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Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea
So in the interest of preventing further cultural genocide, maybe we need to instate some laws prohibiting interracial marriage. That ought to sit well with dakine, at least. ....judging by past posts of his promoting global segregation.
dakine, imagine a British (or German or French) skinhead who said that all foreigners (i.e. anyone whose family has less than 100 years of history in that country) should not be allowed to vote. And if they don't like that then they should shut up and go back to wherever it is they came from.

What would you call that person? A "protector"? After all, it's not like the local Brits (or Germans or French) have an option to go back to where they came from. And yeah you can say they can go back to Africa or wherever but let's not get that silly.

Yes, I will keep quoting your racist rant every time you ask where the aloha is. It can't be found where you are.
While not necessarily directly related to "cultural genocide", something I happened upon this morning while looking up related content.

From the Southern Poverty Law Center, ...something anyone with eyes and ears knows to be true, something within our local culture which has shamefully been ignored or rationalized for too long:

(Haunanai Trask is mentioned, surprise!}
It's too late for that, PM2, with names like Trask (English descent), and Kobayashi (Japanese descent) the "watering down" has already taken effect. KJ's post linked to a very " eloquent" speaker, who in my eyes may have more serious listeners if he would take the time to be more professional in his wording, instead of ranting like the guy by the park. JMO

Community begins with Aloha
Excerpts from a speech by Haunani-Kay Trask:

We don’t need to know what the haole is telling us...

When you gonna make war, you get your facts down and you make war. The opposition knows that. Aren’t they making war against us? You bet they are. Who do you think is funding that war? The guy who owns the Advertiser that’s who...

I’m so tired of people telling me I make them feel bad. Good! Ten flights a day. United Airlines. Beat it!

We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America, and everybody who supports it.

And the truth is, that racists are taking everything away from Hawaiians, and they will not be content until Hawai’i has no Hawaiians left.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Oh Wow, This is such news...Not.
After reading thru this thread I forgot that I wasn't on Craigslist rant and raves anymore.

Guys. You know all this hee-haw back and forth bitch slapping is getting pretty silly.

And There's no cultural genocide going on. If anything there's a Cultural Renaissance.

Nothing constructive going on here, Move along.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I think a RICO investigation is in order because of the apparent shake down going on over TMT.
To all here, this is by popular vote in 1959, the 50th State of the United States.
The precedent set by the Civil War (1861-1865) makes it clear that any form of secession is not going to happen.
The Kingdom of Hawaii existed as a product of brutal bloody conquest.
The Kingdom was incapable of existence as an independent nation ("State" by international legal terminology) by the 1890's.
Comments such as noted from on Ian Lind's blog brought to our attention by Kapoho Joe (@ 09:59:03) are worthy only of contempt and will and are causing a negative reaction.
I can no longer give any credence or sympathy to advocates of an independent "Hawaiian State".
The ability to function as an independent "Hawaiian State", kingdom or otherwise does not exist.
I guess the logic is that it's okay to steal from the government because of sovereignty?

I'm not sure about the ukuleles though!

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs strongly condemns this morning’s arrests on Mauna Kea and again urges the state to cease further enforcement action and arrests until legal questions relating to the Mauna Kea emergency rules are properly resolved. It is our understanding that the individuals were arrested this morning while they were in the act of pule, or prayer. Native Hawaiians have constitutionally protected rights to reasonably engage in traditional and customary practices, and regulations cannot eliminate the exercise of these rights. We hope for a resolution that ensures our beneficiaries’ rights are protected instead of violated.
"Here comes law enforcement, quick, pule!"

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