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27 pages of pure undiluted shait!!'Nouf! already!!!
There are two thing this damned association has to do: pave all roads and shut up.
Maybe a good old lawsuit against empty promises, and outright fraud is what is really needed here. Who out there is ready? I know for sure that I am one.
And it also would be really nice to get a real man and woman to represent us in the Council, besides the current ambitious boy with only a sparkly Colgate smile to show for!
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Originally posted by Johnd
Maybe a good old lawsuit against empty promises, and outright fraud is what is really needed here. Who out there is ready? I know for sure that I am one.
I'm in!
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"Rumor" has it that the 1 July 2014-30 June 2015 audit is complete and has been delivered.
Has any member (not on the Board) attempted to get a copy? And been successful? If not, what were the excuses?
In that light, have ALL Board members received a copy - or only a select few?
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Janet, as far as I know it is still a "rumor". I know of no one who has seen it even though our bylaws let alone state statute requires members access to it and other financial documents. One thing these directors on the board have to understand is, the BOD is just as responsible as the 2 miscreants, i.e. the Treasurer and the VP, at this point in breaking state law by allowing the 2 miscreants to continue their destructive behavior.
It took me a couple of days of phone calls to find out what happened at the last Finance comm. meeting and the last BOD meeting. Four members of the FC followed the bylaws to the letter and removed the 2 miscreants from the FC. It looked like they (The 2) had planned to snipe the FC by bringing in a friend of theirs and appoint her to the committee. The person they wanted to appoint is reported to be a friend of the VP and who just happened to be the newly hired admin person that had also just quit the position. The VP has a long history of nepotistic hiring.
I was told that the reason the majority of the FC wanted rid of the 2 was for dereliction of duty, that is, not providing the financial reports and for gross misconduct in trying to have the BOD illegally remove 2 new members from the FC who were just elected by the membership at the Membership Meeting held in Oct. They wanted the BOD to do their dirty work (reminds me of that song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap") in going against the decision of the Members vote. The BOD ignorantly (because too many do not understand the bylaws) voted to have an attorney look into the matter. What? Spend association money to get an expensive opinion? An opinion "rumor" has it, from an attorney that is the VP's personal attorney, the same attorney that was hired last year for lands use issues. Remember nepotism when you are speaking of the VP.
At the Dec. BOD meeting the Treasurer read the attorney's opinion and guess what? He agrees with the Treasurer and VP that the 2 new FC members could not have been voted on by the membership for a membership committee. A committee that according to the bylaws is there to make sure that no one is manipulating our money. You have to wonder why these 2 miscreants would go to such an effort to keep the 2 new members from getting their hands on the financials and the audit. Both of the 2 new elected members were, until last year, prior treasurers themselves. It begs the question, what are the 2 miscreants hiding? If nothing, then let the members of the association have the financial documents as required by state statute.
After looking myself at the bylaws that the FC members used, it is very obvious that they followed the bylaws correctly. I heard that one member who is on the FC in his 3 minutes during the last BOD meeting gave a "passionate" speech defending the actions of the FC meeting. He also asked the BOD a very interesting question, show us proof that the VP was indeed appointed to the FC by the BOD. He said there is no BOD minutes in the records (another BOD violation of state statutes) showing that BOD action. Did the BOD do it in exec. session? Well, where is the proof of that? The vote to appoint any director to any committee has to be done in an open BOD meeting not in exec. session. As we all know what the bylaws say on what an exec. session is to be used for and one of them is not to appoint directors to committees. And besides, the actions of the exec. sessions are supposed to be on an agenda before the meeting and the actions of the session to be released afterward (however, not the vote). Just 2 more state and bylaw infractions, they have really piled up under these 2 miscreants.
It looks like we have some board of directors who are willingly going along with breaking state law.
By the way, isn't the President of the board culpable in illegal activates by the BOD?
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breaking state law
Yeah. That'll teach 'em.
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Thanks for the update Caveat Emptor. It has been unusually silent here. What I have heard is similar. I also heard that the VP fired a road crew on her own. That is not possible. She and the treasurer have not slowed down in their overreach of power and authority. Are all the board members dumb? been totally bamboozled or still can't grasp the by-laws? The GM is not doing his job. He is a wimp and has been totally wimpified by the VP. The treasurer just flat out won't release the financials or audit. There is seriously something wrong with the rest of the board. Using our money to hire the VP's personal attorney and allegedly giving advice that contradicts state law is disbarment and they fall for that.
If the 2 new duly elected finance committee members elected by the members for a members committee are not valid because of the lawsuit the board created then the VP and treasurer should follow their own rational and not be on a single committee. Do these new board members not realize they are equally culpable in any new law suit?
Mermaid or any one who was at the November board meeting. Read the minutes. This is not what I remember. Is ****** professional or in the bag with the psychos or are the minutes being doctored. I guess no board member cares to do anything right. Seriously, read the by-laws guys. You will see many are right out from the state law. You are willfully breaking many many laws.
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If you think state laws are being broken. Gather your proof and turn it over to the state.
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Exactly the comment we'd all expect F.S. Everyone who has read your posts or had to endure your speaking at an HPPOA meeting knows you are not a dim light bulb. We know you can not grasp the by-laws because if you could you would see how many are taken straight from State laws. But even if you could, you'd argue. You are loud and vulgar and obnoxious but we have all found a way to roll our eyes and chuckle at your absurd loud XXL self. You are a fool who has willfully been manipulated. You are still the dumb kid in school just overfed. I'd rather be right and lose than wrong and fooled or the one who is abusing the law for their own twisted needs. I am sure you can find happiness in being manipulated.
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Originally posted by flyingsurfer
If you think state laws are being broken. Gather your proof and turn it over to the state.
You do know we live in Hawaii, right? The place where violent convicted criminals get off with a slap on the hand, the politically connected don't even get investigated, and rampant fraud and corruption is just business as usual. Why would the the state get involved?
The state doesn't care what happens in a subdivision in Puna, and neither does the county, as long as HPP is ineptly run and the board is fractured and incapable of functioning effectively, the needs and desires of the residents can just be ignored.
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as long as HPP is ineptly run and the board is fractured and incapable of functioning effectively
...then these constituents will have no time/money to organize into an actual threat to the County and/or State.
"Mission Accomplished", as it were.