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Dogs left behind in New Orleans
To All:

I am extremely distressed by what I see as the complete failure of our government to prepare for the disaster in New Orleans. I feel a mixture of grief, frustration and anger at the failure of our so-called leaders to adequately address the emergency and I have spent the morning writing to our elected officials.
But the latest thing I read has sent me over the edge. Those over-seeing the evacuation of New Orleans are not allowing dogs on the buses. A little boy is reported to have been seen reaching out for his dog crying,
”Snowball. Snowball.” and then vomiting. Haven’t these people gone through enough? Now they are forced to give up their dogs? And what will happen to these animals? They will be put to death, that’s what. And their owners will have to contend with added grief and loss. What are these people thinking?

What can I do about this? Can any of you think of a response that might make a difference? I feel so helpless.

I share your same concerns, to help the people, and to help their animals. Go to and check out their emergency hot lines. Make a difference and donate. American Red Cross helped us when we lost everything in a flood. 435-7669. So thats were my donation is going plus to animal groups like the Lousisana Society for the prevention of cruelty to Animals. hopefully by also helping the animal groups will give hope that someday that little boy you saw will be reunited with his "snowball". is also going in to the area and help the animals.
Make a difference and donate to the Redcross or Salvation army 1-800-725-2769, and yes, also to the animal groups listed that need your help! -Mahalo

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Thank you for your considerate response.
I read that the shelter in New Orleans is closed, of course. I am trying to donate online, but can find no way to do that.

With the confusion there, I don't think sending money via USPS is the best way to get money to the LA shelter. What do you think?

Do you have any ideas?

I have contributed to both the Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

Yes, I too sent a message to LA-spca, asking if they had mail service, with no response. The good news is, sent me an alert and they are going in to do rescues. Try let them know, as I will for my own donation to go specifically in animal rescues for dogs & cats, horses, any animals in this area. If I find a beter site, will let you know. Don't give up, the people and animals need our help. Aloha,

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Okay, better is to go to for more information. Send a direct donation via on line, or send a check to Alley Cat Allies, 7920 Norfork Avenue, Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814-2525, besure to note your donation to the "Compassion Fund" Phone # 240-482-1980. Last report was, "An emergency animal shelter has been set up in Gonzales, Louisiana. There is an animal friendly shelter for humans in La-Fayette, Louisiana, at the Cajundome. (Pets are being housed a block away at Blackham Coliseum.)

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Hi, Waipili,

Through my cry for help I was given the website of the Humane Society of the United States who also say that they are moving into the area in order to care for animals. I sent money to them. Do you have any idea which is the better organization?

Thanks so much for your input--I feel a bit better knowing that people are receiving water -- after 5 days. I also read (thanks Mella for the forward) that conditions are extremely dangerous in that dome and, of course, people are still there.

Hi April, I just break down and cry for our fellow Americans suffering so. They have lost everything, and for many it will be years to recover. I feel so helpless not being able to go and help, but it really helps the heart to call and make a donation, yesterday to Red Cross, and today both to the HSUS & Alleycat (split it in half). I'm on a fix and tight budget, but plan to put money aside and donate every month. We can't forget our fellow Americans they really need our support and prayers.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
the federal government response was a national disgrace. the bush regime is a disgrace. it's good to know that the people have finally been evacuated, but i imagine not much is being done for the animals.

Here is what I am hearing/reading about animal rescue: Groups have entered the area to look for animals. There are thousands of farm 'factory' animals who need rescuing--everything from chickens to pigs. Horses, cows all kinds of animals need help.
Dogs were not allowed on the buses nor are they allowed in most shelters. There is a movement to create animal-friendly shelters and a few exist in certain areas. At times they shelter the animals in a place that is near the human shelter. 136 dogs were rescued from Gulfport in 1 day.

I don't want to create dissension so I have been refraining from discussing my real feelings about what is behind the disgraceful response to people in dire need. The good news is that now those in charge are trying to make up for it: the public outrage due to the good reporting of the media has put pressure to bear on our *emphasis* elected* officials and that is democracy in action, folks. Thank heavens we still have free speech. It doesn't take long to email your thoughts to elected officials in Washington, state senators, etc.

I have no problems with yelling, "This could have been avoided". In our case, the Federal, State, & County played dodge responsiblity to cleaning the Kailua,Oahu swamp. Meanwhile the Corp of Engineers kept giving out paper warnings, that the swamp needed to be cleaned or it would flood us out. These governments played with our lives, and nothing was done. We lost almost everything, the water was so filty (those days sewer discharge was being done into the swamp)that even the electric outlets had to be cleaned. We carried excellent flood insurance(s), and boy did they pinch every penny. Denied us most everything. Only the car insurance gave us no hassle(Allstate). The water was aboug 4 feet in the patio, and I swam to retrieve what I could. The RedCross gave us brand new mattresses to sleep on, since we had nothing. The governments did nothing to help us!!! Whatever monies you have, goes fast. Like food, etc. Months after, I still would wake up when it rained, and go out side and watch, and watch for flooding. Thats how it screws with your head. We were lucky because we were able to save ourselves and animals. Plus we had jobs to go to. These poor people because of Katrina have nothing-nothing!!! Plus the life time nightmares of what they personally experienced. Why? Because the governments there turned the other way, when they knew the Levy's needed to be rebuilt to PROVENT what did happen. So if you can help these people via the RedCross, Salvation Army, animal rescue groups like Alley Cat, or HSUS. Please do. Because these are the agencies that make all the difference in the world in recovering their life back. Not the government! Boy am I upset. If the Bible was still being written, this storm would be written in.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect

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