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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
I didn't know Pentane could harm the environment until I read this?

Anyone know or can guess to How much of this pentane is used or stored by Puna Geothermal power plant? Why would they be fined for using or storing it? Maybe Bob P does have some interesting wood harvesting techniques, but its hard to ignore this power plant that's being fined for uses of such chemicals that have potential to harm the environment let alone a very sensitive one like Ohia. Jmo.

P.S. I also found this past fungal study interesting, maybe this is the kind of complete study our Ohia wilt or ROD disease deserve? Not real sure why they used Pentane though?

For those who like interesting reading material and see the positive in things, this is damn interesting. At least this Ohia wilt Fungus hasn't led to anything like this yet.

Pentane is a hydrocarbon, one carbon longer than Propane, one less than Hexane. It's a common constituent of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL). Basically it sits in between Natural Gas and Gasoline in the world of organic chemistry. The study you mention used pentane to extract hydrophobic volatiles from American Elm sawdust. They could have used something else like carbon tetrachloride, but pentane is likely considered safer than a chlorocarbon like carbon tet.

Honestly, after reading Punaweb for a while, I don't think we're far off from the Salem Witch thing. Bad rye is also theorized for many other events. Rye mold (ergot) is a source of a precursor for LSD, which explains the association with bizarre behaviour. I'm not sure what the excuse is for many on PW, but it sure is entertaining.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
If the EPA or OSHA walked into any plant in the country, they could find reasons to fine them.
However, this is like you, gypsy69, getting a $5 parking ticket that you felt was unjustified.
Once again the fact that the PW *geothermal in the middle of a populated area* proponents are so adamant that it's perfectly safe even though they have consistently lost in a court of law and paid out damages to the "victims" casts greater suspicion on the industry and it's location.

Many here are so defensive as to rudely insult anyone who questions the safety of geothermal heavy industry with schools, neighbors and businesses in what should be a buffer zone according to international standards. Come on folks, debate this with a little more humility and realistic perspective or keep looking like you are stockholders.
*geothermal in the middle of a populated area*

County and State created this problem with their "faux residential zoning", yet somehow they're not being blamed.
PGV has about 30 full-time employees. I'm guessing some are our friends and neighbors. Anybody ever actually chat with one of them regarding potential safety issues at the plant?
Evidence suggests Hydrogen Sulfide could be used in treatments for some of the biggest health problems of our time

A gas associated with the smell of rotten of eggs is now being proven to have widespread health benefits. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is widely known as a poisonous and corrosive substance, but now a mounting body of evidence suggests it could be used in a wide range of treatments for some of the biggest health problems of our time. A conference hosted by the University of Exeter will bring together world-leading scientists to explore the emerging possibilities.

More here :
Thanks for the good reading material Obie. I didn't know about the life bettering health benefits of living so close to a geothermal power plant could be.

Another interesting reading article about our experimental puna geothermal re-injection or(possible fracking process) here,jmo.

Maybe just a coincidence here, that Ground zero for this worlds first devastating Ohia Wilt(ROD) was started just above or around the puna geothermal re-injection wells (underground large cesspools), (leilani estates) jmo. Just saying Environmentalist and scientists may not know all the possible impacts to our underground water aquifers or above ground soils this type of deep underground brinal fluid waste storing may cause yet?

P.S. Sorry to report P. Maise, but No(rod) resistant Ohia trees have been found or noticed just yet. Some of the first dying ohia stands have lost well over 90% of the trees with the remaining now showing signs of the fungus,jmo.
Here in Mt. View, 1400', most trees look VERY healthy. That's why it's disconcerting to see a healthy tree die in a very short period of time, with intact but desiccated leaves. Now I have entire branches on two trees dying, but they're on trees with "co-dominant" trunks, meaning largely separate root systems. No traumatic root damage; last bulldozer was on property over 15 years ago.

Excise branches, then burn?

gypsy, your linked article is from December, 1992... I believe it is a PROVEN technology at this point...

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