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They were mowing yesterday about the middle of Kaloli.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Here's some highlights of Wednesday's board mtg:

A new board rep was sworn in. So now we have a board of 9 again, although 2 have missed some meetings.

The new President did a good job running his first board mtg. The board mtg itself wasn't as organized as it could've been. The new Secretary doesn't appear to be getting much assistance from the "older" board members in his new job. The ones who've been around since last July. Someone suggested the last board Secretary may be able to assist in training him but the Treasurer replied that she was only the "recording" secretary...whaaaat??? Doesn't make any sense.

There was 2 different w/President involvement and one without. It is the President's job so why would there be another agenda w/out his knowledge...???? Is there another President running HPP?

There was an email board vote to bring in 2 new HRC members and the President had no idea as he was left out of the loop. He was pretty upset about this and told the VP, the HRC chair, she was not tasked yet to do anything. (Straw votes, whatever you want to call it are usually reserved for states of emergency. There is no emergency here) When things move this fast outside of board meetings, it makes one naturally think there is something unethical brewing. Can't help it when there's secrecy and a lack of transparency. Nothing's secret in HRC except when salaries are discussed, right?

There is a temp filling in for the admin job in the office. The VP chair has already directed the HRC to rewrite job descriptions. Why would you have to rewrite job descriptions if HRC2 had done their job properly the first go round? Maybe now that the admin person left, they have to rewrite the job descriptions back to how they were supposed to be??? The 2 lot owner members need to stand up and follow the bylaws no matter what the chair says. The Board has to task and approve EVERYTHING they do and again approve what they've completed. Good luck to them. Be careful that there are no conflicts of interest like the last time this person was chairing this committee. If they have any questions they can go to the board President for guidance.

The park idea has been dropped. With Greggor Ilagan running for another political seat, the board has lost confidence in how things would turn out w/someone else handling this business. So it's a no go.

Strange of the board members asked if a member on the road assessment committee could be anonymous. What a ridiculous question first off and secondly, what a ridiculous question. The person's name was already put out there and appointed to this committee at the last board meeting.

Having a food pantry in HPP was discussed and voted on. The Pres is ensuring that the details will be worked out professionally and correctly. After the board voted to have the usual Thanksgiving dinner at the hui, a board rep commented this Thanksgiving dinner in HPP may be the last. No, it's not the "no more cookies for you (NMCFY)" rep, but the other one. Have to say it is consistent w/wiping the slate clean like so many things w/some of these board members.
You write about the board meeting as if you were there.
You were not there.
You are correct. It's a collective report from 2 former board members that were. I was unable to make it unfortunately for the first time in many months. Thought others might like to hear what happened as no one else has reported anything yet. Glad to hear you're attending meetings again.
So the park that Ilagan has been touting as one of his big achievements is bye-bye? Interesting early result of his premature and opportunistic declaration for higher office. For once, I don't blame the board for balking.
Originally posted by mermaid53

You are correct. It's a collective report from 2 former board members that were. I was unable to make it unfortunately for the first time in many months. Thought others might like to hear what happened as no one else has reported anything yet. Glad to hear you're attending meetings again.

In the interest of clarity and transparency it would be greatly appreciated if you would differentiate between "this is a 1st hand report based on what I saw and heard myself" and "this is a second hand summation of what other people have told me."

There is a very real difference between those two, and while perhaps your motives were pure, any reader would assume you were speaking from personal experience, not just summarizing what two other people told you. I give far greater weight to 1st hand information than 2nd or 3rd hand, so I like to know when I am reading the latter.
The park idea has been dropped.

This frees up valuable County funding for another project, like a park in Hawaiian Acres.
"The park idea has been dropped. With Greggor Ilagan running for another political seat, the board has lost confidence in how things would turn out w/someone else handling this business. So it's a no go."

Maybe someone should tell Greggor ! He posted the following statement on Facebook yesterday.

"The process is underway to build a community park in Hawaiian Paradise Park. This is one idea. What would you like to see? - GI"
What would you like to see?

A "public" park that isn't inside a "private" subdivision...
There is a very real difference between those two, and while perhaps your motives were pure, any reader would assume you were speaking from personal experience, not just summarizing what two other people told you. I give far greater weight to 1st hand information than 2nd or 3rd hand, so I like to know when I am reading the latter.
Yes I should've stated this wasn't all 1st hand. Some of what I've written this time is 1st hand mixed with 2nd hand accounts. I checked my 2nd hand information by speaking to two different individuals who were there and they both recounted things the same way. They're both individuals who know our bylaws, how board meetings are supposed to be conducted, been attending board meetings so can follow the agenda from month to month, and recognize discrepancies when there are any. I felt comfortable reporting 2nd hand because of this.

One more thing to add that occurred at the meeting, (2 second hand accounts stating the same information)...a member spoke during owner input w/chip seal road material samples in hand. They were from a road in Orchidland, where he also owns property. He doesn't like it at all and thinks it'd be a bad decision to put that on our roads.

IMO, if we use our road crew to put the chip seal down, this will take them away from their own duties and get us further behind on mowing/weed whacking our easements and upkeeping the dirt roads.

I'd rather the board spend that "money that's going to waste" per our former President and restripe and install reflectors on all our main include Beach and K Rd which are main feeder roads. This kind of expenditure would serve more members by providing safer roads to drive at night. When it's raining it's really unsafe when you can't see the center line.

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