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Then she goes after the group of 10 holding the board back from doing their job. They are only trying to protect the associations assets, and not wasting money. Moreover, that investment money is for emergencies not maintenance. Ruth is a buffoon!
I couldn't agree more. Glad you pointed that out because that's exactly what that small group (probably smaller than 10 actually) is trying to do...protect our monies and ensure it's spent wisely. The former Pres did have a reputation of not checking her facts before speaking.

I haven't received the July 2015 financial statement yet w/the Pres's letter and it's not posted on our website. Obviously the letter was written while Ruth was still Pres.

From the last I heard, the VP was hunting for 2 lot owner volunteers for HRC. The board is supposed to appoint all the HRC members per our bylaws and task the HRC. Otherwise all actions are illegal. It's like dejavu with what happened last year on the HRC under the VP's direction...going rogue again? Hiring friends or relatives again? I think she wants to make sure she's involved in who replaces Susan. It's not a good situation and not in HPP's best interest.
There will be no excuse for not helping out people in HPP this time if we turn back into a fallen albizia hell with no power for weeks. Every other subdivision had their community centers in operation shortly after the storm, I know because I had to go there to get water, ice and information for almost 3 weeks while our board did nothing.

Well, they aren't a brand new board now, let's see what they can do if we have a weather emergency.

I guess you didn't read my earlier post swr. We have HPP NW, CERT and HPP Community Emergency Committee who has been working diligently over the course of the past year to get an emergency plan in place. They have made trial runs and are on alert before the storm hits. They are ready! Kudos and mahalo again to all the volunteers.

After storm Iselle, many volunteers were passing out/or delivering water, food and ice to our members at our activity ctr or their homes. That was up and running w/in several days after the storm. I was one of the volunteers so I know. We also delivered water to HELCO while they worked on our roads. June Conant, Leilani Bronson-Crelly and Bruce Derrick spear headed getting the hui set up for ice, water, food, and calling for volunteers after Iselle.

What our board hasn't done is get the albezia eradication program going with those lot owners who have lots along our main drags. As I suggested in an earlier post, at least get the ball rolling on contacting those lot owners who have liabilities bc of their albezia trees.

Our VP/interim GM who was on the job for 7-8 mos didn't start eradicating the albezias on HPP easements either and it still isn't a priority w/the board. It's been brought up at least twice at board or membership mtgs but still nothing. Those albezias are also our liabiities. Yes, there are many albezias on our easements and on absent lot owners' lots, but they've got to start somewhere. Over a year's time we could've made some progress.

Empire building was more important...who was going to work in the office, and lastly who was going to be the GM, delay delay delay on that too, in order to meet the terms of someone's agenda.

Darryl Oliveira said it's up to the people to make sure they have at least 48 hrs of food, water and meds. He said it's not the board's responsibility. CERT is the intermediary between members and the civil defense and disaster relief organizations. CERT will monitor and assess the needs of the subdivisions and contact the appropriate organizations to assist. Mr Oliveira would've explained this to our membership had he been invited to speak at our last membership mtg.
"Darryl Oliveira said it's up to the people to make sure they have at least 48 hrs of food, water and meds. He said it's not the board's responsibility. CERT is the intermediary between members and the civil defense and disaster relief organizations. CERT will monitor and assess the needs of the subdivisions and contact the appropriate organizations to assist. Mr Oliveira would've explained this to our membership had he been invited to speak at our last membership mtg."

I am not talking about expecting the Board or Civil Defense to take care of my food, meds, or water during the first 48-72 hours. I am talking about the weeks after that when much of HPP still had no power, which means no water for most of us. Civil Defense commandeered all the ice for the first week, which meant all of us who had to go to work in Hilo every day couldn't buy ice at any price. Ice was available for free at virtually every other large subdivision, IF you had the time to line up for hours, which working people didn't, I had to spend virtually all my waking hours either working or lining up for ice. The only subdivision with a community center who didn't open up the building to the members was HPP, that was telling, they wouldn't even allow the people who pay for that building to use it. The excuse of that one tiny downed line was BS, the boulders blocking the parking lot from 17th could have easily been moved, or the entrance off 16th behind the maintenance shop could have been used, the board just wasn't interested in serving the residents of HPP after Iselle.

My road alone had over 15 big downed albizias blocking it, not a single tree was removed by either HPP or HELCO, it was all the people on the street with their own equipment. We ran ice, food, and water for our neighbors who don't drive and the one's whose cars were trapped in their driveways, but it sure would have been easier to pick it up at our own Hui instead of driving to Leilani.
Wow, sorry I misunderstood SWR...your situation sounds like it was one of the worst in HPP. Your story about the downed trees on your road and no outside help to remove them...incredible. There were many different states of emergency going on after the storm. Some people were up in power w/in a week, others 2 -3 wks.

For those who didn't have power w/in the 1st week, what would you have recommended be in place at the hui that would've made life a lot easier? I know there are members who are volunteers on our emergency committee and NW emergency that read PW.
Originally posted by mermaid53

Wow, sorry I misunderstood SWR...your situation sounds like it was one of the worst in HPP. Your story about the downed trees on your road and no outside help to remove them...incredible. There were many different states of emergency going on after the storm. Some people were up in power w/in a week, others 2 -3 wks.

For those who didn't have power w/in the 1st week, what would you have recommended be in place at the hui that would've made life a lot easier? I know there are members who are volunteers on our emergency committee and NW emergency that read PW.

