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how warm

Big dark clouds just started rolling into HPP, complete with little wind gusts, it is getting dark pretty fast too.
We are forecast to get hotter. [Wink][8D][Sad!]

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
It got up to 93 degrees in upper Orchidland today. IN THE SHADE. I have three thermometers and they were all in agreement. My humidity monitor broke so I don't know how high it was but it felt unreal. We had farm chores to do and it consisted of going outside, working as fast as possible, and then running inside and drinking iced water under the ceiling fan. Rinse and repeat. Two of us made it through nearly 2.5 gallons of water from the county jug plus many cans of seltzer water, and I don't know how many ice cubes, the freezer couldn't keep up. At one point I was melting ice cubes on my head trying to prevent any heat related illness. Fortunately for the animals, it was at least breezy today (it was about 3 degrees cooler yesterday, but no wind). Oddly enough I was watching the digital thermometer, when the wind picked up the temperature rose 2-3 degrees. The breeze felt nice, but actually increased the temp.

Stay cool. It just started sprinkling. Its cooler now at 5:30pm (only 81) but the sprinkles will juice up the humidity.
terracore - relative humidity in Orchidland was between 70 and 75% today. Assuming the temperature was 93 degrees (I don't doubt it, I was at 91), then your heat index was between 116 and 120 degrees. I'm not surprised you went through so much water and ice.
It's starting to feel cooler now. Of course I may be hallucinating!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I guess it's a matter of perspective. I would say less hot! [Wink]
Hard to believe that, as kids, nobody else's mother taught them to freeze clean bedsheets overnight, in preparation for the following afternoon's toga party!
Jeez, even my water heater's pilot light gave up the ghost today and turned itself off due to the heat...
I forgot to mention cause I figured yawl already knew why it's so hot. El Nino. Pacific is heating up this year:

And that's the good part of the El Nino story, US west coat relief from drought. However on the other side of this coin, Wally world, cosco and the other food suppliers who are dependent on SE Asia's food supplies, are going to experience one mean butt drought. China's economy is faltering currently and that is affecting the world's economy. Things will be heating up greater than the need for air conditioning as, a big drought in China and SE Asia whether ya avoid wally world or not is going to heat up yer pocket books too.
Well, last night we (Keaau town ) got 1.5 inches of rain...been quite a while since our little rain gauge has been that full!
And the trades & cool overcast weather is here...been playing outside doing the stuff that was WITHERING to do all last week...
& the town coquis were sure enjoying last evening!

The ocean water temps (or sea surface temps - SSTs) have been high since spring...with that scarcely 26C temp gradient line just off the Kona & south side of the island & extending eastward just to the south of the island (26C is the temp that cyclonic storms begin to be having 26C waters nearby = hurricane formation water is nearby...)

I like to look at the TPAC weather loops as they have the tropical Pacific from Mexico to west of Hawaii, you can choose stationary imaging or loops & what type of data, visible clouds, water vapor or short wave & once you choose your imaging, you can click boxes to add things like SST, lat grid lines & such, (SSTs are delayed by a week or so...FYI)

SST data alone is here(again there is a delay):

& the central Pacific hurricane page is always good to have bookmarked if you live here!

& the Hawaii radars:

OH & last year I realized, while in the evacuation shelter during Iselle, it is very good to have these bookmarked on all of your mobile data you may be somewhere else...


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