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sovereignty squatters arrested
Apologies to not acknowledge Opihikao,,,,, your "squatter post" is what woke me up enuf to post again ... I was gonna ask for the video of that ... Especially you not blinking ...

Camera on your face, guy kowtow to you >>> Blank stare, then wink he neva' see.

Catholic schooled, no permanent( physical)marks,

A tip I heard from a social worker concerning ice heads:
If they start to back off while you're confronting them, they're not retreating... they're preparing to attack you with a running start.

Glad your Dad survived the nuns opihkao. If they couldn't kill his spirit, no doubt it made him stronger.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by pog

Apologies to not acknowledge Opihikao,,,,, your "squatter post" is what woke me up enuf to post again ... I was gonna ask for the video of that ... Especially you not blinking ...

Camera on your face, guy kowtow to you >>> Blank stare, then wink he neva' see.

Catholic schooled, no permanent( physical)marks,

A'ole video (on my phone), pog, I get one "flip phone", which doesn't have "service" in our (that) area. It is a new world, where I should have video, the kids do, I no more. Don't care. Dead stare, dead eyes, no blink, etc.

When it's "stare down" time, all I got is my "Mother's eyebrow" (the one on the right that goes up, as the head is bowed to the left), and Kupuna "mana". Freaking people really unnerved me. Ugh!

Still playing "War". Mahalo for the link, as the side videos (the ones after the initial song) are inspiring and thought provoking, neva mind, good music!

Aloha, pog. Sincere kine, not BS. This is freaking a new world. WTH? All we can do is "Roll With It"...(volley, again. [8D])


P.S.[:0] (as I'm writing) My kids posted on freaking FB the entire confrontation. They are now in purgatory, "time out", and everything else that goes with, "do NOT air our private matters". [Sad!]

These freaking kids. PA'I! (Squinting my eyes...waiting to strike...with more than an eyebrow.)

PIA. (Not a "Hawaiian word, btw.)

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

A tip I heard from a social worker concerning ice heads:
If they start to back off while you're confronting them, they're not retreating... they're preparing to attack you with a running start.

Glad your Dad survived the nuns opihkao. If they couldn't kill his spirit, no doubt it made him stronger.

[Smile] Daddy had a four (4) octave voice. Could sing each and every song, within range, and pitch perfect. Miss him terribly. (Sorry, O/T. You can see that we are still winding down from the day's events. Kala mai. [V]) Miss my Daddy, he stood for what is right. Always.

Mahalo, again, HOTPE, gonna go check on mo'opuna, who have to rest, and stop playing that horrid music! OMG! [:0] Aloha to you.

May all the squatters of the world get some rest, get a job, and get a life. Or, at least, the very least, ask permission to "squat". Some of us may understand your plight, as we hope you understand ours.

Good night all.


Back to topic, one cares about my dissertation about freaking people squatting on our land? How about the knife? Nobody cares? Obviously (rhetoric, don't bother answering).

Well, squatters are not part of the equation, and do not imbued sincere "standing of rights". A'ole. No way. [Sad!]

JMOIO. (Just my old irritated opinion. At this point.)

To answer this, you did good and were brave for standing up for your rights. You were in the right.

Personally it makes me sad, it seems lately that hawaii has become a dumping ground for those with mental issues from the mainland.
Originally posted by opihikao
...May all the squatters of the world get some rest, get a job, and get a life. Or, at least, the very least, ask permission to "squat". Some of us may understand your plight, as we hope you understand ours...

Very well said opihikao, pretty much sums up the whole thread. I certainly appreciate your perspective and enjoy your posts. I'm glad you were able to get the squatters off your property, and that it didn't turn ugly. Aloha.

It is a convoluted history, and surely one the pro american flag waving bigots here on PW will throw back at the Hawaiians rather than being sensitive to the pressures of the times.. but as told in the english speaking press.. i.e. the US biased version of the story...

I seriously don't know how respond to that.. Do you know how that sounds?

The English Language shall be the medium and basis of instruction in all public and private schools, provided that where it is desired that another language shall be taught in addition to the English language, such instruction may be authorized by the Department, either by its rules, the curriculum of the school, or by direct order in any particular instance. Any schools that shall not conform to the provisions of this section shall not be recognized by the Department. [signed] June 8, 1896 Sanford B. Dole, President of the Republic of Hawaii

