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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Originally posted by dakine

leilanidude: What year are you desiring that those "rights" be restored to?

Now. To the rights afforded any independent sovereign people today. But for reals, I think the answer is a bit more involved than that. If you are really interested I would suggest visiting the faq page at the Nai Aupuni website here:

Considering that they are organizing the election of delegates and the constitutional convention itself that site is probably one of the best sources of publicly available information on the subject. Though I bet witnessing the entire convention process will be a real eye opener on the subject

This website points to one of the attempts to organize the movement for Hawaiian sovereignty. There are, however, others, and there is as yet no consensus on what should be done.

Just one of many examples: some want to quash the Democrats because they are associated with the rulership, as perceived, of an occupying nation. Others want to make their plans with the assistance of Democrats, who have a history of supporting indigenous peoples as well as groups of people in poverty.

But some Republicans are now interested in making Hawaiii a Republican state, or just getting rid of a Democratic state, and some of Hawaiian royalty (putting aside the disputes over who is royalty) are strongly Republican. Others don't trust Republicans to truly care about their issues since those issues have not been prioritized in the past.

Others want to pull completely away from the US right away.

If any of this flares up, it will be sucked into the political great divide currently present in the US, and become quite a powder keg.

Readers, please note that in this post I am not favoring Republicans, Democrats, or Martians...and I am alluding to one of the *many* areas of conflict and potential conflict between various supporters of Hawaiian sovereignty. There are so many that I could spend the rest of the day writing about them.

What about the issue of people without enough Hawaiian blood (how much Hawaiian blood needed ?) who have bought property in Hawaii in good faith?

And does Hawaii, at present a full-fledged state of the US, have any obligation to function as a democracy and put sovereignty issues to a vote? Allowing only those with Hawaiian blood to vote would indeed be racist, as are all of Hawaiian blood privileges and potential privileges, really. I don't support removing all of them but if there is democracy then there has to be a limit somewhere.

What if the democracy is somehow determined to be illegal? Will the Hawaiian nation be honorable and compensate anyone they are kicking out? What about people whose families have been there for generations?

Anyway, tired of typing potential issues that could divide the already divided movement. Eventually some majority opinion will have to be formed and organized if anything official is to get done.

For now, websites conflict with each other.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA

"Pahoted, I'll assume you are an astronomer with a statement like that. You asked for my credentials, let us hear yours. I comment on matters Aviation because I am an Airline Transport Pilot, rated in everything form bush planes to jets, 13 years flying experience. Tom talks Astronomy because he works at UKIRT. I am not trying to be snarky, it just irks me when folks voice strong opinions on something they are clearly not knowledgeable in. I am sure Tom feels the same."

I can tell you with certainty that pahoated is not an astronomer and is not knowledgeable in the field. He gives this away everytime he posts about the subject or the observatories on Mauna Kea. I suspect professionals in your own industry feel the same when some MS flight simulator buff tells you how to fly an aircraft and deal with an emergency.

Professionals tend know when someone is doing a Walter Mitty act in their own field of expertise, and yes, it irks me.
Geez Tom, I just now hear the UKIRT news. Are you ok? How will it play out over time? I can only imagine.
Thank you, beejee. We're dealing with the news. There's an awful lot of stuff that hasn't been made public yet, but I'm sure it will come out over the next few months.

In the meantime, given all the problems Pam (beepbeep) has gone through in the last few years, I hope she receives an intelligent and respectful response to her latest post. She has battled through so many problems to write such an intelligent and well-argued post yet still faces so many medical problems.

I am so proud of her.
What kind of message would it be if the #2 most productive IR telescope in the world went offline cuz all the astronomers walked away?
beejee wrote:

"Tom, are you expected to train people from India to do your job prior to exiting your post?"

I'm not leaving my post, at least not yet. There's no way I'll be training other people to do my job, though. One of my responsibilities has to been to recommission the Michelle imager/specrometer once again at UKIRT and it is our current primary instrument. No other observatory in the world has the capability Michelle offers.

Other than myself, there is only one other person on the planet who knows how to make the instrument work. However, they are busy with MIRI on the JWST.

Not trying to boast, but if I leave then UKIRT closes. Too many friends and colleagues will be affected; I can't do it. The telescope and all the people I've worked with are more important. But then there's Pam, but if I don't have a job it hardly helps Pam...

It's life. No one said it would be easy.
Senator Inouye must be rolling in his grave!!
Yes Hawaii is a state within the United States. But there is serious concern that it was acquired illegally.

The same argument can be made for each of the other 49 states. Hawaii is not unique in that regard.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Reverse racism to even the score is not about justice or making things right.
What does this have to do with a telescope?

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