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The History of the overthrow told by Hawaiians
Posted by dakine:

"Yes PM2 please check your reality, I suspect you've stroked yourself so much you're running dry. At least the tone of your posts these days suggest ever Five Finger Mary must be having a hard time pleasing you."

That's vulgar in a disturbingly creepish way, dakine.

Tom, thank you for catching that.
Re the post dakine deleted, which Tom alerted us to, I wonder if Punaweb is going to need one of those "flag if offensive" options. Because it was very offensive.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
I've seen pics somewhere of ppl dancing in the street when Hawaii became a state. I think a lot of people were very grateful to the US after WWII. There must have been some in Hawaii who were happy, proud, even relieved to be a full-fledged state. Of course the US isn't idealized as much, if at all, today.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
No matter what happens for Hawaiians a big question is going to be: who gets counted as a Hawaiian? Live in Hawaii for x period of time? Born in Hawaii? X generations of ancestors living in Hawaii? Hawaiian blood (and if so, how much)?

And the same question applies to who has the right to make decisions about things Hawaiian.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Þetta er ein af mörgum ástæðum af hverju Íslendingar drepið alla Skrælingja margar aldir síðan.
Enginn er væla um víkinga yfirtöku í dag. Lifi Eiríkur rauði og borða meira lutefisk!


You promoting genocide now? Smh. I see where you stand when it comes to Hawaiians.

The promotion of genocide is a creation of your disjointed imagination. What was written is simply how things happened. As per knowing where I stand when it comes to Hawaiians, again, that's another imagining of your own creation.

As per what it means... it means count your damn blessings that "Hawaii" or is it "Oahu", "Maui, etc (because the sum of the islands never had a singular representative native name) didn't encounter the Vikings and or another dozen or so other cultures that would have laid siege to these islands for their own exclusive occupation. I'm tired of hearing this nonsensical crap of wrong doing by Europeans/Americans to the Hawaiian peoples by a select handful of whiners that don't represent the native peoples of these islands but lay claim to an all encompassing title (Hawaii) that never represented these islands as a whole prior to Western intervention.

ETA... and NO, I'm not going to dignify any more of your delusional nonsense with debate. You're a citizen of the United States of America, get over it.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Þetta er ein af mörgum ástæðum af hverju Íslendingar drepið alla Skrælingja margar aldir síðan.
Enginn er væla um víkinga yfirtöku í dag. Lifi Eiríkur rauði og borða meira lutefisk!

This is one of many reasons why Icelanders killed all Skraelings centuries ago.
Nobody is whining about the Vikings takeover today. Long live Eric the Red and eat more lutefisk!.

So why would you post this other than to say that America should have killed all Hawaiians? Again your true colors shine through.

Actually your self projection shines through perfectly. GET OVER IT.
"By way of trying to say that Hawaiians voted for statehood PaulW stated that 75% of the population of Hawaii was born in Hawaii, in 1959. But he does not clarify what the ethnic makeup of those people were"

For dakine, it's all about the race. The color of one's skin is their most important feature. You're a racist, pure and simple.
Tell me again to "shut up and go back to wherever it is [you] came from".

Thank you, Kaimana, for keeping race out of it. You should distance yourself solidly from people like him, they seriously hurt your cause.

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