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Relocating to Puna
Ika, so sorry you didn't make it. We even had a nice BBQ in your honor. We had a great time... Smile Still hope you will be dropping by soon.

Yesterday we built another corral for animals. We will be moving the pigs so we can clean out their pen. The mud is so deep they can't get out of it. We need drainage. We are going to build a new cement bottomed pen next to the new corral. Then the new corral will be come a banana grove. We can let the pigs in when all the trees are harvested and we can feed the pigs extra bananas. Should work out.. we hope! It's always an adventure to figure it all out. So now, how to get the pigs the 100 yards from the old pen to the new pen? I am guessing don't feed them for a morning, then in the afternoon take a bucket of food, let them get their noses into it and have them follow me to the new pen. Hope it works.

In the meantime, we are still trying to get a Kahuna for a house blessing and topping off party. We planned, unplanned and did that over a couple times. Finally the roof is on so we can really do it now. Sheesh...

They tell me this is wetter than the last two years up here. At least we don't run out of water! I remember when I first came, lugging 3 gallon jugs of water to every tree in the orchard foe a couple months for about 6 hours a day. No such problems now. They are all looking pretty happy and we have our first naval orange. The garden is full o lettuce now as well as carrots. New potato starts are coming up. Squash is coming up again. Yayyyyyy...

I am a totally lazy slug today. Went to down and did laundry (I can't wait for my washer and dryer back!!!) and am now showered up, in my mammies for the afternoon, cruising the net and drinking tea. What a life!!!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
The last few days have given us some pretty decent weather. We have set the forms and placed several tons of 3/4 inch base in place for the new cement floored 10 x 20 pigpen. It is coming along. If tomorrow holds some sunshine, I should finish the raised base for the new pig house which is temporarily in the new corral. With a tarp in place, we should be able to relocate the piggies tomorrow afternoon... so if anyone is bored and wants to get in on what should prove to be a hilarious experience, COME ON OVER! We won't be greasing them but covered in mud and pig poop from their current horrible conditions, it should be a hoot roping and delivering them 100 yards to their new digs.

The house is really coming along. Framing is pretty much done. The ohia posts should be going up the first of the week; there are 16 I think around the entire lanai. The bathtub has been framed in... wow, did I pick a nice big soaking tub. Wow. The hearth for the fireplace is framed in too so it's just really coming together in a way that is very visual.

Yesterday Todd, John L and Jackie came to visit me. It was pretty wet so they didn't get the full tour but we still had a great afternoon. Thanks for the visit guys! Jackie and I made a Todd sandwich by the end of the day and someone has a photo to blackmail him with....

Billy, my live in sort-of-caretaker is putting pickets on the stair rail and upstairs lanai rail at the cabin. Looking rustic but cool. Just another fun project. Oh, and resident genius Theo Lupien has installed the vent fan on the composting toilet at the cabin so the system (even though I am using it now) is nearly complete. We have a temporary evaporation field but the big one should be done as soon as a couple more friends finish their parts.

We have developed a great batch of people trading goods and services here in Glenwood and it's really nice. Thank you to all my wonderful new friends and even employees. Great job everyone!!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Today we loaded up the truck, gathered a few of the employees and their kids, drove to Hilo, stopped at Safeway and then headed to 4 mile beach for the aftgernoon! We have actually had 4 days of sun, are recovering from the torrent of wet, cleaned up the construction site prepared it for the electricians and a possible excavator AND the painters came and caulked all day so we needed an off day of fun in the sun. We gathered up our Hawaii spirit and even this old lady hit the ocean with joy. Several of the teens reported seeing and swimming with turtles, there were loits of clown fish and others amongst the rocks and the day was a joy. gotta get off the farm once in a while and just enjoy, and this we did today.

Tomorrow, back to electricians, excavators, carpenters, painters, pigs, tractor......... and all with joy.

