. Also, having a spay/neuter van going into the various subdivisons to do this would be most wonderful. If other states can do this, than why not us?

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
This 30 July from 930 -200pm, I'll be at Makuu Farmers Market. Please come and sign my petition for effective and affordable dog & cat spay & neuter. Our goal is 5,000 signatures which we will be presenting to the county council. So far we have over 2,000. Its a win-win for the people on this island and for the animals. Preventing unwanted animal births is the key to preventing animals from being abandon or abused.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Thanks all for coming out to sign the petition for affordable spay/neuter for cats and dogs. It was great talking story with you all, and appreciate any and all suggestions. This coming Sunday Aug 7, I'll be back at Makuu so look for me,if you missed me today.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Aloha Waipili !
I am glad i meet you ! I happy that somebody is really trying to help this poor animals. As i said you got my signiture and will be happy to volunteer !



I have to agree with you. This is a state wide problem and not just a local area problem. If she feels others shouldnt be allowed to help gather signitures there seem to be a problem. This is a worthwhile program and poeple in all areas need to get involved. The best way to do this is to get people out in different areas and get signitures- period. I would have trouble endorsing anything that seems to be one persons private agenda.

Aloha waipili, If I were on island I too would sign your petition. As I can not help that way, I will do what I can from this side of the ocean. In my local area, remote No. Cal we have a program called PAWS, it is a charity that raises money for feral animals medical treatment. In this area we use catch and release. PAWS loans out live catch traps, you bait with food. (Hopefully you catch what your looking for and not a skunk)! We have local vets who on specific days neuter/spay so many feral animals at NO CHARGE. I do not know the workings of this or how it is arranged, but I will investigate and bring this knowledge with me to the Big Island. I will also let you know what I learn and keep you updated. Hope this helps some stray in the future. It is good work that needs to be done. Good luck.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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