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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
Again, this subject line started in 2013 and geothermal wasn't blamed but implied. Now we know it is definitely a fungus. If it is an African or South American fungus, then we are going to know that somebody smuggled in plants on their sailboat in the Pohoiki area. This OP was a direct observation of something going on in 2013. Now, it has spread and has been identified. A helicopter spraying of perfectly safe fungicide with absolutely no effects on animal or human life over Pohoiki, Leilani, Opihikao and Nanawale should eradicate most of the threat to Puna overall.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by Hawaii Bound

Harry Kim was all Pro PGV when he was in office and head of Civil Defense.

He didn't became anti PGV until he decided to run for office again. Hmmm, coincidence that he thought he would get sufficient votes from the anti PGV people to put him in office that he conveniently became anti-PGV?!

What he didn't realize is that the anti PGV folks are an EXTREMELLY vocal minority. They just seem larger than what they are because of how obnoxious they are with their message.

Source both assertions please otherwise I call it worthless drivel ,ie prove anti PGV a are a minority,and the assertions about Harry Kim .
Originally posted by pbmaise

If Ohia are sensitive/stressed by imaginary emissions, they should also show stress at actual sites of emmission.

The ohia trees at the steamvents lived just fine in a near constant mist of gas coming from below. They would not have grown there if the emissions were bad. Go up to the summit and walk the trail along Iki Caldera and view huge ohia that survive fine too. They survived right next to a giant lava eruption.

So refocus please on the actual cause of death


and focus on vectors

Vectors are how fungus gets in.

A. Root system?
B. Bark beetles?
C. Carpenter bees?

Is there a new vector?
B. Rotting strawberry guava fruit?
C. Pigs digging up root systems?
D. New bark beetle?

Is population of vector out of check?
A. Low kikiki huna population?
B. Coqui frog changed ecosystem?

So it does appear that it is indeed a fungus - even though it only had affected sweet potatoes , so as yet an undermined variation of the original sweet potatoe virus.
And then their is the vectoring factor, or ideas on how the disease started .
Honestly I have not read all of the posts on this topic , but it appears that the trees
start dying from the top down - is this correct?
If so then the vectoring leads to the virus being airborn in some fashion - right or wrong?
Sorry, but for someone who drives down the road with a video camera and claims to see space aliens and UFOs to say that something is drivel I find very entertaining. You also believe that the government is trying to manipulate hurricanes to hit the Hawaiian really want to talk about drivel!?!?!?!?!

If you have been here anytime at all you know that Harry was pro PGV when he was in office. I won't hijack this thread to discuss Harry any more but I had to respond to someone with your mentality calling something drivel.
Bob, they die from the top down because the trees lose the ability to "pump" water and nutrients up to the top of the tree, so the top dies first, and as the tree continues to lose energy the leaves lower on the tree start to go.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Originally posted by Justin

Bob, they die from the top down because the trees lose the ability to "pump" water and nutrients up to the top of the tree, so the top dies first, and as the tree continues to lose energy the leaves lower on the tree start to go.

Thank you Justin, "lose the ability to pump water up" meaning the problem starts at say the root level ,but the visible effects of the tree dying, start at the crown? Or is it that the dying of the crown results in the the loss of the ability to pump up water?
I don't know - and I'm sure anyone knows - where the problem starts, but the effect is that the roots and the water transmission ability in the trunk are compromised, and accordingly the top of the tree is the first to die off because it's the farthest from the roots.

As an aside, one of the main reasons that Redwood trees can grow so tall in California is that they're constantly in the mist, and the upper branches can get water without having to have it all pumped up from the roots. Most trees reach their maximum height based on how far they can pump water against gravity.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Ran across this article, not sure if it could be relavent to this thread or not.

Also has me thinking about all those previous attempts to kill off the coqui frogs. Is it possible some of the different spraying agents used, could have contributed to the outbreak? We had our acre here in leilani sprayed with a white lime or caffeine looking powder, to kill off the coqui frogs before we ever saw the Ohias dying. Leilani association did this spraying for free, unfortunately it did not work as the coqui were still chirping only minutes after applying the agent.
Sounds like Citric Acid.
"So it does appear that it is indeed a fungus - even though it only had affected sweet potatoes , so as yet an undermined variation of the original sweet potatoe virus."

Its not a virus its a fungus. These are not interchangeable.

"And then their is the vectoring factor, or ideas on how the disease started ."

The vector is as of yet unknown.

"Honestly I have not read all of the posts on this topic , but it appears that the trees
start dying from the top down - is this correct?"

The researchers at CTAHR / USDA have aready confirmed this.

"If so then the vectoring leads to the virus being airborn in some fashion - right or wrong?"

Incorrect, there is no reason to think that this fungus is 'airborne'.

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