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dengue fever could be here to stay
Those of us who have been here 30+ years ago or even just 20 years ago remember how glorious it was, feeling as though we all lived in a national forest. No drama, just nature at her very finest to greet us every morning. For some crazy reason it seemed so few wanted to live here, viva Kilauea!

I knew with the advent of the internet and then the building boom those days would be lost forever but the only thing that would clean up the unbelievable government corruption was educated people moving here who know how to call an attorney and contact the media for starters.

One of these days the scales will tip. It has on the other islands, Hawaii county is the last vestige of the local good ole boys club. Not sure how Ige got voted in though, perhaps as long as we are a banana republic Oahu will still have it's undercurrent. He's such a creep.

PGV drills deeper and thus closer to Brazil... and now... Zika!!!

Originally posted by Lodestone

PGV drills deeper and thus closer to Brazil... and now... Zika!!!


At least it isn't caused by chemtrails.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
"* Considering all the nay sayers regarding concerns for GMO and Global Climate Change (GMO = science can do no wrong -- Climate Change = science is all screwed up!) that have posted on every thread over the years the above noted article will probably give rise to another flood of their comments. And maybe some will say disparaging things about the Mirror as a news source, and me as a poster, but I thought it was worth passing along none-the-less. Though for the record I am not suggesting anything about it right or wrong."

I thought this was worth passing along as well. For the record I am not suggesting anything about it is right or wrong.

For the record, dakine, your opinion about science seems to be based on the more reactionary and shallow media, which is no surprise of course. The scientific method works because it weeds out things that are wrong. Your "science can do no wrong" construction of a straw man argument is something I'd expect from an astrologer in the middle ages.
This is a recent article that does share some interesting notes to how or when the dengue virus may have first started here.

Hard to believe its almost been five months since this residential nightmare (dengue) started.


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