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Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds.
Sounds like collecting some detailed documentation as AKpilot outlines in her post above might be a good next step after tonight's meeting, Ino. Good discussion here. Sorry to hear about the stressful situation for you.

Just like I can't drive down the middle of the road, helicopters can't fly lower than 1500' AGL over my house.

You can fly a drone up to 500' provided you maintain visual contact and do not engage in a profit-making activity...
This meeting was dealing with tour operator helicopter, & had 3 of the tour operators in the audience, along with Cindy Orlando & Danielle Foster (I think...didn't write it down) from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park...

Had some really good insights & discussions...

Hopefully there will be some positive actions after this meeting, I could see that Paradise tour rep was writing down a bunch of notes

Did get feed back from HVNP that they would very much like to see a minimum of very visible aircraft ID#s on the belly of the helicopters, so that they are visible & identifiable from the ground

Many agreed that the pilots (many of whom are only here a very short time) need much more training, esp on the "lay of the land" on this island.

And most truly felt that the FAA should have personnel on this island, with over 14,000 tour flights annually
And that the FAA should have much more data available (they should KNOW who is up at any time & what altitude they are flying all times & THEY should be the ones enforcing the 1500' AGL altitude regulations, not requiring citizens to provide all of the data (including images & those friggin' aircraft ID numbers that are on the upper anyone underneath could ever know that number!

Although there was a nice turnout, this should have been a standing room only event, with the concerns many have on this issue & the scope of the representatives that were there...

It seem that Dennis is very agreeable to having another meeting, hopefully a followup meeting on what suggestions have worked, in January... so hopefully there will be a full house in attendance
Thanks for that informative summary, Carey!
How will the FAA know how high people are flying? First, I don't know that every aircraft at low altitude is visible on radar 30 miles away from the airport. When flying inter-island, even at a couple thousand feet, HCF has frequently lost me on radar until I got closer to one of the islands. Passing Upolu Point they often tell me they'll lose me until I get closer to Hilo. Also there is the issue of workload. When you get any distance at all from the airport they have you squawk VFR unless you have specifically requested flight following. Sometimes if they get busy they'll cut you loose and terminate radar services. Point is down low and out of the way like over Puna where some people feel the need to track the helicopters, radar isn't that effective. You're asking for a whole 'nuther level of service. Is there anyone keeping track of cars in similar fashion? Would you propose starting to do so? It could solve a lot of issues with problem drivers. Most of us would not pursue that due to the general sense that it would not be worth it. Most recognize that the the technology for that is not in place. Mostly, most people generally tolerate the mayhem on the roads out of a sense that if rigorous controls were put in place (like anything even remotely similar to pilot certification and aircraft maintenance) it would affect them negatively.
Fuel and time seemingly being more important to the operators than the peace and quiet of those below.

Correct: fuel/time translate directly into "profit margin", and these operators serve the tourists not the residents.

to accomplish such a change would take a pretty vocal group

Not so much "vocal" as "organized" -- with rare exception (shutting down SPACE), Puna residents are simply not organized enough to carry any message to a place where it will be heard.
One of the tour operators said that they can track their pilots through their cell phones--GPS on every flight, no need radar!

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
[quote]Originally posted by Ino

All flights are recorded with a time stamp and the elevation is recorded. Doesn't matter who I am or what I think. The situation is well documented."

My reply was in response to someone asking "How many overflights at your house? How do make the observations? Who do you think you are?" Apparently they have deleted their post leaving my remarks with no context.
Originally posted by Ino

[quote]Originally posted by Ino

All flights are recorded with a time stamp and the elevation is recorded. Doesn't matter who I am or what I think. The situation is well documented."

My reply was in response to someone asking "How many overflights at your house? How do make the observations? Who do you think you are?" Apparently they have deleted their post leaving my remarks with no context.

Which is why I use the quote feature, people regularly delete or change their posts after they've been responded to.

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