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Are HELCO drivers required to under the speed ...
...limit? Just wondered because I was in a string of cars following one on Saddle coming back into Hilo. Lots of cars passing in some dangerous areas including no-passing zones. This guy was going mostly 50 mph in the 55 area. Everyone knows the REAL speed limit is 70.....right?
Wonder if someone complained about a HELCO driver and they cracked down on them.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
They could have GPS tracking installed on their trucks to track speed of vehicle, as well as location. I used to get a "pep" talk complete with wagging finger every time my truck came back from servicing.

Community begins with Aloha
They are paid by the hour and in no hurry to get back to "real" work.
So would you also complain if they drove too fast and recklessly?
This is the internet, we complain either way.
I think they do have GPS tracking.
They do have GPS & that is one of the reasons they would be going close to the speed limit...

also speed could depend on the truck, what it is hauling & whether they are also doing line checks (major transmission lines are along Saddle Rd.)
Absolutely right Carey - just about every HELCO vehicle is equipped with GPS that sends a signal once a minute

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