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The VP appears to be a total control freak. I asked once... where is the HPPOA president? Why is the VP doing the GM's job and why is the GM acting like a rod crew supervisor? Funny isn't it how a group of people tore our community apart, destroyed good employees lives, caused chaos and turmoil then walk away leaving their destruction.

Unfortunately this statement is partially inaccurate. There are still remnants of that board and the main instigator and "control freak" won't leave so illegal issues continue.

The GM's direct point of contact in between mtgs is supposed to be w/the President, not the VP, per our bylaws. The GM's job description is out of alignment w/our bylaws which needs to be fixed as the VP had written out a lot of his admin duties when she was on the HRC last year.

The current HRC has rewritten job descripts, without delegation by the board at a board mtg, so don't know if they've fixed the mess since the HRC has the same chairperson. This is what happens when you have people w/personal agendas doing important HRC work. Starting from scratch on job descripts is against policy. They're supposed to use prior job descripts as their foundation. It doesn't help if they're using the job descripts this HRC chair wrote up last year bc that's when certain duties got lost. This has caused confusion as to whom does what.

Because the VP as HRC chair last year didn't want to hire key employees in a reasonable amount of time bc of her own personal agenda, from day 1 of the terminations we've had board members attempting to do employees' work. They had no experience as board members before they put their employee hats on. This act alone has been detrimental to the association and has lasting affects to this day. Their board duties got so convoluted from 8-9 mos wearing 2 hats, they still don't know how to separate the two. They're still working out of the office and micromanaging employees. There should be no board members in the office.

There's one vacancy still that hasn't been filled going on 2 mos now. They didn't advertise w/in 2 days of resignation either as per our bylaws. The July board minutes are still not posted, yet August's is. Prob bc some things were discussed at that mtg that won't put certain board members in good light. Like that 2 members have filed complaints against 2 board members for harassment which still hasn't been resolved. Darryl Oliveira was in the pnut gallery that night.

The road crew are laying base coarse down readying the "test" roads for chip seal. They won't get reliable and dependable info since they're using dead ends. Secondly they're spending our money just to lay the test roads down and the crew is getting further and further behind on maintaining our easements and roads, which is what they were hired to do and should be their priority.

Members need to show up to the meetings and voice your concerns. Especially membership meetings where you have an opportunity to bring up and vote on important issues that are of concern. The board is required to solicit agenda items from the membership per our bylaws. They are to discuss and vote at their next board meeting on the "acts of the membership" if the membership voted for anything. If yay, the President should delegate the GM to carry out the acts of the membership. It's up to the President and us to ensure the board doesn't fail on tending to the acts of the membership. Otherwise, what's the point in voting? We have important issues coming up at our Oct 25th membership mtg @ 3PM.

Please attend this Wed's board mtg @ 6PM and our membership mtg. The board should be voting for that vacancy. The agenda's still not on the website. The board secretary's email adrs isn't working which is crazy as this has been going on since Oct 2014, a year now! Show up at meetings, voice your concerns. It can and does make a difference when there are more of the membership in attendance at either of these meetings.
Edited for clarity.
I'm willing to bet most people that live here don't really expect anything from their road fees. I know I don't, I just look at it as a sort of tax that I pay in and not really get any benefit from.

ETA to fix stupid iPad autocorrect typos.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I agree, fingers. I pay my fees and am sometimes delighted that either the pot holes are repaired or the vegetation has been cut back. Wish a little more attention was spent on cutting back the grass on the more dangerous intersections, but otherwise I'm happy. I'm not willing to spend my effort bickering. It seems a very special kind of person is required to keep this crap going. I just want a nice quiet place to come home to and if I have to avoid the odd pot hole so be it. Done it for nearly two decades now.

Of course I always curse when I forget the big hole in the road when I drive home, but there are too many other things on my mind that are far more important. Did I forget to pack the dark beer I thought I'd bought? Do I have to drive back to Keaau to find it? Did I forget to re-calibrate Michelle's EDICT and will it require rebooting tonight? Is the cover still closed with fog threatening?

Think I'm just saying most HPP residents don't give a toss about all this nonsense.
I'm happy with the roads that lead to our lot as well. However, I understand the frustration of those whose roads aren't so great.

Unfortunately, we cannot attend meetings since, like a lot of lot owners, we live off island. When we are there, we go to the meetings to try and help those who are paying their fees and still can barely get to their homes due to the condition of the roads, which is the ONLY thing all that money is supposed to be used for.

I think that most owners live off island and that is probably the reason this is allowed to go on. I agree that it takes VERY special people to hold the board's feet to the fire and I thank them for doing so.
most people that live here don't really expect anything from their road fees. ... look at it as a sort of tax that I pay in and not really get any benefit from.

