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Relocating to Puna
I just heard on the news tonight about your diver friend, then I got online and saw your latest posting. Sad. I was reading your story because we are thinking of moving (escaping) to the Big Island from Encinitas. if you need a place to stay for the ceremony I feel like I know you and would be happy to offer our guest room.

Roger Davenport (760-633-3432)
Roger D.
"After every Winter there is a Spring" Never forget the joy that he brought into your life. Never forget the wonders that are left to be explored. Never second guess what happened. Nothing is by chance it is all by design,,,providence.
I had a dive buddy die not two years ago in San Diego. My condolences. I knew her not as well as you knew your friend, but i was devastated nonetheless. I actually stopped diving with her because i thought she lacked the skills to dive safely. Just about everyone gets certified eventually, i tried to help her improve her skills, i learned later to no avail. Her enthusiasm outpaced her abilities.

But, for an experienced technical diver to go is just a horrible accident. Maybe it was just a stroke, or a quiet embolism.

There have only been three times in my life at which I was so at peace that i felt, that had i died at that moment I would be utterly content. Two of those times have been underwater, diving in our beautiful oceans. I would imagine that your friend felt something akin to that. Much better than a car accident or disease. At least he was in a beautiful, sacred place.

Maybe like the ocean took something of accident, something out of place like a wreck on the seafloor, and incorporated it into something natural and beautiful; so too can you and your friends make good from this sad event.

I'm happy you're marking his passing with a dive. Very Appropriate.

Greetings from sunny Southern California. Thank you all for your warm and positive thoughts. There was a public memorial for my dive friend Steve and a large community outpouring of support and respect for his family and friends. It has been hartening to discover a little ALOHA spirt here so far from our lovely island.

I understand that forms are being placed for pouring the cement at the ranch on Monday. Wondering how the weather has been but can't seem to reach anyone by phone. Hope a few dry days grace the mountain and allow things to move along.

It is a bit of culture shock to be back here in the land of swimmingpools, Tommy Bahama designer furniture and such.. but still I am having a good time. My friends ar having a big birthday party for me with a live band, many of my musician friends coming to sing to me personally and just have a fun gathering. They all love the stories about YOU guys on island and the adventure there.

Keep the home Aloha brewing... I will be back shortly and ready to attack that land once again!

Smile Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Hi Pam,
My sincere condolences, sorry I didn't express this earlier. Look forward to meeting you this summer.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Well, I have been partying, seeing old friends, sleeping, scuba diving, eating Mexican food..... ahhhhhhh. Today is my birthday so more sleeping, eating, partying.... what a life! All this left for the lovely Hawaiian paradise of rain forest, mud, tractors, rain, mud, work, mud... what was I thinking? The same thing I am thinking now. After two weeks of California traffic and drivers, crowds and endless shopping malls, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET HOME TO THE RAIN AND MUD!!

It is amazing how quickly I found myself driving at 85 on the freeway, zipping from San Diego to Los Angeles, taking care of business..... but I sure don't like it. People are cold... at least the strangers are. No Aloha, no sense of community. I am reminded of rats in an overcrowded cage fighting for territory. The ease of country living is certainly missing. It's a good dose of reality after 9 months on the island. I am totally ready to get back to gardening, tractoring, building and the rest, though I must admit seeing some of my old friends has been a fulfilling joy.

I look forward to those of you who have contacted me in the last few weeks as I am home late Wednesday night.... so get back in touch and COME ON DOWN!!!

Smile PAM

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
its always nice to go somewhere far to appreciate what you have at home...comparing lifestyles and quality of life is more apparent when you are in a rural environment vs urban life...of course it is a nice reprieve to visit old friends and family and see old haunts-thats always the benefit of coming back to the mainland to get a fix on good mexican food and other things missing from puna (don't think loquins is really that good either)

i hope traffic doesn't acclerate like LA...its already impossible up here in northern california along the 101 corridor


So Pam, Just where is Gumbo? Haven't mentioned him in a while! Is he at the BARKing SPA for a vacation? Or did you send him on retreat to a cooking school, or perhaps sports camp! Just a few of the places we put our felines when we are out and about. Just checking!! Looking forward to your return and all the updates. Pam2

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
GUMBO is frolicking with his new girlfriend NIKKI (a one year old dobie mix that just showed up and we adopted her) on the ranch. A couple of my workmen are bunking in the cabin and part of the price to them is feeding and looking after the chickens and dogs. Several neighbors have phoned me and let me know they have checked up on things and that land, equipment and animals are all doing well Smile

Gotta love the spirit of all the great people helping me on this adventure; couldn't do it without ya!!!


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Wow, being back here in Hawaii sure is a joy. So Calif. was no picnic with traffic and appointments and such. Of course the parties were good, but still... Glad to be home.

Theoretically tomorrow Concrete is being poured for my piers and the carport floor. I'll believe it when I see it although everything is well prepared. The little worker bee's have been working like mad today getting ready. Thank goodness the weather seems to be holding.

Once that is done we start actually B U I L D I N G. The first load of lumber has been delivered. It's hard to even imagine seeing the posts going into place and a deck arising from the ground. Oh, bestill my heart!!

The darned thing seemed enormous when I got the actual plans finished, but now pacing things off it doesn't seem so outrageous. In fact, it seems downright small.

At the cabin the composting toilet system has been on hold with both my absence and our inability to locate the barrels we need. Looks like we may have found them so we're on it. Also brought back a cute outdoor shower from the mainland that we are setting up. Should be wonderful.

I managed to finish mowing the neighbors pasture between bouts of rain. Love that tractor...

No real big news. Just tired and excited and scrambled today. Some new Web friends stopped by today but I missed them whle i town on errands. Still it is wonderful that so many of yous stop by. It's great fun t share.

Smile Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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