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How to best get from Hilo to Molokai for weekend?
We'd like to get out to Molokai some weekend, as we've never been. Looking at the Hawaiian Airlines schedule, however, it doesn't look very easy to get from Hilo to Molokai for just 2-3 days, as there aren't a ton of flights to Molokai and a lot of them are at the same time as the flights to Hilo, so there aren't many timely connections.

I was wondering if Mokulele or someone might be better, or whether it's easier to go to Maui and take the ferry, or maybe some other idea I haven't even contemplated. In a perfect world, I'd leave about mid-day on Friday and come back Sunday evening. In this world, however, I'll take anything close to that.

Thanks in advance!
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Best I can find (admittedly a fairly quick search) is to depart Hilo at 2:40pm arriving just after 6pm on Friday, and returning at 2:50pm arriving back in Hilo 7:45pm Sunday. If you can leave early Monday morning, there's a flight at 7:05am that can get you back to Hilo just before 10am. All of these are Hawaiian Airlines.
PS. If you do the Monday option, you can save about $100 per person on the flights, but of course you have to balance that with staying an extra night on Molokai.
Thanks Tom. That's the best I've seen as well. It just seems crazy to fly past Molokai to Oahu only to come back. Flying through Maui makes more sense, but of course Hilo and Molokai have way less flights than Kahalui, Kona, etc.

Have you ever been to Molokai? If so, what do you recommend? We were thinking of just leisurely driving around, looking at some of the awesome cliffs, perhaps doing some diving if conditions aren't too crazy.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
I haven't visited (always meant to), but I'm sure plenty here have, so hopefully others can help out there.
Molokai is what, 38 miles long? Drives can be extremely leisurely, and you can still get back in time for lunch.

We spent a week there several years ago. Very relaxing. Not much nightlife; as I recall, there was one bar. And not "One bar where..." just one bar total.

The best beach we found was near the condos, but a storm while we were there washed most of it out to sea. I assume it washes back in the spring.

We didn't do the mule ride or hike down to the beach settlement (Hanapepe? I'm too lazy to look it up). Like I said, relaxing.

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However you get there or return, it's worth it! Molokai is so beautiful! There are some nice houses to rent on VRBO.
Molokai trip 5+ years ago. Love the tiny airport open air facility. Flew down to Kalaupapa and highly recommend tour,
Rented a car and drove about island, disappointed in not finding good swimming areas. The water outside the condo was very dirty and murky...sad [Sad]. The ferry ride from Molokai to Maui was wonderful ! if you like rough rides ! most people were sea sick, but some of us just stayed on top and hung on, saw a whale or two ! After 4 or 5 days, not much to see or do, very very very rural.
Leisurely is the word when it comes to Molokai. It is quiet. Very quiet. Or at least it was. It's been quite some time since I last visited, about 20 years since.

I would highly recommend hiking around Halawa Valley on the east end.,_Molokai

Did the mule ride down to Kalaupapa. I'm not so keen on heights so I'd prefer to hike the trail on foot if I were to go again. Very scenic. Important history.

I recall murky water along the south coast. Far better swimming and beachgoing along the beautiful long beaches on the west shore as I remember. Though the waters can get pretty rough and wild there, so use caution if the surf is up.
Mokulele airlines has daily flights to Molokai from Kona. Here is their schedule:

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