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TomK I presume you're responding to me since you quoted my post...don't put words in my mouth...I never said Obie was unwelcome nor did I say anything about where this person resides. I did thank he/she in one of my posts. Your attack is misguided.
It's there in writing that Obie was putting down HPP posters. Obie told someone to **** yourself. There's no way around it.
You need to take a chill pill and if you're embarrassed by how people post here on HPP Biz, then don't look.
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I live in HPP and I am embarrassed by the behavior of some of the residents here.
I live in (Hawaii County, the State of Hawaii, the US) and find the behavior of some residents deplorable.
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Mermaid, your account is spot on. What is transpiring is embarrassing. The VP and Treasurer are in full control. There are only 2 reasons that they maintain this strangle hold. 1,they really screwed up the finances, hence the delayed audit.2, they are hiding something financially. These both include need to control. The treasurer is shameless trying to go around the finance committee. The VP and Treasurer have very obviously spent a great deal of time concocting there plans. They allegedly run to an attorney spending our money instead of learning the basics of our by-laws. At this point in time, this is intentional. These two people need to be removed.NOW! The GM is not doing 1/2 his job. The VP is. Is his pay reflective of the diminished work load? He needs to be reclassified as a road crew supervisor and that is a huge stretch since our roads are in the worst shape ever. And I did not hear any mention of when the board hired the new personnel. A very long heated meeting yet so many subjects were not even touched. It seems chip seal is not going to die with them. The spending of our funds seems #1 with them. I will not support anything they do. When the treasurer and VP open their mouths, they are lying.They are hiding something that is blatantly apparent and trying to "work" with them is delusional. Reports are not being given, meetings are cancelled, by-laws continually broken and ignored. What more do people need to see and hear from them to wake up. They have torn this community apart. They are destructive. I do not appreciate the stupid comments and supporters of the ones making stupid rude comments on their or any other post. This is serious to those who live here and care. Yes we get heated sometimes but it is understandable with what has transpired in the last year and 1/2. One more thing. What is the president doing? He hasn't done anything, We need some one strong that can not be a puppet in his place. The VP and treasurer are manipulating everything.
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It has been reported to me by someone who attended last night's Board meeting that, when asked about the monthly financial reports, the Treasurer stated that they are given to the Directors. The President of the Board promptly said that he has not received them. A bald-faced lie by one of those two.
This leads to the recent debate about whether the Board members are incompetent or malevolent.
However one characterizes their agenda (evil, beneficial, etc.), at every turn, they have been tripped up.
Case in point: Last night's attempt to remove two members from the Finance Committee, by quoting Bylaw Article X – Committees, Section (b) Committees of the Membership, Point 2. Finance Committee " least two Association members...who shall be elected by the membership at the June membership meeting." Note the absence of the word "only" from the provision relating to the timing and the inclusion of the words "at least two". That permits addition of committee members by the general membership at any time.
And since this particular issue was not on the agenda for the meeting or added at the beginning of the meeting, it's consideration is invalid. It only served to reveal the Board's intention to remove two qualified Committee members who have been asking penetrating questions.
The accusation that the two members in question "are hostile witnesses in the lawsuit" also does not arise. These two persons appear on the witness list submitted by the Association's attorneys. The Board members either do not know what their attorneys are doing (!) or are lying to the membership again.
Whether their intentions are good or bad, they cannot even get their stories straight ("given to Directors"/"not to me"). Nor can they understand a simple declarative sentence. My judgment is that, as a body, they are too inept to be entrusted with a $2 million corporation (which is possibly why the financial reports have not be promulgated, as several posters here have posited).
And I repeat my question, where is the audit?
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" My judgment is that, as a body, they are too inept to be entrusted with a $2 million corporation".
Any corp. that grosses in the neighborhood of $2 million annually requires professional leadership & management. Nothing short of this will EVER work.
Are there AT LEAST 5 owners with Corp. knowledge & experience willing to serve on our board ?
Are there owners willing to sue this board ?
Are there owners willing to commence Arbitration procedure with this board?
And my judgement is ,
If the answers to all is "no"....................there will be no resolution and all discussion is virtually fruitless
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Maybe someone should put a recall petition, petition for a special membership mtg, or sign up sheet to hire an atty in the that the board has set a precedent of a centralized location for petitions....if the board can use the ofc for a petition to alter an act of the association, then members should have that same right.
One of the candidates who signed up for the vacant seat did so 2-3 mos ago. The board spent about 15-20 min discussing his application bc no one checked his qualifications beforehand. He sd he hadn't checked the box asking whether he was an owner or not bc he's a pastor who lives in the home that is owned by a church. He made the effort to be a volunteer and showed up at the mtg...the rest was up to who to check his qualifications?
