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Kolekole beach park rope swing
Was showing the grandkids the park today and couldn't locate the rope swing. It was there a couple of weeks ago. Closer inspection revealed that the tree that held the rope (I think) had fallen over into the stream. I'm guessing that the final "swinger" needs to attend weight-watcher meetings. Anybody know what happened?
variations of the rope swing have been there for along time if not the same one in same tree.. Im surprised it was still there, I remember seeing it or one like it there 8-9 years ago... they prob had more bathrooms and portapotties than dif rope swings... that park is trouble at time.. lots of scum permanently camping there using the free electricity in the gazebos for rice cooker, stereos, toasters, dvd players, etc. lots of crime towards the legal campers there too at night...
I like Hakalau Bay better, its the next bay north of there with the old Sugar Cane Mill ruins.. the HB park is taken care of by volunteer locals, not city peeps like Kolekole

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
I agree. Lots of Scum at Kolekole. This park is for the public, not to be overtaken by rice cookers, poop, and Golly knows what else I have seen there.

Lets take Koleokle back. I know I sound like a Haole A-hole, but it is SAD the state of some of Hamakua/N. Hilo's Parks.

Mele Kalikimaka Hamaka!


We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
Damn homeless. They should just go home and leave the rest of us good people alone.

No they should be required to follow the law. Dropping out of society does not make you immune to the rules. Time to stop providing free electricity to the bums!
I will continue to push the homeless scum...

WTF! I always thought the line there but for the grace of God go I to be so fitting when I see others that are less fortunate than I am.

This park is for the public...

Btw.. homeless people are the public too.

Call the police? For shame!
Some homeless are genuinely needy and worthy of our compassion and help. Others use the whole homeless situation as a cover for a shiftless and criminal lifestyle. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes. When cities and counties have set up secure camping areas for the homeless with toilet and other facilities, some homeless have been unwilling to relocate to them. I used to wonder why, but I finally had to conclude that some people just prefer it rougher. The whole issue is really complicated.
Lodestone provides a little good natured inquisitive humor. Chunkster provides some thoughtful words of reason to address the ensuing almost/barely post-Christmas homeless bashing venom.
Of course there are no people with homes who are shiftless and criminal. Where are people supposed to go here who have lost the ability to pay rent? And who are you to play some kind of self admitted a-hole protector of the parks? Shame on you.
Allowing homeless to camp out on public property is enabling. Period. Keep making it easy for people to get their SSI or SSDI checks#65292;their EBT and pitch a tent in any park at anytime and see how much the homeless population persists and even grows.

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