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Fence installation
Please give me names of fence companies to call, that you can recommend, about installing a chain link fence around my yard. Thank you!
We called a number of them, and actually had a few come out and give estimates. We couldn't afford any of them, but this is what we learned: the fencing companies will try to give you a "per foot" estimate which hides the real cost of installing the fence (in their favor). You may have better luck asking for an itemized estimate (X amount of chain link at $ per foot, X amount of posts at $ per post, X pounds of concrete at $ per pound, X hours of labor at $ per hour). That way you can price fencing supplies and labor separately and see who is trying to rip you off. Another option is to hire a reliable handyman or handyman service. Installing fencing is hard work but it's not rocket surgery.

The hardest part about fencing is installing the posts, and none of the companies we called would provide "post only" service. I'm sure many will but after the first few rounds of estimates we knew it was going to be a DIY project. We had 2 estimates for a driveway gate and I had a difficult time not laughing out loud when I got them.
Whether you do it yourself or hire it done, one of the big issues will be "access".

If you can drive to the fence line, it's easier/cheaper. If not, some of the fencing guys just won't call you back...
terracore - thanks for the very informative reply. I know what you mean about "laughing out loud" at the prices! My yard would be easy to put in the posts because it's flat, if you can call lava rock easy. I need a DIY handyman if I'm ever going to get my fence.
Mahalo, and good luck to us!
I recommend JC who has done a couple of chain link projects and a horse corral for us. He's honest, shows up when he says he will and is fair with his pricing. His email is:
If you are going to use chain link, and pigs are an issue, make sure you put barbed wire at the bottom to discourage them from pushing under.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I would wholeheartedly recommend JC as well, but I just heard he has stopped doing fencing and is now doing garage doors. He did great job for us and our neighbors, but apparently their property was one of his last. Bummer!!
I got one estimate for $17,000 for my acre. I didn't bother pursuing the issue further. I am putting in my own fence.
I created a small fence company back in the 80's. I don' know what market is currently but, 6 foot chain link was an easy do @ 4$ a foot. It would be more in Hawaii for the solid lava spots but, that $4 bucks was plenty to cover pick axing rocks, when too large to drill out of 50% of holes. It was a good income for me but, disability prevented going the distance in the venture. Regardless, 2010 I bought a Florida home and went on the cheap, by finding used but good chain-link @ $1 a foot and less, so I did 400' (120 x 80' lot), including gates, part 5' and most 4' for a total of 300 bucks.

836 feet of fencing, for 17 grand!?? Obviously it's also a good idea to wear a suit of body armorer when getting estimates so you don't get shot! while they're attempting to rob ya. !

In my research I found out that a lot of the cost difference was in the posts. In this acidic environment many contractors call for schedule 40 galvy pipe. The lighter gauge home depot stuff rusts away in a few years. Something to keep in mind while shopping for estimates.


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