It used to be the job of the admin to check this info but now that the VP has restructured all the employees job descripts starting from scratch in 2014, who's job is it now?
During the recent board mtg one rep was adamant about getting 3 bids for anything over $1000. He stood his ground on this during the discussion phase. They are going to get pricing for outsourcing the easement work on our main drags. It's not intended to be an ongoing thing but a catch up and then assess.
The board approved approx $8000 to repair the John Deere. We have a history of broken equipment. We own more equipment than we ever have. We have had other equipment failures over the past year and the VP has often said the road crew are good mechanics.
Our road maintenance fees have been raised $10.
Thank you Judy for providing info on the dengue fever issue. She also announced the ongoing albizia work shops for HPP members. She sd that the transfer stns are now accepting tires for free because of the dengue fever outbreak, but you need to contact them in advance. Hopefully people will quit throwing their tires on HPP property which has always been a problem. The association has had to absorb these costs. Now add to it a potential health problem.
Our board still hasn't addressed the albizias growing in our easements. It's getting worse and soon those growing on Kaloli's easements will get big like on Makuu...the GM sd that there are areas on our main drags where the root system is damaging the asphalt.
The board wants to spend that $300,000 on chip seal and said the money is being "wasted" if they don't. ??? How about prioritizing and taking care of safety issues first? People travel on our roads everyday and night. How about road striping and reflectors? How about being proactive on the albizias growing on HPP easements? We need signs that identify those low flooding spots on our humpy roads that fills up w/water during heavy rain. At night you can't see them. There's a real bad one on 6th and Kaloli so beware. I'm sure there are other spots on our main drags that have this issue.
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Reni, your point of hiring a professional management company is exactly what we need to do. It will be an impartial 3rd party doing it's intended job, not micromanaging and controlling every aspect of HPP. The committees can function freely and the business of running our park will be accountable by the management firm. I am not saying that there can not be problems associated with a management company but we as a association would have more pull in a court and be able to hire and fire a firm annually. I am not dissing the HR committee here but how do they really know what key questions to ask a potential employee, how can they really research the potential employees history and how can they detect any red flags? They are just volunteers not professional head hunters. We have seen what happens when the possibly well intended hire an inept person (Escobar comes to mind and possible the GM)and worse yet, when just any person can convince enough people to vote for them to get on the board. It is fallible and dangerous. Let's face it intelligence can be measured in many ways. A doctor can be excellent in his field but abysmal at running his personal finances. Being well trained in one field and good at it really does not make a person smart. We need well rounded sensible people with broad experience who are humble enough to seek out professionals in areas they lack and that doesn't mean board members running to an attorney racking up hours because they refuse to read our by-laws. We have 2 people controlling 2 million dollars and strangle holding our finances and most committees. Does this sound like sound, well, well experienced, humble people to you? We all need to band together and vote these monsters off the island so to speak. If they start moving monies around to do chip seal and they are the only ones seeing all the financials.... well you get the picture. as I said before, there are only 2 reasons that they are so intent on nondisclosure. They really screwed up and are hiding it or things are missing and they are hiding it. The GM has no clue and remains clueless because is only purpose was to do chip seal and the new book keeper is being trained by one of the culprits. I would not be surprised if she gets blamed for many of the already made errors.... who could be surprised as the treasurer is still blaming the previous treasurer a year and a half later and we all know the integrity of the previous treasurer. She never hid a thing, was always prepared and would always answer questions. A far cry form what we have now. Wake up people before it is to late.
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People travel on our roads everyday and night. How about road striping and reflectors?
Perhaps HPP can be the test case for a liability lawsuit.
an impartial 3rd party doing it's intended job
I think most of the subdivisions need exactly this: a disinterested third party who runs the HOA like a business, including things like fiscal decisions based on ROI.
For that matter, County and State too.
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Seems like the board got it together to get their top priority to the county council: a new park.
HPP wants county to reconsider park plan
This park is kind of funny as an issue. Over 4 years ago, funds were identified and allocated (not committed). HPP turned it down and that ended up paying for Kahakai being repaved. More money was allocated a couple years ago, HPP turned it down, and now, that is going to the Pahoa regional park improvement, whatever that is. Now, HPP is asking for the park again. In a way, this flip-flop, wishy-washy, this-way-that-away method is providing for improvements in other areas of Puna. Mahalo HPP. What does Greggor have to say about all this? Pretty sure he read a book that relates to the HPP situation.
"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
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HPP turned it down and that ended up paying for Kahakai being repaved.
Some irony there, since County "can't" pave the private road to HPP's park.