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dengue fever could be here to stay

Kinda Long but very informative. Guy seems to know what he's talking about.

In town today. Hilo Ace Hardware has a fair number of mosquito coils in stock. All other places in town I passed through were sold out. ...tip for my fellow Punawebbers.
Yep, yep Eric, watched it last night. I'm glad he is here ...

Please, all of us " Walk around " + Report and take it upon ourselves to inform any and everyone who does not know ..

Really cool homemade mosquito trap plus it recycles the big plastic bottles. If there were thousands of these all over, the whole mosquito population density could be decreased significantly. It does need to be under a cover but it could be modded for a plastic umbrella made from the top of another bottle. The black plastic around it can be from used garbage bags. Science the **** out of the thing.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Strike 3 at walmart yesterday, they have nothing. Guess they figure the sick can enjoy the twinkling lights while they lay around in agony! Spoke to a manager about ordering extra repellent and her glib answer, though no surprise at content, sent shivers up my spine. She said it takes about 6 weeks for things to get here and that there is, "nothing I can do"! I asked if maybe they could make a special request and have a rush shipment sent on a plane, or Amazon or something and she basically walked away.
I spoke to a friend back home on South Padre Island who informed me that another friend recently died from Dengue. He went to Mexico, came home with the virus, didn't go to the doctor and lost his life as a result (per autopsy) of Dengue. This is far more serious than most folks realize. My only material desire on my Christmas list this year is Off Botanicals.
I checked wallyworld, Target and HD and all I came home with was a couple of tabletop tikis and the oil from HD. If anyone knows where Off Botanicals can be found, please post!
I read that article, and several other similar ones, and all the reader comments are that they tried the traps and that they didn't work. As a brewer and winemaker myself, I can attest that the CO2 produced by the recipe 1) Won't be very much and 2) won't produce for very long (maybe a few days at best).

This article by the University of Wisconsin, while dated, suggests that CO2 traps aren't effective and do not reduce the number of bites:

These articles suggest that the mosquito CO2 receptor is the same receptor that detects skin, and that it works in the absence of C02 ,

Undoubtedly CO2 plays a role in baiting mosquitoes, however the data seems to indicate that its not useful for catching them in significant numbers to reduce the overall number of bites.

You can look on youtube, there are dozens of mosquito traps that actually work (with the video to prove it). The traps are also very simple in design, usually no more than a fan with a screen on it. The reader comments for tweaks they have employed are useful.

My guess is our change in weather (wind, rain, and cooler) will see a huge drop in mosquitoes, and therefore Dengue. At least around the island that is getting the weather we have the last several days.
Originally posted by pam jones

Strike 3 at walmart yesterday, they have nothing. Guess they figure the sick can enjoy the twinkling lights while they lay around in agony! Spoke to a manager about ordering extra repellent and her glib answer, though no surprise at content, sent shivers up my spine. She said it takes about 6 weeks for things to get here and that there is, "nothing I can do"! I asked if maybe they could make a special request and have a rush shipment sent on a plane, or Amazon or something and she basically walked away.
I spoke to a friend back home on South Padre Island who informed me that another friend recently died from Dengue. He went to Mexico, came home with the virus, didn't go to the doctor and lost his life as a result (per autopsy) of Dengue. This is far more serious than most folks realize. My only material desire on my Christmas list this year is Off Botanicals.
I checked wallyworld, Target and HD and all I came home with was a couple of tabletop tikis and the oil from HD. If anyone knows where Off Botanicals can be found, please post!

Longs in Pahoa had mosquito products on Sunday. I didn't take a big look at what they had because we already had all that stuff as part of our general preparedness kits. I do know that when Longs runs out of something, it is usually several weeks before it gets restocked. At one time they didn't have bleach for several weeks.

When you are stocking up on mosquito products, may I suggest in addition to the other items, grab a few boxes of the Deep Woods wipes. The reason why is that they are portable and you can put a few in your car, bag/purse, wherever. That way you never have to worry about unexpectedly winding up somewhere and getting eaten alive. You just open the wipe sort of like a large KFC wetnap (remember those?) and wipe the repellent on. Inside the foil pouch they never get dried out, leak, or cause other problems.

ETA: Ace in Pahoa has a pretty well-stocked anti-critter section, though I have not been there in awhile.
Latest update 38 confirmed cases. This wet weather is not helping with the mosquito problem!
We need a good freeze now ... LOL.

aloha and choke dee,
Mosquitos use CO2 to detect animals from a distance, but then close up they use heat and smell. That's why, when you take a break from hiking and set down your backpack, the mosquitos continue to swarm around it for a few minutes. Putting up a CO2 trap will only serve to bring them into the general area, not lure them into the trap itself.

I agree that getting cooler will probably make a difference. It's been absolutely insane for mosquitos the past few months, a lot more than I've seen before (especially the night-biting ones, though those don't transmit dengue). It's supposed to be a dry winter as well.

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