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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Originally posted by opihikao
Oh, Aaron, I'm so glad you have OHA friends, I'm sure they'll tell you everything the Trustees, and their minions are doing. Good for you!

I sense a tinge of sarcasm in your posting. Its not my fault that your "reliable" sources are telling you incorrect information. I have every right to call you on it.

Originally posted by opihikao
I'm curious if we have a couple of those paid bloggers/commenters right here on PW. Interesting new technical world we live in.

If you're directing your assault against me, you're barking up the wrong tree. I have no connection to the TMT project aside being a concerned citizen. I've lost several friends because of my position on this project. However, I still push forward, as I believe in the TMT and want to see it built despite all the naysayers out there.
"I'm curious if we have a couple of those paid bloggers/commenters right here on PW."

Have you seen any newbies in favor of reason and science and rationality here lately?
Me neither. The opposite, in fact. Maybe the thugs up on the mountain are paying people to post on Punaweb?
Originally posted by opihikao

Yes, PaulW, with conditions, (and some reservations at this point).

Oh, Aaron, I'm so glad you have OHA friends, I'm sure they'll tell you everything the Trustees, and their minions are doing. Good for you!


ETA: There are companies who hire people to support their project on line, and pay them for "blogging/commenting" whatever the proper terms is (I don't do all that Facebook/Instagram whatever thing). The TMT people do have their social media campaign, to counter the protestors/protectors online efforts. I'm curious if we have a couple of those paid bloggers/commenters right here on PW. Interesting new technical world we live in.

More with the motive questioning!!!!!! UUUUUGHHH!!!!!!!
Careful now, Opihikao,

"ETA: There are companies who hire people to support their project on line, and pay them for "blogging/commenting" whatever the proper terms is (I don't do all that Facebook/Instagram whatever thing). The TMT people do have their social media campaign, to counter the protestors/protectors online efforts. I'm curious if we have a couple of those paid bloggers/commenters right here on PW. Interesting new technical world we live in."

Some might wonder if you need to append "bob" to your name if you carry on with this line of reasoning. It's not becoming of you.
Originally posted by Aaron S

" I believe in the TMT and want to see it built despite all the naysayers out there."

Clarity and brevity without all the posturing and hyperbole. Aaron I back you on that. Apologies for previous doubts.
I've read so many, many insults about our Hawaiian people and our culture over the course of this TMT issue (and the lava threads, among others) that I did a little test in my "western, assimilated, trained mind". Treat others as you wish to be treated. Showing aloha to some of you obviously is taken as weakness here. Tried to be reasonable and ha'aha'a, now time for ha'aheo.

Thus, utilzing the manner in which some of you speak to each other, thought I'd test for reaction. My comment is a possible scenerio (done all the time), didn't mention names, but "circle the wagons" people, against the ones who dare to confront the majority.

Protestors are ridiculed, cops are ridiculed, our culture is ridiculed, our belief is ridiculed, and it gets really offensive over time. However, that kind of continued insulting behavior is all good with you folks, right?

Some of you have been downright rude and insensitive to Gypsy, dakine, Southermost, and a few others over the course of several discussions. Yet, again, that's OK with you people, right? Name calling, teasing, demeaning, is good for some, but not for "your own", right? HEWA LOA.

Mr. Tom, your responses tend to be somewhat cutting at times. Maybe because the majority here sides with you, it's more comfortable to respond in kind. Go ahead, add "Bob", I couldn't care less anymore. PW has lost alot of good people due to the manner in which some speak to each other. I won't walk away, but will treat others the way they deserve to be treated, just like some of you do. At least when called a "bloody tosser" and the like, you take it and respond.

My aloha stands for many here, others, not so much. Some sure can dish it out, but can't take it.

"Imua e na poki'i a inu i ka wai 'awa'awa. 'A'ohe hope e ho'i mai ai."


Those names you mention are curious.

Gypsy, a candidate for the psych ward

Dakine, a self admitted racist whos strategy amounts to "shut up and leave if ou disagree with me"


Southernmost, hard to recal but I believe active in the discussion in the earier threads as a strong supporter of the Hawaiian culture who was also a racist and unable to communicate with civility to those who disagreed with him/her.

Interesting. I suppose its all 'in the eyes of the beholder'

The plank you are standing on grows weaker with each post you've made recently.

No doubt a few have been insulting of your culture, but I don't see any of them around today, indeed they appeared to be recent additions and short lived at that. Try not to confuse those who were insulting with those who stand on the other side of the fence. They are separate and when you muddle them your ideology shows.

Originally posted by rainyjim

Those names you mention are curious.

Gypsy, a candidate for the psych ward

Dakine, a self admitted racist whos strategy amounts to "shut up and leave if ou disagree with me"


Southernmost, hard to recal but I believe active in the discussion in the earier threads as a strong supporter of the Hawaiian culture who was also a racist and unable to communicate with civility to those who disagreed with him/her.

Interesting. I suppose its all 'in the eyes of the beholder'

The plank you are standing on grows weaker with each post you've made recently.

No doubt a few have been insulting of your culture, but I don't see any of them around today, indeed they appeared to be recent additions and short lived at that. Try not to confuse those who were insulting with those who stand on the other side of the fence. They are separate and when you muddle them your ideology shows.


These people are also human beings, and intelligent if you read their posts without preconceived judgement, rainyjim. Thus deserve some acknowledgement (sans the crap spewing), compassion, and understanding.

Don't have a plank (that's "western speak" and for pirates). I stand on the teaching of my Kupuna, Aumakua, and Akua. My base is sound.


Self imposed time out again, as yes, my latest posts are getting less tolerant of hewa waha nui. No question.

If only more people could conduct themselves as Opihikao does showing respect, kindness and Aloha as she has done for years here on Punaweb. I always look forward to reading her posts.

Riots have just begun in Greece and the first domino is about to fall. It could be a very rough fall for everyone. Not a good time for a community to become divided!
Opihikao, if any of my posts have come across to you as racist, I'm truly sorry. When it comes to this subject, both your tone and mine have changed over time, and not for the better. I take ownership of my part of that, but there are reasons.

I, along with a lot of others, have lost patience with a Hawaiian "leadership" that can't bring itself to confront the extremist elements who are increasingly dominating all discourse on things Hawaiian. I put leadership in quotation marks not to be insulting, but more to point out that it has been lacking. You have agreed with me in the past that it is a grave mistake to allow your most radical elements to define what you stand for, but that is exactly what is happening. I know that open confrontation is not a valued Hawaiian cultural concept, but sometimes exceptions need to be made to save the bigger goal. Rigidly clinging to tradition sometimes is counterproductive.

You have repeatedly said that this is about much more than the TMT. I agree completely. That's why I keep saying that Hawaiians need to define what it is that they want in the way of a nation and develop a step by step plan to achieve it. Depending on how that process goes, I could even see myself supporting it. A tremendous amount of good will has been lost due to the protesters' approach. Again, I'm not trying to be insulting when I say it resembles a temper tantrum more than a plan to redress legitimate grievances. When that happens those grievances get thrown out with the bath water, so to speak.

I'll close by saying that sometimes a friend asks hard questions and calls a spade a spade. Sorry if it hurts, but that is not my intent.

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