Aloha Smile

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
What a great day here in beautiful Hawaii!!
I met a new couple today from the island of Maui. They just relocated here to the Big Island, just a few miles south of my place and came over to see the bit project. Lovely couple and I hope we will be seeing more of them.

The buys on the construction job have continued to work hard and I was inspired to buy a bunch of chicken and have a good old impromptu afterwork BBQ. It was great. Hazen's ladyfriend Abby did kitchen duty and made a lovely salad (with lettuce from our own garden), rice and some fresh green beans.. yum. I got to play with the bbq (plug it in, put on the chicken and kielbasa, put on the lid and come back in two hours!!). Everyone chipped in work or beer or something and we had a fine time. Conversations seemed to really get interesting tonight and we are all planning a mass trip to the boiling pots this weekend just to have fun.

The house is coming along amazingly now. Trim is finished, the place is caulked, fireplace is nearly installed.... plumbing is roughed in, electricians seem to have their stuff well under way and drywall is being delivered tomorrow. The excavator we hired (this is #2) took a thousand dollar deposit and has postponed coming for four days now since he first promised to be here.
What is it with these guys? I am left very disappointed with the ethics in situations like this, but have to take a deep breath and be patient. This is, after all, paradise!

Thanks to all my guys and their friends/partners/families for all they do for me here. It is really happening now... it looks like a home instead of a house almost.... can hardly wait for the next weeks to pass.

Aloha, Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
We are going back over to Hawaii to get our land cleared in Fern Acres in January 2006 with hopes of beginning the process of pulling a permit to build. When we were over there in September, we bumped into two guys that had just moved to Hawaiian Paradise Park From New Hampshire and they were contractors trying to get started. Has anyone heard of them? One of the guys' name was Justin Denny and he gave me his phone number. It has been disconnected. If anyone has his phone number, can you e-mail us?


Polly Petersen

Edited by - wayne_and_polly on 12/02/2005 23:54:57

Edited by - wayne_and_polly on 12/02/2005 23:55:29
Polly Petersen

We have finally found a legitimate Kahuna and have scheduled the house blessing and topping off party for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22.

The ceremony is scheduled to commence at 4 PM and we invite guests to arrive any time after 2 PM. The earlier you arrive, the more you get to help set up for this wonderful event. We will be roasting a large pig and sharing a feast following the blessing.

You are all invited.
RSVP 808 345 8440

This finally feels right. I look forward to sharing this joy with all of you who can attend.

Aloha and Mahalo
Pam Lamont

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Congratulations on your progress this past year Pam. Your account has been very popular and I would like to encourage you to keep it up.

My suggestion is that with the blessing of your new home it would be a good departure point to launch a new thread to continue your story.

With your concurrence I would put a lock on volume one on December 22nd and leave it in archive. With over 200 posts it is getting long. I will look forawrd to volume 2.

Chairman, Punaweb Committee, MSPA
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Aloha Pam,

My husband and I recently bought a house on your road, so I guess that makes us neighbors. We'll be moving in permanently in January, so I'll look forward to meeting you. I've enjoyed reading about your place and progress. It all sounds wet and wonderful. Keep on keepin' on and keeping us all up to date on the latest.

Hi Pam,

How is every thing going on the Ranch?

David D

Edited by - David D on 12/07/2005 23:09:43
We have been talking about getting more chickens for months now. Today my friend, Thunderfoot, of the Native American Center, phoned to say "I am catching you chickens today and will bring them up this afternoon." This she did and we not have two more roosters (one very mature and one young) and five more hens. Then, wouldn't you know, the one hen we have had brought her new brood of chicks up from the woods to the dog house where we always feed the chicens. So, now, we also have five baby chicks that appear to be less than 48 hours old. We put straw out and she is cuddled into a corner. Although we have dogs, they don't use the dog house... and why should they with a nice old sleeping bag on my front porch/lanai to sleep on! So, now everyone seems happy and I HAVE LOTS OF CHICKENS!! Yayyyyy...

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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