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State approves Obamacare rate hikes
single payer still the only answer that makes sense

Everyone was quite surprised by how far below expectations premiums were initially. Now that they are going up to be closer to what everyone expected in the first place people are acting like the sky is falling. It isn't. My household will still have a savings in the thousands of dollars per year vs. a pre-Obamacare private plan that provided much less, and had no prescription drug coverage!
Single payer, yes! Obamacare saved us money on our Kiser membership. Don't know what the future will bring. But, the ACA let the medical insurance companies know that this was the end of the stinking "pre-existing condition" clause, which gave the blood suckers an excuse to turn you down, and basically tell you to go off and die quietly, even thou you may have been paying those premiums for years and never even used the insurance. Sorry folks, I don't think peoples health care and medications should be a for profit enterprise. Free market is okay for cars, widgets, etc.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
My Kaiser is going so high I am figuring out how much the penalty for no insurance would be."
We retired early and paid our insurance premium for years with our proceeds from selling our businesses. We watched our premiums escalate each year with Kaiser. 2 years ago we were looking at over $800.00 a month (for 2 ) in premiums, perfect health, no per-conditions, no drugs, etc. We made the decision to lower our coverage and did give up "grandfather coverage" with our lesser coverage. Now, thankfully we're on Medicare w/ supplemental and hoping that too does not escalate at the unbelievable pace that our Kaiser premiums did.
Approx. 2 years ago, Forbes Magazine published a well researched and well written report on health care coverage world wide. The U.S. placed first in cost of healthcare. It was not 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th in service. It was ranked 6th.
It's a small step for families to be able to turn to Obamacare for coverage. The government subsidy goes directly to the insurance companies. Those accepting the "subsidy" are subject to income tax on this assistance.
If other nations can provide better for less than I can not view this "subsidy" as anything other than a subsidy to insurance companies.

Originally posted by lquade

anyone with any economic background understood what obamacare was really about and the costs to the middle-class. now people are beginning to see what they thought they wanted. my accountant says 2017 is when the real **** hits the fan so to speak and more obamacare surprises come into play... so sorry for those caught unawares...

I thought the "fan" year was 2018 when the "Cadillac tax" kicked in, where health insurance companies will get hit with a 40% tax on "Cadillac health care" plans (the ones that don't suck, that were frequently put in place by union negotiation), forcing them to pass the costs onto the insured, causing those insured to drop the plans, and therefore making sure that people who once had "Cadillac" health care plans have to downgrade their health care coverage to whatever the lowest common denominator will be in 2018. Of course the geniuses who came up with this plan KNEW that these "Cadillac" health care plans were subsidizing health care costs for the underinsured and uninsured, so that when they go away, it will force a single-payer system if Obamacare can survive.

Originally posted by reni

My Kaiser is going so high I am figuring out how much the penalty for no insurance would be."

Now, thankfully we're on Medicare w/ supplemental and hoping that too does not escalate at the unbelievable pace that our Kaiser premiums did.

I cannot wait for the Medicare to kick in. Stay healthy all!
And just think.. if every hand that's taking money from all those premiums that has nothing to do with actually providing healthcare, i.e. the insurance companies, were to be eliminated, how much lower would everyone's healthcare costs be?

Health insurance companies are criminals. It is insane that we allow people to make profits on other people's health concerns. Absolutely barbaric. Single payer is the ONLY way to provide health care.
Someone has to pay for the medical care for indigents or the medical care system will collapse. Obama has decreed that it shall be paid for by the employed poor and middle class, directly into the coffers of healthcare corporations with highly paid executives. The 1% dodged a bullet on that one. Nice going.


You can't fix Samsara.
Someone has to pay for the medical care for indigents or the medical care system will collapse.

Hospitals already do this when they sell a Tylenol for $35.

Not arguing that "someone has to pay", merely that we shouldn't have to pay so many times.
The term Obamacare is a Republican term which they have brainwashed the American public with. Just recently, some Republicans now say Hillary came up with the term. Just more evidence of the revisionist propaganda tactics of the Republicans.

Regardless, the fact is government subsidized insurance is not health care. Obama had to fight tooth and nail just to get subsidized open access insurance and it was at the cost of the government being put under sequestration for a decade by the Republican controlled Congress. There are two parties because there are two very different platforms. The Republican goal is total elimination of Medicare and Social Security. To find acceptance in recent years, that platform has changed to convert them to voucher systems. The reason for the sudden hospital staffing crisis is Medicare Part B has been successfully slashed by the Republican house and senate. Then, there is Big Pharma, lots of Republicans backing that.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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