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It's Gregger Who came to HPP with The idea for the park.
It's Greggor who is trying to see the park through to the end.

This is the next step and it would help if a few people from HPP would sign this petition.
This came from Orchidland Going into Receivership thread on PT:

The judge in charge of the receivership will have no interest in pushing lot owners into default on their road fees. He will want to put in a professional to oversee things while they untangle the finances and determine if there has been any prosecutable fraud or theft occurring, in which case they will hand off the findings to a prosecutor. Otherwise the court's only goal will be to get things organized enough so things can be handed back to the property owners' control. In past cases there were changes made to organizational structures and clarification of exactly what subdivision fees can be charged and spent on, based on how the organization was first set up when the subdivision was created.

At the last board mtg this month, the former Pres started a discussion w/the board about receivership and how wonderful it was. The park looked wonderful blah blah blah. This is the 2nd time she's mentioned receivership.

Is this where we're headed? If the above post is accurate in how receivership is handled, is this what we need? I don't know enough to form an opinion. If you read the Orchidland thread, they've had similar issues w/their board arrogantly not following their bylaws.

Regarding the board consulting w/an atty on the "acts of the association" issues....the information received from the atty is only as good as what is submitted. Who's the point of contact? The VP?

Also, it's better that an atty's involved than them moving forward illegally. They didn't vote the other night on the removal of the 2 new finance committee members and moving ahead w/a chip seal test road which is a good thing. Some board members think once items have been voted on, even if illegal, is water under the bridge. That because the board voted for it, there's nothing to be done. Not true.

Another member pointed out to me that going the route of atty consultation isn't correct either. It's supposed to be arbitration as our bylaws point out when there's a difference of opinion on our bylaws.

It's supposed to be arbitration as our bylaws point out when there's a difference of opinion on our bylaws.

The original problem was that people weren't following the bylaws.... of course they'll also ignore the correct procedures.
Just heard from someone that the Treasurer changed the Finance Comm. meeting from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm this Tuesday in the library. I din't hear the reason behind the change.
Maybe it has something to do w/the results of the atty consultation and the board wanting to overturn the membership vote when they added 2 new members to the Finance Committee at the Oct 2015 mtg. Per our bylaws, the board isn't allowed to remove members off a membership committee.
I'd love to attend, but can't. I sure hope every one that can does to see what new shenanigans they have up their sleeves and to support the Finance Committee who do an excellent job and are certainly necessary ad well as not letting the VP and treasured bully the newly appointed members. They may think having an attorney present or a letter from the attorney will make the members cower to their demands.Unbelievable.
Originally posted by mermaid53

Maybe it has something to do w/the results of the atty consultation and the board wanting to overturn the membership vote when they added 2 new members to the Finance Committee at the Oct 2015 mtg. Per our bylaws, the board isn't allowed to remove members off a membership committee.

Remember what the Bylaws say, if there is a conflict with interpreting the bylaws the resolution is mediation not a one sided opinion from some hack lawyer.
Article XV - Alternative Dispute Resolution discusses arbitration.. "In the event of disagreements between the board, its committees, employees, volunteers of the Association, or any of the lot owners of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision arising from or relating to the interpretation or implementation of the provisions of these bylaws, the parties shall pursue dispute resolution by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association and Chapter 658A of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended. Arbitration shall be binding on parties to the controversy. Any judgment and/or award rendered by the Arbitrator may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof."

Bringing this forward again. We have these provisions when there's a dispute of our bylaws. I was told hiring an atty for this dispute isn't in our's arbitration.

If you've nothing to hide, adding these two new members on the Finance Committee wouldn't have this magnitude of an issue by the ladies of the board. Information getting to any member who asks for it wouldn't be an issue nor it getting into the TE's hands. I don't know if anything is up, maybe nothing, but it sure brings one to speculate.

If this board would be more transparent and professional in how they conduct themselves, maybe the members would quit questioning their motives and actions and trust could be rebuilt.

Learn and follow our bylaws, policies and RR's; encourage and welcome membership participation instead of feeling threatened by it; conduct HPP biz in the open at board mtgs, not behind closed doors in exec session; improve communication and openness on our website by posting information promptly instead of removing HPP history and policies; provide financial information promptly to any member who requests it. Send annual financial info that is required in our bylaws to the members; involve the membership in financial and non financial decisions that significantly affects the whole association through willingness to discuss matters with us openly at membership mtgs. Many of us would feel more confident if we were allowed to vote on items that affect us significantly instead of being told it's none of our business; stop board retaliations towards members and stop rogue board actions. Make those reps accountable as is required in our bylaws to stop the cycle that spawns mistrust and dissension in the community. That's why these rules exist and why we're in the state we're in when rules aren't followed.

Some of this board regards these expectations as negativity towards them. That WE are wrong and to be regarded as pests. We could have better vibes and trust between the board and members if they were willing to make the change. I know some of the board, their friends and family reads this thread. "Be the change you want to see".
Wouldn't that be wonderful,but after 17 months breaking the by-laws, not following Robert's Rules or any of the state statutes the board board elect of June 2014 will not change.
You can not reason with the unreasonable.
A narcissist never accepts responsibility for his actions. (there are a million excuses and plenty of others to blame... sound familiar?)
Once a liar gets away with lying, the lies continue.
An evil deed remains evil and only evil can spin it into something else.

As the proverb goes;" Fool me once, shame on you;fool me twice, shame on me."

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