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We Support TMT - Please sign the petition
No. No racism. Not from me. Not from many others. Please don't go there. Too much hate is brewing. Nothing good can come of it.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Someone threatened Tom? My Tom? What is going on here?

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Side note:

Pacquiao says Mayweather’s TMT stands for ‘The Manny Team’


Originally posted by 2liveque

"Threats of violence.......uneducated Hawaiians.....Barren Wasteland"

Go back and read some of the crap many of you are posting on this thread.

Some of you are cowards. Effing cowards if you ask me. Your arrogance, ignorance, and cowardice on the topic has reared its ugly head time and time again. When many of you should just admit -- you hate it when Brown folks rise up. In contrast, you LOVE brown folks when they tell you what you want to hear and they act the way you want them to act. In short, a subjugated Hawaiian is a good Hawaiian. Good 'ol Kanaka does what he is told -- whether it deals with 'aina or his soul. Brings to mind the lyrics of a song that illustrates my point quite well, "I don't wear shoes upon my feet, to be at ease is such a treat, I'm so happy as can be -- that's the Hawaiian in me." Well my friends, those days are over. That romanticized version of Hawaii so many of you fell in love with is changing my friends. Prepare for more of what you are witnessing. This latest episode on the Mauna has been able to do what OHA, the State, Kau Inoa, Kanaeoluwalu and any other nation building effort have not been able to do -- and that is to UNIFY a critical mass of Hawaiians. Not only will the TMT NOT be built, the Hawaiian Nation's return is all but assured. Think many of you are paranoid now? Watch what plays out here in the coming years.

And many of us -- Hawaiian and non-Hawaiians will sit back in all of our glory and celebrate. Rest assured, our day will come. I'm sure there are many of you, along many neo-colonialist brown folks and uncle Tom types who would beg to differ. Fair enough, I can't fault them. The 50th star has been good to them and their collective bottom lines. And then there are the Richard Ha's, Wally Ishibashis and all other money hungry, businessmen confusing folks like you into believing that they represent the Kanaka mindset. No, they represent MONEY, and the businesses that are at stake to make quite a windfall from the construction of the TMT. And they have all been exposed, and will continue to be blasted in the new war theater -- social media. No turning back now. Keep thinking that the folks on the Mauna are simply unemployed Hawaiians with green bottles, smoking kool cigarrettes and EBT cards. Yep, keep thinking that. Because while you are thinking that, those young, savy, educated Kanaka will make Hawaii greater than it can ever be. And if that means YOU will feel a bit more uncomfortable...then so be it. You can simply leave.


Opihikaobob wrote:

"Gypsy69 Most likely was referring to the
Which should of occurred to you IMHO

You're going to have a hard time seeing the TMT from the CFHT's location, as you'll have to look through solid rock.
Regarding the wekiu bug, it is most certainly found in Mauna Kea's summit region. Thanks to recent attempts to protect the species, the insect has been removed from the list of endangered species as it is currently flourishing in the summit area.
Btw I was glad to see what Tom posted about Mailani, way back up in the thread...she is smart and brave and I hope she is enjoying seeing the telescopes! I think I will email her petition to more people tomorrow.

The telescopes are Mauna Kea's eyes. I can't say why I sense this, but I do. Probably because of the appreciation for astronomy in Hawai'i history.

But I agree the Punaweb ohana hurts from many things that have been said. I hope for healing.

Glad the bug is ok!

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
As for gypsy69's now deleted threat of violence against me, I think the subject should be dropped for now. If he looses the plot and threatens others or myself again then maybe I'll do something about it, but for now let's just assume it came from someone who has trouble thinking before he speaks.

However, I will not let gypsy intimidate me into silence. I'll happily continue to post my opinion or counter the gibberish and utter nonsense he or others like him post. I think those opposing the TMT should be ashamed that the only people so far advocating violence are also against the TMT.

It says a lot about gypsy69's character that he has yet to apologise for his threat of violence.
Tomk, you needed maybe 6 beers to give you the excuse to be a child again. I had wrote that I wanted an envite to the top of maunakea by king tomk, so I could kick your pompous white ass all the way down the mountain. You being a drunk rock or star watcher does not impress me, your lack of respect sickens my stomach. No real threat, just wanting, wishing, and waiting.

Sorry Opihikao, trying to breath yet I lack my inner ha at the moment. Will try and take a break from this forum as to not offend to many, My apologies.
Good riddance. All you had to do was apologize but you're too pompous for that.

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