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"TMT will rise, as Hawaiians (kanaka maoli) rise, like a "phoenix from the ashes". Changes will be made on the State level as to "Conservation", "Management", "Preservation", "Cultural Rights", etc. That is the win/win, and silver lining. In reflection, this video of the June 24th protest shows the pain of a people, and the meaning of "idle no more". So much mana that day, indescribable commitment and presence of Kupuna, Akua, e na Aumakua:"
That queasy feeling you get after overindulging on too much sugary cotton candy and too many syrupy sweet drinks in one sitting.
A storm is coming that we may live to see, and our children will for certain. It will be without precedent in human history, or even our darkest imagination. If Hawaii is to be a place of refuge then we have to learn to live together in peace and harmony and mutual respect on this rock in some sort of self sustaining fashion. If not, what is going to happen to the rest of the world is going to happen here also. There is no winner/loser to this Free Hawaii conflict. It must be win / win for all parties to this disagreement. There is a middle ground that can and must be found. The stakes are very high. This is not politics as usual. I came here to sit out the apocalypse, not participate in it.
You can't fix Samsara.
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The End is Nigh. The apocalypse approacheth. Like a phoenix from the ashes, the protectors will rise up and bring forth as refuge the middle ground to the new reinstated Kingdom.
Chalk up one more argument on the side of the Free Hawaii conflict.
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quote: Originally posted by imagtek
A storm is coming that we may live to see, and our children will for certain.
Imagtek, I find your posts mostly sensible and wise, hence you have my attention. Details, please? (Not that being apocalypse-resistant didn't factor in my thinking, too... it just wasn't high on my list).
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Trask is another one that has lost it. She was with Pele Defense Fund way back when, there was a falling out, she becomes a lawyer for Hawaiians that want to become an IPP, that falls apart, now back to Hawaiian cultural rights. She is still on this christian contaminated new age interpretation of the Hawaiian religion which is really mixed up. Come on, she was not only a supporter but a huge driver behind Pele needing defense from humans, and it took funds (money) to do that.
She is dragging up all the history of the observatories and the history is the reason the word haole is used the way it is. The first guy got the state to agree that the economic benefit would outweigh the cultural impact, putting the first telescope right on top of the most sacred location on the summit, on top of a cinder cone. That was 1967. Subaru and Keck came afterward and just bulldozed two large cinder cones flat. Maybe Poliahu didn't like that, four workers died building the Subaru observatory.
All of that was due to one white guy that pushed his way to being the king of the hill. That's what its all about, why playing king of the hill for hours on end as a child is so important. Everybody wants to be king of the hill, but there can be only one.
"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
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quote: Originally posted by gypsy69
Aaron you are a champ, sure like the way you can handle yourself on a forum.
The short answer to your three questions you had for me is, NO. I did not include myself in any of the long 7 year TMT process," didn't even no about it." Really was not in favor of the past 8 to 10 Observatories that had been built atop Maunakea the last 30 years. This building of bigger and bigger telescope projects atop maunakea has been going on for the greater part of five decades now. I have not been in favor of any of them, including this TMT project.
I'm sorry that you were offended by my line of questioning. However, I was just pointing out that the opponents of this project had seven years to raise their concerns about this project. No one contested the allegedly flawed FEIS, or made a stronger effort to convince the CDUP permit contested case hearing officer that he shouldn't affirm the BLNR's granting of the TMT's permit.
None of these processes were altered to support this project. The contested case hearing process took over a year to complete. In addition the FOF the hearing officer compiled addressed every concern the opponents of this project had. It was the most comprehensive,and binding, decision I've ever read.
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gypsy69 apparently has never read a newspaper or listened to local news during the 7 year process. I have heard and read numerous things about the TMT over the years.
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"Then maybe our island keiki could learn to ski or surf the summit lake like the Chinese tourists do?"
My surfing pals tell me Lake Waiau is not their favorite surfing spot, in fact, none of them have ever surfed there due to too many novice surfers in the way; they don't understand the rules. Apparently, the main problem is there is no surf so that's where a million visitors go to learn how to balance on a surf board. Everyone gets in the way of each other. No one can actually move anywhere without paddling.
I believe there were a number of complaints this winter that it was too cold and the 100+ mph winds made wind surfing on the lake rather tricky. One or two surfers got launched all the way into Hawi.
As for all the Chinese surfers, they need a good place to learn how to surf on a lake without any waves before taking on the ocean, so you can understand why they might be up there. The TMT will be so large that it will shelter the lake from future hurricanes, so even if the rest of the island is devastated, Chinese surfing will survive.
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Rumor has it that some of the TMT staff who relocated to Hawaii are now returning to the mainland because it's not clear that construction will ever be restarted.
Meanwhile, UH found another $1M to give raises: