MarkP - I was not "dumping" on Rob. I was actually complying with what he asked and that was bring it back to Hawaii. He even commented to that effect.
Kapoho Joe - Comments like asking if someone wants whine with their cheese was left field of what I was saying. No one was whinning, merely pointing out facts. And I am not a Man for the second time. And why comment in a manner as to be condescending ? I fail to see how that contributes anything to the conversation, and in fact has quiet the opposite effect.
dakine - An old Hawaiian Tutu that was born on Molokai told me stories about it, and I have heard it from several of my elders as well.
Stizz and Frank - Thanks for your comments
Punatic007 -
Now to answer your questions you asked earlier. It definitely started out as immigrants. I could hardly believe it started with the newcomers wanting war since they were fleeing where they were and just wanted to find a new home. We watched from a distance for a while, not getting involved, so we found out later why they came. As we watched we saw they were dying and starving. The crop seeds they brought would not grow. We felt bad and went to help, gave them seeds and showed them how to grow food in their new home. But then the differences of cultures lead to clashes, as it often does anytime humans are in proximity to each other,LOL..... Even family members fight from time to time. It is an inescapable element of the dynamic of people. It really doesn't matter who started it first, it led to war unfortunately. That is what happens when humans cannot agree to disagree. We did try to get a long but eventually on one side or the other there will always be those with their own ideas and go against their group and agreements, and take matters in their own hands. It happens in any war. When that occurs distrust grows and it is hard to get back to any form of peace and it escalates usually. So people were brutally attacked on both sides. Sometimes Europeans would dress up as Natives and kill their own and blame us. These things happen in war. That is the past and there is no going back. We honestly do see everyone as our brothers and sisters and still want to help if we can. As far as good and bad people, as you put it. Again a concept we do not have in my culture. We have the honorable way of doing something and the dishonorable way of doing something. It is similar but not exactly the same meaning. So, yes, in any culture,race, gender, economic status, political status etc.. there are those who will be honorable and those who will not be. For example, not all Germans were Nazis. As for "I hear ya about the dumbing down of America, Zionist extremists now own our media. He who controls the media controls the narrative, controls the country. They were slick and have a history of underhanded take overs on a large scale, this is not the first country they have manipulated and deceived.
All of human history is filled with inequities, greatness and everything inbetween.
My favorite attitude is held by the displaced nomadic hilltribe peoples of SE Asia, all they want are the opportunities to change with the rest of the world, as it changes continually. When I asked a chief if they held grudges for the long list of inequities suffered, he was briefly offended I would ask such a question. Said "there's absolutely nothing productive about blaming or holding grudges about the past, instead we move forward"."
I totally agree
Rob - I always appreciate your input and super appreciate you letting hash things out here---Hugs