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"When the board is wanting to deviate from asphalt to chip seal as a form of improving our roads and w/a hefty price tag, the membership needs to vote on it. The majority board feels differently."

I think you're assuming a lot here; You elected the board, let them do their job. All the membership needs to vote on is a board.

Pick a cliche;

You gave them the ball, let them run with it.

You made their bed, let them lie in it.

You led them to water, don't make them swim.

You gave them an inch, let them take a mile.

You gave them the basket, let them put their eggs in it.

Chew your food well.

Bridges ice before roads.

Dare to be average.
You gave them the ball, let them run with it.

You gave them your money, let them spend it as they see fit.
Do any of the last 3 posters own in HPP? Doesn't seem like it...

steve1 maybe you can attend Finance Committee mtgs and see if you can get any answers there. A new member is on that committee, the VP, as per last membership mtg votes. All members are allowed to attend Finance Committee mtgs.

The recording secretary plans to put the GM's written report in the minutes since he provides her his report, per my conversation w/her. That should provide some information too.

And last I looked, the Road Hump policy still hasn't been put back up on our website after 3 requests. The board did not vote to have it yanked off our website so who authorized it? Our policies are our property. Policies are supposed to be put up on our website, not removed.

While it's true I don't live in HPP, I can smell their dirty laundry from here.[8D]
Do any of the last 3 posters own in HPP? Doesn't seem like it...

HPP engages in extensive public airing of its dirty diapers; I take this as license to snark.

That said ... (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong), it seems to me that of the Puna subdivisions, HPP has

- the most lots
- highest occupancy
- fastest growth rate
- more owner participation
- a budget of over $2M/year

For these reasons (and others) I am hoping HPP can lead by example -- and if it were located almost anywhere but Puna, this would probably happen.

With a multi-million-dollar budget, it should be cheaper to hire lobbyists and seek County/State subsidies, or cut to the chase and sue County for waiving the "developer must pave roads prior to final subdivision plat approval" rule (which should apply "equally" and "to everyone").

What does HPP do with the money instead?

If the residents/owners in HPP really don't want comments from a peanut gallery of unwashed non-resident/non-owners, perhaps they should find a more private venue for their poop-flinging. Better yet, do something positive (like the aforementioned lawsuit against County) so the rest of us can make helpful suggestions, or possibly join our subdivisions to the big lawsuit.

Ironically, it seems noteworthy that HPPOA is not being sanctioned by County for their illegal acts -- if, in fact, there are boulders in the road, these require an encroachment permit from County -- and don't say "but it's a private road" because County has already granted itself juridsiction thereof via Code section 24-1, and is thereby creating a textbook example of "selective enforcement" if nothing is done.

Originally posted by kalakoa

...With a multi-million-dollar budget, it should be cheaper to hire lobbyists and seek County/State subsidies, or cut to the chase and sue County for waiving the "developer must pave roads prior to final subdivision plat approval" rule (which should apply "equally" and "to everyone").

... or possibly join our subdivisions to the big lawsuit.

I couldn't agree more. So sick and tired of this. Luckily our road is already paved. Guess that was before everything fell apart. And like Humpty Dumpty, looks like it will never be put back together again.

I don't know what subdivisions you all live in but there are other subdivisions airing their dirty laundry out there too. PW provides a place for us to discuss our issues, thank you very much Rob. It also provides us the venue for education.

Those few recent comments by a few non HPP owners were nasty and uncalled for. No one is forcing anyone to read this thread or has said any of you can't comment. I don't understand why someone would criticize this thread yet read and post on it. I recognize one as a hit and run poster, stirring the pot for the fun of it. Sort of childish IMO. It's also ironic to accuse HPP posters of negativity when the non HPP posters perpetuate negativity instead of offering something positive. kalakoa's posts are at times more informational and educational.

It's very unfortunate that HPP's management has had a history of problems. Our main issue is and will always be that it's being managed by volunteers. There is no accountability w/volunteers and that is the whole thing in a nutshell.

Volunteers come and go which breaks up the continuity of history, management experience, lack of respect of what others have done before to improve the mgmt of HPP...policies and business files get lost or go missing, forcing others to start from square 1. This is such a disservice to the association.

Volunteers w/personal agendas is never in the best interest of an association and all it takes is one person in an officer position to affect a whole association in an adverse way. Especially if board peers don't hold these kinds of individuals accountable and so it continues. I believe we'll continue to have problems, sometimes worse or better depending on the board makeup, as long as volunteers are managing HPP.

I've heard this discussion of subdivisions joining together to sue the county, and for HPP to go after the Watamulls as well. Last I heard from Rob Tucker, no subdivision has taken the first step to get the ball rolling. Is that still the case?
"With a multi-million-dollar budget, it should be cheaper to hire lobbyists and seek County/State subsidies, or cut to the chase and sue County for waiving the "developer must pave roads prior to final subdivision plat approval" rule (which should apply "equally" and "to everyone").

"I've heard this discussion of subdivisions joining together to sue the county."

You people understand that the "County's " money is our money ?

Some of us bought houses that are in permitted residential neighborhoods.We paid for our streets when we bought our property !!

So did you people ! You paid for crappy dirt roads !
GET over it.

Do any of you understand how the infrastructure in all of the older cities on the mainland were built ?

Not to mention that all of the dysfunctional subdivisions are going to be paved over with lava !
there are other subdivisions airing their dirty laundry out there too

HPP complainery seems to run at about 10:1 compared to the other subdivisions.

Luckily our road is already paved.

Exactly: that's the "I got mine, who cares about yours" that seems so prevalent here.

Originally posted by kalakoa

there are other subdivisions airing their dirty laundry out there too

HPP complainery seems to run at about 10:1 compared to the other subdivisions.

Luckily our road is already paved.

Exactly: that's the "I got mine, who cares about yours" that seems so prevalent here.

Maybe because the population of HPP runs about 10:1 or more compared to other subdivisions?

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