Originally posted by TJRETO
Wow! I am new to this aspect of Hawaii culture. I know I dont totally understand the roots of all this. To me, it sounds like bored teenagers;;;;That being said;;;I am proud to be an American and was taught to respect everyone;;;I also have STRONG feelings about people messing up the land. I feel like they could dismantle that eyesore on top of Mauna Kea as it is probably fell into obsolesance...I hope we (as people) find a way to minimize damage to the environment before its too late.
Why do you oppose the TMT and the MK Observatories? Because they "are eyesores"? That is the entire base of your opposition of the observatories; you don't like the way they look up on the Mountain?
I have carefully weighed both sides of the issue before coming to my opinion. I personally know and am neighbors with both Scientists and Protesters. I researched the footprint the TMT was going to take up and yes, I will admit, I even considered the fact that I would be able to see the dome from my home. However, I also considered the scientific advancements it would allow the human race to make. I thought of the unique and pristine environment on the Summit; I also considered how carefully and respectfully my Scientist friends treated that land. I researched just why Hawaii, in conjunction with her Atacaman Southern Hemisphere twin, are such unique Astronomical platforms. I spoke with my protesting neighbors and looked into Native Hawaiian holy sites, access rights, Summit Flora and Fauna.......
Then and only then, did I come to an opinion.
I support the TMT and all Observatories and Workers on the Summit. I am putting in a lot of overtime which has me flying, mostly off Island right now, otherwise I'd be up on the Summit with an "I heart the TMT & Summit Workers!" sign.
I fully support everyone's right to their own opinion. I just hope we, as Americans with a right to our own opinions, realize how fortunate we are to be allowed to exercise that right. I hope that people are smart enough to back up that opinion with facts and not muddle it with hearsay, racism, and talking head-bullet points.
We're all here, because we're not all there!