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sovereignty squatters arrested

Yeah, the Hawaiian Kingdom told me it was ok for us to camp out on your property and use your home... How would you feel?

Lucky these fools didn't show up at my house. I'd be serving their hawaiian rights on a pupu platter.
Your link goes to the local news page but I see nothing about trespassers. Can you post a more specific link?
should work now...
We can only hope they ask for reparations to pay their bail, to complete the circle of life.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by ericlp

should work now...

Thanks for the update, this should be an interesting case, hope they don't just kill the dogs at the "Humane Society."
They'll likely ask the judge to send them to Pu'uhonua!
Sad that all these people claiming to be Hawaiian, invoke the sovereignty claim, Hawaiian Kingdom national, etc., and the rest of us are apparently judged by their actions.

This kind of behavior is not representative of all of us Hawaiian people. Some of us actually work for a living, and try to maintain property that is ours by birthright, although we pay huge taxes to keep our aina in our ohana.

What these people did is totally HEWA, totally BOGUS, and totally UNACCEPTABLE. For shame.

JMFO. [Sad!]

P.S. The names are not uncommon in the criminal sector either. Bunch of dumb jackasses. (Sorry. Well, no I'm not.)
Hey now, we each got our bad apples in our own bunches. It did strike me odd though to see the 70 and 80 year olds!
Originally posted by Kapoho Joe

Hey now, we each got our bad apples in our own bunches. It did strike me odd though to see the 70 and 80 year olds!

I hear you, Joe, however, this is the kind of crap that give the genuine effort towards any "recongnition/nation building/sovereignty/Kingdom" (whatever it's going to be called). Talk about losing credibility in an argument!

For the love of God, this is almost as bad as that damn "Perfect Title"/"Laulima Title" crap where you don't pay your mortgage because the title is bad. OMG. SMFH. (rolling my eyes)

Have a good evening, Joe.

JMFO. [xx(]

"...all these people claiming to be Hawaiian,..."

What does that mean?

"...and the rest of us are apparently judged by their actions.

This kind of behavior is not representative of all of us Hawaiian people.

Are we comparing Hawaiian/Chinese/English people to Hawaiian/Portuguese/Filipino people? Or is it Hawaiian/Japanese/German people to Hawaiian/Scottish/Cherokee? Since we are stereotyping behavior by race it could be critical.

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