This law established English as the medium of instruction for the government-recognized schools both "public and private". While it did not ban or make illegal the Hawaiian language in other contexts, its implementation in the schools had far reaching effects. Those who had been pushing for English only schools took this law as licence to extinguish the native language at the early education level. While the law stopped short of making Hawaiian illegal (it was still the dominant language spoken at the time), many children who spoke Hawaiian at school, including on the playground, were disciplined. This included corporal punishment and going to the home of the offending child to strongly advise them to stop speaking it in their home. Moreover, the law specifically provided for teaching languages "in addition to the English language," reducing Hawaiian to the status of a foreign language, subject to approval by the Department. Hawaiian was not taught initially in any school, including the all-Hawaiian Kamehameha Schools. This is largely because when these schools were founded, like Kamehameha Schools founded in 1887 (nine years before this law), Hawaiian was being spoken in the home. Once this law was enacted, individuals at these institutions took it upon themselves to enforce a ban on Hawaiian. Beginning in 1900, Mary Kawena Pukui, who was later the co-author of the Hawaiian–English Dictionary, was punished for speaking Hawaiian by being rapped on the forehead, allowed to eat only bread and water for lunch, and denied home visits on holidays. Winona Beamer was expelled from Kamehameha Schools in 1937 for chanting Hawaiian.[/i]

More at:

Googling for beaten for hawaiian, only brings up the same articles and the same two examples. It appears that some teachers took it upon themselves to enforce a law that shouldn't have. Then it also brings up this article, which seems to contradict everything.

The Hawaiian language was never banned. The worst was that occurred, was that it wasn't allowed to be the primary language taught in schools and that seems to be more targeted to the Japanese than Hawaiian.

The "beatings for speaking hawaiian" seem to be on the scale of a spanking and not real violence. I am sorry, but I do not consider "rapped on the head by a teacher" to be on the same level as "beaten". Growing up, my friends and I received worse beatings for being the wrong skin color.
Originally posted by opihikao

Originally posted by Mtviewdude

Again, some were beaten for speaking our language, and worse. (ie. Massie case, etc.)

I want to know who was doing the beatings to those speaking Hawaiian.

From what I have heard, it wasn't roving bands of white people finding people speaking Hawaiian, it was mostly ohana who wanted their kin to learn to speak english.

I really want to know or where I can find out more, because it keeps getting thrown out their as a symbol of oppression.

MISSIONARIES. (BBM) Not the ohana. That's pure BS. Please.

Research, MVD. Google is a great tool; and make sure you use good "key words" like "Beaten for speaking Hawaiian language", Bishop Museum documents, Iolani Palace documents, Kamehameha School/Bishop Estate documents, etc. It is there.

Don't take my word for it, via my Kupuna (who were beaten in schools for trying to teach children who didn't understand English). No denying it then, nor in this day and age. It is pure truth. Our language was banned. Further, I would NEVER question what Kupuna told me, and they had no "links" to prove the tale. They did not need it. The Kupuna word was "gold". In essence, you're looking for a "link" or proof, whereas, my "proof" lies in Kupuna mouth to my ear.

Back to your question: It is the way of the "conqueror", in any situation (although, the "Code Talkers" were valued by the great USofA, as an aside).

1) Take away communication (language, in our case)
2) Take control of land
3) "Strong arm" and divide a people (ie. a few carrots to those who "bite", in the vernacular).

The "Art of War", as it were. Very basic. For most of you who were raised elsewhere, it also applies to those of us who were raised here.

Now, shall we change the title of this thread, since it's gone off on another tangent? With due respect, if the question was asked in honest "wanting to know".

Back to topic, one cares about my dissertation about freaking people squatting on our land? How about the knife? Nobody cares? Obviously (rhetoric, don't bother answering).

Well, squatters are not part of the equation, and do not imbued sincere "standing of rights". A'ole. No way. [Sad!]

JMOIO. (Just my old irritated opinion. At this point.)

Not ohana, my apologies, teachers.
MT View dude: "The "beatings for speaking hawaiian" seem to be on the scale of a spanking and not real violence. I am sorry, but I do not consider "rapped on the head by a teacher" to be on the same level as "beaten"."

You carefully leave out the deprived of food and not allowed to return home to family as punishment for speaking your own language part of the narrative, can you imagine being punished for speaking you own language by being deprived of seeing your family for months on end? These are exactly the methods used by missionaries in the Native American boarding schools to destroy the Native American cultures and turn the younger generation into what the missionaries defined as "productive citizens". Wrenching children away from their families and culture, and physically punishing them for speaking their own language, is "real violence" to individuals and to a culture. Sorry you were beaten as a child for having the wrong skin color, but that does not justify what was done by the government and missionaries to an entire people to ensure they were the ones in power, and that the Hawaiians would have no voice in government in the new system.

The Hawaiian Kingdom went from non literate, without a written language, to being the most literate nation on the planet in one generation; when the official language was changed to English, and schools imposed an English only policy in the education, they became "illiterate" again in terms of being able to use the language of the government and business. What better way to disenfranchise a whole people than to switch the language from one they read and write to one only the conquering elite use, and then make sure they punished for using the language their families and the Hawaiian Kingdom had used for the business of government? If you can't read, speak, or write in the language of government, you can't participate in that government.
If you can't read, speak, or write in the language of government, you can't participate in that government.

Try to "participate" in our current government without an army of lawyers and a big pile of money, and guess what, you'll find that you can't read/speak/write in the "language of government".

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