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Dragon fruit plant wanted
Hi there. Would love to obtain a dragon fruit plant "pitahaya" if anyone has one or a cutting. I understand they take several years before producing fruit?
We got our starts for free from the guy off of Ainaloa who sells big bundles of produce on Saturday mornings for a dollar each.
I don't know what variety mine are (have several), but they're taking over my greenhouse (been in there 3 years; they don't like outside).

They finally bloomed, I hand-pollinated, but they didn't produce fruit.

I read that the plant needs to weigh about 10 lbs before it blooms, and may bloom for a season before it sets fruit.

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Home Depot has them for 10.00
Thanks for the good info and tips. Love the fruit and the plant is striking. I'll check out the Ainaloa gardeners first. Terracore, do they sell their produce only on Saturdays?
if you know where that lava tube goes under the Red Rd between the Kaimu Dump and Kehena, there was a bunch growing in the trees on mauka side of road next to the lava tube opening...
it easily will start from pieces of it. alot of people that have older specimens of it in their yards will usually gladly give it away, as it usually can take down a tree with its weight over time..

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Originally posted by Kiana

Thanks for the good info and tips. Love the fruit and the plant is striking. I'll check out the Ainaloa gardeners first. Terracore, do they sell their produce only on Saturdays?

Yes, only Saturdays.
Mahalo to all!
found a great website showing different dragonfruit varieties and their cultivation needs, including pollination info. And pictures!

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
Bananahead, found it. Now have to figure out how to get it without falling into the hole.

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