Many residents of "private" subdivisions pay Fuel Tax which doesn't benefit the roads near their home; I expect no better from additional "private" taxation.

Does any one know if there will be a BOD meeting tonight? I heard that they may not have a quorum because one of the five directors that actually shows up, may be in the hospital.
There doesn't appear to be any thing on the HPP web site about it, only Sept.'s agenda.
The HPP Board mtg was held in the library last night and was adjourned due to lack of quorum. 4 members were present and 4 were absent. 2 of the 4 absent had excused absences.

One member stated that the board can't discuss business but he wanted to be able to have owner input since members had shown up. He stated that the board is obligated per our bylaws to post a board mtg agenda on HPP's website a week before the board mtg to inform the members what kind of business they will be conducting and should've done so. I remember this member stating this a year ago at a board mtg. The VP shook her head no as she exited the library despite that this is in our bylaws and has been past practice by previous boards.

The member continued saying he has learned the board and GM have made a decision to do chip seal in house and have been prepping our roads for this material. (This decision was not voted on at a board mtg.) The member asked if anyone has a contractor's license to do this kind of work on our roads per state law. The GM replied twice that our roads are private to which 2 members replied that this license needs to be in place to be doing any kind of road emulsion or asphalt, even if it's in house. The member said he had checked on this matter and reiterated that it's the law.

Apparently since our GM and road crew are not doing road "maintenance" per se, a contractor's license is required. Although in the past our roads have been stated by mgmt and members to be private, we are no longer considered to have private roads when they are used publicly 24/7. We are not a gated community w/private roads. The GM and 2 board members at a previous Finance Committee Mtg suggested that chip seal is road "maintenance" to which members chimed in that this was incorrect. They are laying new product down on a dirt road which is far from being road "maintenance".

The Treasurer stated that chip seal will be discussed at the Gen'l Membership mtg. (Members will be discussing chip seal as well by picking up where we left off at the last membership mtg in June. The item was called into the Secretary who said he will put it on the agenda under Old Business, per RR's.)

Another question was asked as to whether any monies have been paid out renting any of the equipment that is used for chip seal. The President replied "not as far as he knew" to which the Treasurer followed up w/"No".
we are no longer considered to have private roads when they are used publicly 24/7.

Funny how it keeps coming back to this "undefined road (whatever we say now)".

Serious question: if they're "no longer considered private" while County insists that they're also "not public", then what exactly are they?
Before the board meeting had started a member stated a board straw vote had taken place via email and didn't like hearing from another member that this is not standard conduct of board business. That's 2 straw votes so far w/in the past 3-4 months done in between board mtgs. In the past straw votes were reserved for emergencies ONLY.

Now it's becoming part of business as usual which perpetuates more non transparency. We already have non transparency when the board votes on board business during exec session mtgs, which is in violation of our bylaws. We are in the dark ages. To make business more non transparent, they don't reveal at the next board mtg what business they conducted during exec session, per our bylaws, Article VIII Sec 9 (d) Executive Session, 4. At very least the "board" business done in exec session, which IS NOT a secret, should be reported to help w/transparency.

After the meeting was officially adjourned, a member approached me stating that I was micromanaging the board; in what I post on PT, and I assume including what I've said in the past during owner input? That once I write a check and send it in....alluding that once I write that check, it's none of my business, your business, on how "MY" money, "YOUR" money is spent. Coincidentally the words sounded all too familiar echoing certain board members. Our bylaws encourage members to participate in the mgmt and operation of HPP. The bylaws also say the board is supposed to ascertain the needs and desires of the lot owners.

I reminded him that chip seal will cost us thousands of OUR dollars and I'm not supposed to be concerned when I've heard that this product isn't right on our busy roads and rainy climate? That if it fails, it will entail lots of our money down the toilet, so c'est la vie? That the whole business of chip seal has gone behind closed doors now? That our road crew are now doing this work instead of maintaining our roads which is supposed to be the mgmt.'s no. 1 priority?

Take care of priority 1 first; get our easements cleaned up, potholes filled, get better and more road material laid on our dirt roads (I have only fine dust, scattered hard rocks and a large pothole on mine), get the main drags and feeder roads restriped, get reflectors laid down....that's priority over chip seal IMO. After everything's caught up, then maybe talk about road products.

Just write that check and mail it in (and shut up?). And why have bylaws and policies when certain board members make a mockery of them? This kind of attitude from other members is very disheartening. I see that after what's been posted here that others are ok w/that... It really puts to question on whether I should care any more. (edited for clarity)
I want to thank mermaid 53 for her diligence in following HPPOA business and reporting on it here since the middle of September. She is providing an excellent and valuable service to the members of HPPOA.

The only ones who will object to the promulgation of information are those who wish to maintain control of the Association by hiding their actions or those who support them.

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