Wow, pbmaise, mahalo for bringing the community up to date. Your detailed blow by blow account is very interesting and informative yet somehow you left yourself out of the story and that is the best part as far as I am concerned. [

Didn't Mr. Lee agree to sell you the Volcano Inn aka the Steam Vent Inn property first? Didn't you give him something like $10,000 down and then you and your partner moved here only to find out that Mr. Lee wasn't going to sell the property to you but was going to deal with Horowitz instead? Wow, that must have been a shock. That must of made you livid.
If I get the story straight and please correct me if I am wrong, wasn't it you who sued Mr. Lee? And as the universe would have it; Mr. Lee failed to appear and the judge granted you a default judgment of $175,000 hence turning a $10,000 down payment into a $175,000 judgment , not bad after taxes, I'm sure. And wasn't it that judgment that led to you, instead of the property owner Loren Lee, to receive Horowitz's monthly land payments with a balloon payment that was due sometime in the future? I think this is when I met you.
Remember, Sativa and I and the whole Horowitz family were sitting at the dinner table and you made it quite clear that you were not to be messed with and that you could be "hideous' if you did not get the rest of your money. I took notice of that. pbmaise, you would not believe the talk after you left that night but Horowitz did write you that check for the balloon payment did he not? I have to say it again, your part is the best part of this story my hat is off to you as an example of a successful pro se litigator.
But now you are back and I cannot help but wonder why. Are you going to be the third party litigator that Len and Sherri have been praying for? Have you come to save the Royal Bloodline of David ? To assist Sir Leonard George Horowitz the overseer of the Kingdom of Heaven ? Is that why you are asking all these questions ?
For those of you who have been following this case you will definitely want to see these orders: Order Remanding Action and Order Striking Horowitz Filing. In the Remand Order, the judge finds that Horowitz filed numerous inconsistent statements under oath as to his domicile and opts not to believe Horowitz’s unsupported statement that he is a California resident. In the Strike Order, the Court goes so far as to label the document filed with the Court by Horowitz and Kane as "fanciful, frivolous and delusional". See more...
P.S. Doesn't Len Horowitz owe Loren Lee's estate a balance and doesn't Lee have the right to leave his money and his property to anyone he damn well pleases instead of his Mormon birth family in Utah? Are you saying the quick claim deed that Mr. Hester has that Loren Lee signed is a forgery? And if you are claiming that have you, Len or Sherri been able to prove this supposed forgery to this day?
Politics is the science of citizenship. Long live the Hawaiian Kingdom