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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Posted by gypsy69:

"Why does the TMT allow or have our island keiki wearing buttons, shirts, and waving signs in support of passing the EIS report?"

The TMT has no say on what people wear, what signs they wave or what buttons they want to display, and quite what this has to do with the EIS is beyond me. I think gypsy's mind is overloaded; we're not discussing a Janet and John book. This is becoming so ridiculous I'm withdrawing from this thread. Perhaps someone else can take this on, because quite frankly I'm becoming embarrassed to tell people I live in Puna.

ETA. Edited for clarity.
I'm becoming embarrassed to live in Puna.
Some (observatories) may be hidden or not being counted correctly

This is very good news. If something as large and exposed as an observatory has been under counted, you know what that means? Other things have been under counted as well. And by things I mean specifically the Wekiu Bug. They are so small and live under cinder most likely the numbers published in the EIS overlooked many bugs just as they did the hidden observatories. After reviewing the statistical procedure for their calculation of the Wekiu population, a new more accurate total would be 13.76 quadrillion bugs. So no longer endangered.

Also, I believe some of the secret observatories were not counted due to the simple fact that they are not observatories. One is a black ops GMO Wekiu Bug breeding facility, creating a new strain that can live all of the way down to sea level, and the other domes are various multi-use facilities such as ski lodges, schools, and fine dining establishments. In any case, not observatories. I hope this answers the question about the seeming discrepancy of observatories on Mauna Kea.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
gypsy69 - You ignored this on another thread. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed the weiku bug from the endangered species list, due to the great work being done in the management of the conservation area.

Oct. 24, 2011

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:

"The removal of the wekiu bug is based on the successful management of the summit of Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii. Survey work resulted in more than doubling the number of sites where this species is found. The protection and monitoring of the wekiu bug provided through the management plans for Mauna Kea has precluded the need to list this species."

"Also, I believe some of the secret observatories were not counted due to the simple fact that they are not observatories."

I've heard something similar. Because of the melting Arctic ice the original entry to the inside of the planet--which is hollow btw--had to be moved to Mauna Kea. They had to exterminate the last surviving herd of Easter Bunnies to do so, but they did all the deconstruction on cloudy nights and no one was the wiser. Word is that the protestors shutting down the mountain was part of the whole plan. Apparently the TMT would have just plopped into the entrance and would have ended up kind of floating back and forth at the center of the earth with no stars available. And as everyone knows, a telescope without a star is like a bullet without a gun.

I am of mixed emotions on the whole thing. On one hand, it's pretty cool to have the entrance so close to Puna, kind of a sister project to the Kalapana UFO landing area. If things get bad natural disaster-wise, being able to duck inside the earth via Mauna Kea could be invaluable. On the other hand, I always hate to see another species go extinct. This time it means parents all over the world will be responsible for preparing those Easter baskets. As if the assassinations of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy by Monsanto weren't enough of a burden. Sad

Oh well, life marches on, and my ambivalence likely tells more about me than the reality of Mauna Kea...

Originally posted by gypsy69

Some very glaring problems within the EIS reports. For starters why hasn't a federal environmental impact statement been provided? Federal funding of the TMT project had been admitted or confirmed to the tune of $8-13,000,000 dollars by the end of 2008. With expressed interests of continuing funding from (NSF) throughout the construction and OPERATION phase's of the TMT's project.

The FEIS was accepted by Governor Lingle in 2010. There was a 60 day window after acceptance that anyone could've contested the document's findings. The document can't be contested after that 60 day window and becomes a binding document.

The TMT FEIS deals with the federal funding for this project The long story short is the funding was used to create a astronomical partnership plan for the US astronomy interests. At no point any NSF funds were allocated for construction of this facility. The latter would trigger a Federal Section 106 consultation process.

I have a letter from the Advisory Council for Historical Preservation from 2014, which states there wasn't a need to do a Section 106 consultation.
The document can't be contested after that 60 day window and becomes a binding document.

Protestors are doing a pretty good job of "contesting" it...
Aaron thanks for the clarification. Read somewhere that some of that NSF funding was spent on the planning and technology side in constructing this project? This process of ignoring or side stepping the many environmental concerns hasn't worked out to well in the past. Where is former governor Linda Lingles Super Ferry now?
The NASA EIS report from 2006 for the outrigger project would be interesting reading material. The TMT EIS report keeps eluding to having little to no effect on the summit of Maunakea, the word mitigate is confusing and a bit misleading. The TMT's often mentioned findings, assessment's, and statements claim the many previously built telescopes have done enough environmental damage to the summit of maunakea. That now Adding the TMT will not make anymore of a difference, in fact the past damage caused will be lessened( mitigated) by building this TMT?

Most of the data provided regarding the TMT's environmental impacts to Maunakea never seem to mention or include the up to 1,000,000 more visitors many possible impacts?( Example) Yes, dust will increase with the construction work. Yes, dust will increase with the added doubling of observatory employees to the summit, that will come with the operations of the TMT. Shouldn't the added tourism or visitor impacts be considered when trying to predict environmental impacts to the summit?

As for the keiki questions from prior posts? The strings attached program ( promised education for allowed desacration) is somewhat disrespectful, jmo. Keiki can wear TMT made shirts, button's, and wave signs to help promote the TMT important EIS project. Then They should also be able to walk, pray, or stand on their Mountain anytime they want, protesting or expressing their displeasure of the continued development and desecration atop Maunakea is also their right. These new restrictions or laws to have them removed or arrested is not pono in my opinion.
melting Arctic ice the original entry to the inside of the planet--which is hollow btw--had to be moved to Mauna Kea...the last surviving herd of Easter Bunnies

This makes perfect sense as over the course of the protests Mauna Kea has become the focal point for so much imagined activity*, it's only right it becomes the tent pole for ALL imagined activity in the Pacific Basin. Who knows, perhaps it has already received that designation at the Trans Pacific Partnership meeting on Maui this past week.

I do feel bad for the imaginary Easter Bunnies, but especially for the Bunny Believers who didn't yet realize they were invented out of thin air*. It's going to be a cold, oxygen deprived awakening.

* Military applications such as bendy twisty city destroying laser beams, water tables in the desert, etc
** Such as the air at the top of Mauna Kea
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
1,000,000 divided by 360 = 2,777

100 folks per guys no can go, to much buses go'in up da Mauna Kea

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