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BIAN Fall PLANT Sale Fri Oct. 2 & Sat Oct 3
Coming up next weekend (Different location due to floor work at the EK tennis stadium)

At the Afook Chinen Civic Center
Fri Oct 2 from 5-9pm
Sat. Oct 3 from 9am-2pm

They have a large concession area for local favorite grinds
do take plastic
"Meet & talk with the Big Islands greatest producers of plants"


Remember, dig your holes first! That is my motto!

Add: Justin, this was posted on the site ion July 19th of this year. The sale are usually one in the spring & one in the fall. This year the fall sale is a wee bit later than normal & is in the Afook Chnen Civic Center. The venue had to be changed due to re-doing the tennis stadium floor (this has affected many of the things that happen in the Ho`lulu park complex)
How far in advance do they plan these? I can't get to this one, but would like to attend the next one.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Went there just before 5, sure was crowded! I had a good strategy, I bought a huge gnarly bromeliad and people pretty much stayed away from me!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Yes, it was very crowded and they didn't plan their cashing out strategy very well. The line was from one end of the building to the other and was still growing but barely moving at all. I got disgusted and left without the beautiful white torch ginger or black ilima. I hadn't planned on spending the entire evening standing on line...

They do this twice a year, so hopefully next time it will be back in the Tennis Stadium where there will be room for more everything, including cashiers.
agree rĂȘne, they also had the orchid show there this year, very small, crowded. the ONLY good thing was lots of restrooms! but i skipped the BIAN sale when i heard where it was after the orchid show. hope next year they are back to their old haunts...

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