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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
proposed new DNLR regulations are nonsense and the hearings an arena for nonsense

"Look busy -- the media is watching."
kalakoa, lol...No kidding.

HOTPE, I rest my case. Some get it, some never will. Mahalo for "getting it".

gypsy, with respect, Mr. Tom is the messenger of that article, not the writer. Additionally, your position has grown over time with this issue, and mahalo for saying what many won't, in fear of being judged like you are on occasion. There are "pearls in every bushel of oysters", and your posts contain some "pearls" if read in depth.

Mahalo to all of those who contribute to civil discourse. This too shall pass, no matter the outcome, we remain na pua o Hawai'i, keiki o ka aina. All of us. Further division will be detrimental for our keiki and mo'opuna, thus, continued efforts towards balance is the goal of our ohana.



Appreciate the honesty Opihikao, thanks for reading my concerns or views on the subject let alone continue to respond. Taking the time to read my unedited post once again might lead some to believe I did not claim TOMK was the writer only the provider of the reading material. Words being misunderstood or reconstructed by HOTPE or others are manini things that can change the spirit or intentions of the writer unfortunately.
Words being misunderstood or reconstructed by HOTPE

I thought when you wrote was that TomK provided the incident reports, you meant he wrote or compiled them.

Of course provide can also mean supply, give, issue, furnish or in this case link, which I now understand is what you intended to say.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Maunakea Visitor Information Station Event Log

"Monday 4/13/15

Hale completed across the street from VIS
HPD recalls Special Duty Officer stating it is against their standing orders to get involved in a dispute where no laws are being broken.
Men’s room urinal sabotaged with massive plug of paper towels so overflowed instead of flush. Repaired by maintenance staff.
Empty plastic Maunakea pin container found on floor w/ price tag removed (stolen)
Shovel missing from under VIS bathroom walkway and found near a hole dug underneath VIS bldg. Some insulation underneath flooring was also torn away.
Female protester entered VIS and stood at the front counter with cardboard sign saying “no TMT” while glaring at VIS staff and shook her head back and forth.
Other than the above incidents, the crowd was mostly courteous. Parking for VIS visitors was very limited."

am i missing something here, no laws being broken?

just had a chance to look over some of this VIS log. good grief, this was worse than i had imagined.
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

Maunakea Visitor Information Station Event Log

"Monday 4/13/15

Hale completed across the street from VIS
HPD recalls Special Duty Officer stating it is against their standing orders to get involved in a dispute where no laws are being broken.
Men’s room urinal sabotaged with massive plug of paper towels so overflowed instead of flush. Repaired by maintenance staff.
Empty plastic Maunakea pin container found on floor w/ price tag removed (stolen)
... i missing something here, no laws being broken?...


now hold your horses there, bub. the Monday 4/13/15 VIS log entry doesn't specify exactly what dispute HPD called that Special Duty Officer away from. indeed, it could have been some other dispute not listed in the log in which no laws were being broken. ...theoretically.
Can't wait till there is something topically specific to read and discuss on this thread again.
Originally posted by opihikao
(With due respect to Mr. Tom) This report is inaccurate and incomplete on several levels (purposely), due to potential use in litigation. With today's tehnology, videos and pictures should be included as hard proof.

The media (with the exception of Hawaii News Now) is falling into the category of "propoganda" with this kind of reporting. Proof is in actual events, not opinion and surmising what transpires/transpired.

The Mauna Kea ranger reports (from April) that someone sent me seemed legitimate. It included pictures of the protestors actions, as far as I could see. There is no reason my mind these rangers would falsify these reports to make the protestors look bad.

On that note, there has been certain things you've stated on here,Opihikao, that haven't been accurate either. For example, you stated in a previous posting:

TMT cannot provide "reparation", nor should they (not their fight), and has permits to proceed. If the Supreme Court rules otherwise (which is quite possible; reference US Federal law. "106" will be presented as case history with regard to funding of TMT; oral arguments set for August) it could be a problem for all of us. TMT will appeal, sue the State, etc., etc., etc. Hot freaking mess.

I verified through alternative means that your comment above isn't accurate - not by a long shot.

The current appeal that will be heard by the Hawaii Supreme Court deals with these four points- none of which deal with if a Federal Section 106 consultation is necessary.

(1) the trial court was wrong and reversibly erred when it found that the BLNR's approval of CDUP HA-3568 prior to the contested case hearing did not warrant reversal;

(2) the circuit court was wrong and reversibly erred by affirming the BLNR's approval of UHH's CDUA and the reliable, probative and substantial evidence failed to support the findings and conclusions that the eight criteria of HAR [Hawai`i Administrative Rules] ' 13-5-30© were met and such conclusions were wrong;

(3) the circuit court was wrong and reversibly erred when it found that the CDUP was subject to a sufficient management plan; and

(4) the circuit court was wrong and the Board of Land and Natural Resources failed to meet its legal and constitutional obligations in properly identifying and determining the scope of the valued, cultural, historical and natural resources in the petition area; in determining the impact on these resources by the proposed land use in the conservation district; and in failing to take feasible actions to protect such resources by improperly delegating its duties and obligations.

The Advisory Council for Historical Preservation even opined in a letter dated June 25th, 2014 to the TMT that a Federal Section 106 consultation isn't necessary for the Thirty Meter Telescope. The ACHP is the agency that oversees all federal agencies compliance with all federal historical preservation laws.
Aaron, I stand my by statements. Have my own "alternate means" which confirm machinations, and egregious actions (on both sides of this issue). BLNR/DLNR/UH included, as preservation of the legal stance is imperative, evidence the vote from last night by BLNR.

TMT suing the State is the biggest worry for Ige, et al., and rightfully so.

ACHP? LOL! What a joke. That will be disputed, no question.

This has the potential to get very, very ugly. I also maintain, this is much bigger than TMT. E pule kakou for peaceful resolution.

Pau (SO PAU with this banter).


P.S. As to your edit, addendums to court filings change the course of suits all the time. The portions you quote can change on the drop of a dime. NOTHING is set in stone to date. NOTHING.

Additionally, the extension of the lease is still hanging out there. No lease extension would be a real problem for the UH, and perhaps TMT. Again, we shall see.

Now, I'm pau.
Originally posted by opihikao

Aaron, I stand my by statements. Have my own "alternate means" which confirm machinations, and egregious actions (on both sides of this issue). BLNR/DLNR/UH included, as preservation of the legal stance is imperative, evidence the vote from last night by BLNR.

ACHP? LOL! What a joke. That will be disputed, no question.

Why is the Advisory Council for Historical Preservation a joke? I've spoken to several individuals who work with ACHP regarding a stalled highway project in Kona. They're very transparent, and extremely knowledgeable.

I refuse to divulge who I double checked your false statements with- except to say I have more faith in this person than you. Every single statement you've said that I checked with this person has proven false.

Originally posted by opihikao
P.S. As to your edit, addendums to court filings change the course of suits all the time. The portions you quote can change on the drop of a dime. NOTHING is set in stone to date. NOTHING.

The oral arguments are scheduled for August 27th, 2015. It is extremely unlikely the court will accept additional arguments above and beyond what is stated on that webpage. The current appeal deals solely with the BLNR's granting of the conservation district use permit to the TMT- nothing more, nothing less.


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