Access to ice, power to recharge devices, and internet to communicate with worried family members and find out what is happening would have been huge for us. The information we got at the Hui in Leilani was invaluable, but Leilani is pretty far away, it would have been nice to get that information closer to home.

Most of the Maku'u side of HPP experienced the same protracted power outage, and the dead ends on both sides of the subdivision were some of the last to get power. Some of the biggest albizias in HPP are on HPPOA land and every year they spread more seed all through the subdivision.
In 2007, Chip Sealing was planned for road paving in HPP until the Road Traffic Safety Committee shot it down. The board did not approve the project. So…here we are again. The Group Of Ten (GOT) (that scrappy group of residents who chase the rest of you out of meetings) is again trying to sabotage chip sealing for the gravel roads. For the first increment, $350,000 has been allotted. If road paving is an issue for you, please let your voice be heard. Let us not let these funds go to waste. (This is the former Pres's msg posted on the HPP website)
Just to clarify, the RTSC which started in 2010 isn't the same entity that the former Pres is speaking about. Prior to 2010, the committee was called RTSPC "Road Traffic Safety Policies Committee". Since the newly formed committee wasn't allowed to make policies, I asked the board to allow us to drop the "P" out of the name. So the recently decommissioned RTSC has nothing to do w/what she's talking about.

First of all, I can't believe the board allowed the msg to be put out there for all to see. They should be embarrassed. The above is just a snip of her entire blunder of a msg. Ruth Mizuba is harassing members by calling them "that scrappy group blah blah blah". That's against a board member's oath isn't it? That's not fostering an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation for members to assist in managing HPP per our bylaws, is it? Her claim that members leave bc of this GOT is an exaggeration. Maybe 4, her chip seal supporters leave??? She continues to put her foot in her mouth. And members thought BJ was bad???

This "GOT" that the former Pres likes to refer to are actually not a group of 10. It's more like 4 who get up and speak often (for the membership) at board mtgs and membership mtgs. Maybe we feel like a group of 10 to them. As posted earlier in this thread, members present at our last membership mtg supported the motion to request the board provide a presentation at the Oct membership mtg regarding the chip seal. That motion is still very much alive and is supposed to be picked up at our membership mtg in Oct. This majority board of 3 has illegally tried to side step this motion at the last board mtg by trying to shove the chip seal through. They don't care about our bylaws, RR's or what members have to say. This group of 2 "GO2" stated point of order. The first point of order was ignored. The 2nd point of order was ignored. One of the 3 board's supporters yelled "shut up!" viciously. She wasn't called to order by the former Pres or the VP.

Again I have to say, 3 of the board who keep pushing chip seal and their member supporters, aren't promoting transparency. One member has an agenda to get it on her road and her road was slated to be the first at the last board mtg. It wasn't the GO2 who thwarted it per se. The GM said he'd like to look into another product and that the contractor for chip seal has some legal issues going on right now.

Yet unbelievably certain people still wanted to shove it through any ways. The treasurer said let's not waste the $ even on one road if the GM is going to explore a different product. That makes sense doesn't it? And since when does funds "go to waste" when they're not being spent as the former Pres states in her Pres msg???? This is the former Pres for you wanting to spend spend spend our monies. If she's not informed about other things she says and writes, then what about her knowledge or lack of, regarding the spending of members' monies on chip seal?

I feel like this issue keeps getting shoved down our throat because 3 board reps doesn't think the membership has any rights to vote on this very expensive and extensive project. We are merely asking for more information via a presentation so WE CAN VOTE informed. They don't want us to vote or have any say. Why not is the question? Is there something to hide? This is about transparency period. These 3-4 board members and their supporters just can't seem to get it. TRANSPARENCY OF OUR MONIES is all we want. Especially this amount of money!
I was part of the last hurricane. Im a neighborhood watch for my street in the middle of HPP. I delivered water and ice for 11 days to those unable to get out.And patrolled at night for the NBHD watch

I had a mean run in with one of the board members when they finally opened the HPPOA site for disaster help. I was on my 3rd run of the day and she told me ( actually screamed would be a better term)

" Get the F--- out of here. and said I was stealing the toilet paper for my self" ?? I asked the National Guard what i should do and they didnt have jurisdiction there.

I unloaded the water and ice ( and the 4 rolls of TP ) and drove to Pahoa for my next 3 loads. I would take 1 case of water and 2 bags of ice a day ONLY and give them to neighbors.

I went to the next meeting to complain ,and the board protected her and called the HPD on me. I said whats the problem??

They said u better go or we will have u arrested. I had done nothin. But I left. I wont give up helping my neighbors

Judi Houle has done such a exemplary gob with the Neighborhood watch in HPP
It now has about 80 people .And she organised the Albezia training workshops ( 5 so far) with BIISC and others. She paid for the albezia poison and everything out of her own pocket!!! She should be the GM as she has a deep caring about our park.

We have several like her here thank goodness.

Just remember there are good people out there trying to help all of Puna. I see some here on this forum

Dan D

dan d

I'm guessing it was the District 8 Board of Director - she likes to throw the F Bomb in between her smoke breaks!
11 months ago a few brave people called a special members meeting. All this could have been prevented.
All this could have been prevented.

Disagree: the problems will continue as long as we have "privately owned roads (open to the public)".

Without the road maintenance issues, there's no need for HPPOA to collect $2M/year in mandatory dues, which means far less to argue about.

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