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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
These money driven corporate developers are taking lands away from the Hawaiians, then evicting them from those lands(much like our protectors). This may be happening to our Maunakea as well, some Hawaiians are no longer afraid to speak up or wanting to except the empty promises anymore.

JMO, We may see more of this on our island as well, if development is not done right.
Please don't feed the trolls, it only encourages them....
money driven corporate developers are taking lands away from the Hawaiians

How unlike DHHL, which holds these lands "in trust" ... for nobody to live on.
Some people think the Hawaii state supreme court is going to rule for the challengers, essentially delaying TMT construction for at least several more months, possibly stopping it. If it gets blocked, that will be it for any kind of technology investment on this island. The fact is the top employers are service and construction, after government. As long as tourism stays strong, the minimal economic contribution from the observatories has little local importance. The whole issue is a state issue on state lands but it is interesting how there is not a peep from this county council about supporting or being against TMT. Ask them if one ply toilet paper is more economical than two ply and the ramifications of one ply being less polluting than two ply, then there would be resolutions and bills galore. Just all part of the wackiness of the Hawaiian life.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
^^^ In your opinion right Ted ? ^^^
FYI: The County extended the TMT permits due to the protest. It was briefly mentioned when the Visitor's Center "quietly reopened":
(*Snipped - More at link)

Aug 8, 2015 - TMT's grubbing and grading permit was set to expire Aug. 30, but Hawaii County recently agreed to extend it for a year.

As far as the Supreme Court, we shall see. Many await their final decision. For reference:

Full video of Supreme Court Hearing (unedited):

The dissertation, "Justice in the Air", by Professor Williamson Chang after the hearing: (*Note: Professor at the UH, School of Law; 37 years tenure)

The Justices were quite candid, and probably already knew the answers to the many questions asked of all counsel. Should you choose to watch the raw unedited video, please observe the body language of the Justices, and their statements throughout. Quite telling.

We all wait. Patiently. Watch the above, and come to your own conclusion.


ETA: Pahoated, TMT will not be "stopped"; worse case, the "conditional permit" will be sent back to BLNR. That would be the problem. This whole damn thing is full of BS, and worse, political BS. As usual. Me thinks Ige is like Lingle (with Superferry), with less testosterone, and for lack of a better word, balls. [Sad!] (Sorry...) Oh, and BTW, if the damn State and UH had done their job, TMT (and all of us) would not be going through this crap. Don't even ask me about freaking OHA (SMFH).

Again, JMO.

"ETA: Pahoated, TMT will not be "stopped"; worse case, the "conditional permit" will be sent back to BLNR. That would be the problem. This whole damn thing is full of BS, and worse, political BS. As usual. Me thinks Ige is like Lingle (with Superferry), with less testosterone, and for lack of a better word, balls. (Sorry...) Again, JMO."

Totally agree, Opihikao. If this is sent back to the BLNR it'll become a complete shambles. I'm hoping against hope the justices understand this. No one wins if the BLNR becomes involved again.

Edited for clarity.
"“We have in our Constitution, our statutes, in our county ordinances … the most robust set of environmental and cultural protections in the law of any state in the union. And we’ve all collectively decided that’s really important. … Just as a developer, if they don’t get their permits, (they don’t) get to build the thing … if someone does get their permits … people don’t get to stop them,” he said."

Well said, Senator Schatz. (from the Tribune Herald)
The article says the state supreme court has no time requirement to make a decision but they have agreed TMT is legally allowed to proceed with construction. At this point, the protesters are left with sitting on and across the road, as deep as they can. That is what they were doing on Maui and DLNR just arrested the ones that wouldn't clear the road. The observatories did get their first approval by using the financial benefit to the community. That was supposed to pay for bulldozing several cinder cones. Now, they are back to promising economic benefits for the community, hundreds of higher paying jobs. There is also the paradox that astronomers stay up all night and don't have any idea what is going on with the day culture. Hilarious.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
"he makes you feel good but completely avoids making any statement that would commit him to one side or another of any given issue..."
Duh. He IS a Democrat...

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