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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
This thread is from 2013 and it was first noticed around south Puna then. In fact, it sounds like it started from a very small area around Pohoiki. It is still concentrated in south Puna but now being reported into Hilo. This is a great opportunity for a large scale spraying of fungicide by helicopter over Pohoiki, the center of the infestation. Killing the center might slow the spread.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by pahoated

This is a great opportunity for a large scale spraying of fungicide by helicopter over Pohoiki, the center of the infestation. Killing the center might slow the spread.

I'm not sure if that was serious...
If it was, then I'll say it's not the best idea I've heard.
Article on bark bettle control and spread of fungi

A beetle that damages ohia has been known at least since 1896

Plagithmysus bilineatus Sharp, 1896
English Common Name: Hawaiian two-lined ohia borer
Taxonomic Rank: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Clytini

Former Puna Beach Resident
Now sailing in SE Asia
HOT BuOYS Sailing
Hey Gypsy
The article quoted was indeed a Rust outbreak that did kill many ohias.

This cerosystis is different

Dan D

Originally posted by dan d

Instead of speculation,heres the latest update on the situation.


The ceratosystis wilt of the Ohias in the puna district is the definitive cause of the Disease thats killing the trees. It is a fungal infection ,it attacks the cambium layer of the tree( This is the transport mechanism for nutrients to go up the tree to the crown) The tree starves and usually dies in weeks.

They have found that the powder from boring beetles is viable and deadly to the trees. Also the spores can travel on tools( The spores are sticky),vehicle tires etc when moving from a contaminated site to a pristine Ohia area.

So if you have dead ohias please dont
(1) Take them to the land fill
(2) Dont sell them as posts
(3) If you cut them down clean your tools


Dan Dolaptchieff

Any backyard gardener know that disease comes to weak plants. Seems as thought the area surrounding geothermal heavy industry is where the trees are dying.

Leilani is so unique and incredibly beautiful, a nature lovers paradise for sure. Each time I visit there I find the beauty of nature mesmerizing. It's such a shame that heavy industry and it's pollutants were ever allow there. Criminal.
Heavy industry? Geothermal? Have you ever been to the geothermal plant? Have you ever been to a coal burning plant? You should take a look at some of the so called heavy industry in cities like shanghai or beijing before you term geothermal heavy industry.

Geothermal is about as environmentally friendly as energy gets.

Thay aside you complain, but whats your proposed alternative? More coal? More oil?

More armchair enthusiasm isn't what we need. We need more geothermal stations.
I'm pretty sure gypsy's suggesting we nuke it from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
Originally posted by rainyjim

Heavy industry? Geothermal? Have you ever been to the geothermal plant? Have you ever been to a coal burning plant? You should take a look at some of the so called heavy industry in cities like shanghai or beijing before you term geothermal heavy industry.

Geothermal is about as environmentally friendly as energy gets.

Thay aside you complain, but whats your proposed alternative? More coal? More oil?

More armchair enthusiasm isn't what we need. We need more geothermal stations.

Jim are you saying there are no pollutants involved in geothermal industry? My understanding is they are added to the wells for various reasons that vent into atmosphere of the surrounding communities. As well as pollutants injected back into the earth and into the water table. Geothermal is NOT a renewable source of energy.

To answer your question, what is a better alternative? Solar/wind. I was just in Germany to witness every inch of available roof top with solar panels. Austria is doing amazing things with energy conservation as well. I was impressed.

Most importantly we as a culture need to be educated to become more aware of our energy usage and to cut down enough to make a difference.

Your Shanghai comparison is a bit exaggerated and not applicable. I'd say nice try but I know you are smarter than that from your posting history.

I've witnessed a series of disasters from geothermal heavy industry in Puna since it's inception. I've spoken with medical doctors who treated the neighbors with the same debilitating symptoms. I've been to meeting to hear the neighbors one after another speak about long term sleep deprivation from nighttime drilling loud noises and vibrations. You can't fake that, nerves frayed and always on the verge of tears. I could go on and on.

Now the Ohias are dying in that very vicinity. Another of the many many coincidences of destruction? Or the truth that geothermal is not the way to go and is a danger to any neighboring community.

Solar and wind have negative effects on the environment. Solar panel production is not an environmentallg friendly process; Wind - can kill birds and bats (kind of a big deal for Hawaii).

Geothermal is renewable if reservoirs are managed properly - FYI.

I don't see how a coal burning plant in a heavy industry comparison isn't relevant.

The current alternative to geothermal in Hawaii is fossil fuels, if we shut down the geothermal plant or fail to start new wells we will be forced to rely on fossil fuels.

Is there a secret solar / wind grid that I haven't been made privy to? Even if there was how will the issue of meeting baseload energy demand during non sunny/windy periods be addressed?

I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you but geothermal is the future of this island and the only probability of energy independence.

What disasters have ever occured - related to geothermal in Hawaii? For that matter how do you define disaster I feel we have reached an impasse for that particular term.

Correlation does not equal causation, this recent ohia wilt does not even correlate witn geothermal industry timelines in puna even if correlation did equal causation.

Enough with the fear-mongering!

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