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Hawaiian Acres Problems
A homeless encapment in the acres would be a challenge . There are a variety of issues related to the homeless . Mental health problems, drug problems , criminals, .
It is far from town and services, rains a lot not really good for farming , seems like it would just be a housing situation. And that could turn ugly fast if not properly managed .
Originally posted by Peter Epperson

While watching the news the other night I was amazed that the Honolulu city council was seriously debating wether or not to house hundreds of homeless people in an abandoned Hilo Hatties store. What could possibly go wrong? I had images of the superdome in New Orleans after Katrina. Then I imagined a different scenario where some motivated, imaginative and tireless individual, or group, would offer a plan to take some of the productive homeless and teach them to garden.
Not all homeless people are evil and scary. Humans have a default mode of fear when presented with new idea. Skepticism and pessimism are the first knee jerk reactions. Many homeless people are not hopeless losers. Many Micronesians left their homes for the possibility of a better life in the US. They would love to make a living and support their families but life in the US can be intimidating even for some people who have lived here all their lives. Others may be a paycheck or two away from affording first and last months rent. Donald Trump would call them losers. I'd call them out of luck.
Some friends of ours are starting a farm for vets in Papaikou. Kamehameha schools have given them a dollar a year lease for the 32 acres where they will teach vets to garden and market their wares. If you listen to the news you know that many homeless out there are vets. Some suffering from PTSD and many just out of luck. We shouldn't fear them.
I live in Hawaiian Acres. This is my 40th year here in HA. I would welcome a project that encouraged people to learn to support themselves here. It would have to be well thought out. Nobody would support a dumping ground for trouble makers. Our dysfunctional community is inadvertently doing that already by it's constant bickering and innability to plan anything. A plan to welcome those homeless that can demonstrate that they have the energy to improve their lives and their community would be required. It could work.
Thinking inside the box is for squares.

peter ,,, you are lookin in the right direction,, positive ,, and good values ,,,, thankyou
Originally posted by justthefacts

a homeless encampment will create a mountain of problems. why hawaiian acres , my guess because it is cheap land out of sight , and away from the city.
everyday , everyday cops are at the park in hilo for one problem or another. the homeless are a growing population in hilo and it is becoming a big problem for the downtown area .

where are your Christian values now ? your moral outrage has been openly and deliberately seen here for a long time ,,, are you trying to start a new movement ? something close to your heart ,,, maybe you could join up with the crazy guy at Lincoln park with the disgusting hate speech and photos ! it would seem you two and mimosa have the same values ! not in my neighborhood ,,, not in my town ,,, not in my schools ,,, bigotry and hate is so entrenched into your heart that you feel good about spreading your hateful message .

get a life and try to be a human being for a change !

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