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Dengue: Should I dump my bromeliads?
I'd like to keep them, but since they aren't in pots, I can't dump them after a rain. Before they head to green waste, is there something I can put in them to prevent mosquitos?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Here's a good article about bromeliads and mosquito control:
Rather see a responsible homeowner with bromeliads vs, junked out cars, clogged gutters and or a bunch of hunting dogs with water dishes that never get changed out, or uncovered catchment tanks.

Dan't have catchment issues in my area, but got a neighbor about 3 houses down with a few junk cars in his yard. I dunno, I'm sure 1 out of 4-5 houses in puna has that neighbor that just doesn't take care his his/her yard and doesn't care about themselves, let alone anyone else in the hood.

I guess my point is, you can do all you want to make your yard mosquito free. It only works if the hood does the same.

I've heard you can use dish soap, it floats on the top of the water, and suffocates the larvae.

Tho, I'm sure if you got some of this...

and maybe some of this...

Treated the yard and plants every 3 months.. you'd be doing your part and then some...

If you hung this up under one of the eves... (I plan on getting)... Even better!

Have fun killing mosquitoes! and enjoy your blooming plants!

Good ideas, I wondered where I can get the granules. At least I can do something and keep the plants.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I pulled out nearly all my bromeliads the other day, leaving only the giant ones at the lot corners. The plants had really proliferated over the years and spread into the jungle at the back of the yard. Some of those were full of yucky murky water that surely had mosquito larvae in them. I would never have been able to treat them with pellets or soap on a routine basis. I know it's just one yard, but at least we won't have as many mosquitos in our area. Gotta start somewhere.
you can get the dunk rings at Walmart. They're in the pet section, not with insecticides.

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The dunks are also in the "garden" section on the back wall behind the cash registers. Or at least they were. But I would buy granules for this purpose. Is there anywhere in town to get them?
Ericip, I read the reviews on the mosquito trap and they were, uhh, "mixed". If you get one, let me know if it really works. What I'm concerned about is if it attracts bees. Maybe could have it come on after dark, but then it won't get the daytime mosquitos.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I have seen bromeliads that are just black in the center with thousands of wigglers. Think of the last time you had the flu X 10. Do you love them that much? More than your children?
I dumped mine when we moved to HPP 10 years ago. Panaewa farm lots has choke mosquitoes, I chose to leave them behind.
I have loads that are growing up tall trees on my property. Tried spraying with soap today with my power washer, but didn't realize the solution was not being taken up. Took 30 minutes to figure out I was spraying water...Any suggestions on tearing them down from trees? Or Poison? Took a lot of energy to get a only small cluster 7 ft up by pulling with a scythe. Must be a better way.....

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