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Upcoming IAU conference on Oahu
I wanted to post this in an existing MK thread, but couldn't decide which was best and decided in the end it's separate enough to be in a new thread. Rob, please move if you don't agree.

The International Astronomical Union will be holding its general assembly in Waikiki next month, August 3 to 14th. This is a massive conference with well over 2000 attendees from around the planet. TMT protests are expected but obviously no one knows yet what will happen.

HNN has an article about it:

Well, if they go from protesting telescopes to protesting astronomers then...then what?

Absolutely every single person I know on the mainland who has heard about the TMT protesters reacts with a variation of "Huh? Who on earth would protest a telescope?"

The protesters will look even more silly protesting a scientific occupation. It will be embarrassing for the State of Hawaii, the Kingdom of Hawaii (sic), and our species in general.

Should be interesting in a Donald Trump sort of way...

Hawaii can probably kiss any revenue from future astronomy conferences goodbye.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Originally posted by beepbeep

Hawaii can probably kiss any revenue from future astronomy conferences goodbye.

Pam in CA

But that's the objective - "give us our way, or we'll throw a tantrum that will impact the real source of income for the state".

It will likely be pretty ugly - and depressing. Astronomers will be told that they are committing cultural genocide, desecration of the "last remaining" (how sick I am of hearing that expression) whatever, destroying a pristine source of water that supplies the entire island, etc., etc. Push all the PC buttons - the media will love it.
Maybe destroying industries that are like it or not, main parts of the economy, IS the aim of this craziness? How much do these people want? As you indirectly suggest, extortion and blackmail or maybe just scorched earth?
Fix OHA, fix DHHL, don't attack everything else. Or I would suggest, dissolve OHA and DHHL.
Prime opportunity to create a platform to bring international attention to the oppressive occupation by the fake State and the quest to restore the Kingdom of Hawaii to it's rightful place at the throne.
Restore the land lords and crofters in the Scotch Highlands while we're at it too.
You better believe it. Will see if can get a contingent of squealing bagpipers on board in a show of indigenous solidarity - re-segregation movement 2015. Thanks, punaticbychoice.

edit: zealot's typo.
Jeez, I can imagine what that might be like! Dom Joly from Trigger Happy TV:
Several reasons why the warrior's of change or protectors should not be protesting on Oahu. They should stay focused and use the very valuable time given accordingly,jmo. Most the protesters are not against astronomers or science anyway, they won't be building the TMT at that convention. Doubt the state or national guard want another media circus atop maunakea during the meetings tenure. Maybe a platform and chance to be further heard or just an Ugly distraction from all the wonderful positives that can come from such a great convention, jmo. This TMT project has rubbed many neighbor's wrong for various reasons as well. Oahu has Thousands of good people who may feel compelled to exercise their rights or have a voice heard at the state of HAWAII'S important convention.
Better late than never, took a while to hold this type of convention in our state(why?) Wonder how this convention would go if it was held at the former Naniloa in hilo(closer to the astromers capitol)? Interesting how maunakea of the big island has been, or is the capitol of the astronomy world, With or without the promises from the TMT. Jmo here, Some do feel losing the TMT project, something we never had will cripple our economy. Where others like myself, feel Maunakea free from the TMT's tourism circus Will regain its health, integrity, and value while retaining its dominance and envy within the observatory communities.

Thanks Tomk,

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