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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
"But more importantly I believe the right for the Hawaiian people to be the stewards of lands such as Mauna Kea should be addressed before those lands are further developed. Not only on Mauna Kea but state wide. And, if the spiritual significance of those lands is central to their beliefs, and they see things differently than the more recent arrivals to the islands, so be it."

A glimpse into the racist leaning mindset of dakine.

Dream on dakine, dream on.
I decided this morning that I'm the Road God so all work on all roads everywhere should stop until the religious significance of this is determined by the courts.

If other people see it differently then so be it, but I'm going to cut wires and smear feces and threaten children until I get my way.
I'm the Road God so all work on all roads everywhere should stop

Marijuana is a religious sacrament. Smoking of all other substances must cease immediately, for it offends the Great Lord God of Marijuana (not me -- guy down the road).

Also, any and all use of the "internet" is subjugating the Chosen Electrons and forcing them into a life of slavery and degradation. This too must be stopped.

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
UKIRT is still the 2nd most productive telescope in the world, Mauna Kea's mana has been destroyed forever... so let's tear down the telescope anyway. Or how the State of Hawaii provides a lose-lose, nothing for everyone solution.

Totally twisted Punatic view. It might be productive but at what cost?

It was built and funded by the United Kingdom. They abandoned it. UHH took over stewardship, getting some external customers in Lockheed and University of Arizona. It's over 30 years old. It means a lot of archaic stuff needing upgrades. It took a lot of work on UHH to get these customers. If they had huge line of patrons, they wouldn't be decommissioning it.

IR astronomy is all about the sensor and the processing instrumentation, as well as the precision of mechanical orientation. Even the gimbal systems today are more precise and faster. The cost to overhaul and upgrade an old observatory are...astronomical. During all this hoopla, people seem to have missed the astronomers that acknowledge observatories go obsolete. That is all that is happening, no conspiracies or incompetency transfer projections needed. In a way, IR telescopes don't have the same limitations as optical and they are better space based.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I'm the Road God so all work on all roads everywhere should stop

Oh, that explains why the Pahoa Roundabout project never got started. And just a quick question your Hole-i-ness, considering the permanent state of Puna's unpaved roads, is that beyond your jurisdiction?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
the permanent state of Puna's unpaved roads

Residents of "private" subdivisons have had religion this whole time.
It might be productive but at what cost?

It's the second most productive telescope in the world, so the response is, "let's get rid of it, it's old. It would cost money to upgrade. Let's blast a space based IR telescope into orbit."

Yes, that's brilliant logic. Because not even including the cost of constructing a space based IR telescope able to withstand micro-meteor strikes, solar radiation, extremes of hot and cold on the equipment, it costs $10,000 a pound just to launch it into orbit.

"Ground control to Major Ted...
Take your protein pills
Put helmet on your head..."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
let's get rid of it, it's old. It would cost money to upgrade

Especially ironic (as noted earlier) considering that the land underneath the telescope can "never" be restored to its original condition.
" should have those rights reinstated"

You missed a bit there. The part where you said, repeatedly, that only people of a certain ancestry get to vote and the others can like it or lump it. Or, as you put it, "shut up and go back to wherever they came from". Loud and proud.
pahoated, then closing UKIRT is age discimination! What part of *second most productive telescope in the world* don't they understand? Can't be all that archaic...!

The UK had a big cut in their funding for astronomy. They had to slice their program in a major way. Not quite the same as abandoning.

You can begin to raise the money for another space-based telescope if you like Smile

Why aren't they PROUD of UKIRT? Something, somewhere, isn't right. Patrons aren't the issue. UKIRT is relatively very low-cost. This is political, i.e., stupid.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA

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