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There is arbitration on the table by those that put action behind their words

Arbitration will likely prove insufficient; much larger action is necessary, and must include all affected subdivisions.
Look everyone. I can hear both sides. Some things I have said sound gruff but I have stayed as close to the truth as I can and have even corrected myself or backtracked. There have been many many posts about HPP that are just total rants and not substantive. We still have freedom of speech and a right to have our own opinions and many many have been posted. It is unfortunate that my posts about F.S. are true. I truly do feel sorry that he just can not understand the bylaws but that said, he hasn't understood that he does not have the right to get up and yell at people at meetings then get offended when someone says something he doesn't like. If he wants respect, he needs to command it. If he doesn't understand the by-laws then he needs to humble himself and ask for help. (and that doesn't mean going to someone who has continually broken them). How sad that so many of our residents don't care and the few lawless are on a rampage. Sadder yet is that they have been able to do so but the worst, is those who can't see the truth if it slapped them in the face. These board supporters are the ones the lawbreaking board use. I don't like to see people used but it is impossible to help them when they can't hear the truth.
Reni, we need level headed people who do understand the by-laws and want what is best for HPP. We need people to keep standing up to these rogue ones. It may take until the next election but we shouldn't make their time easy. The bad board members who have left already did a whole lot of damage and are sitting back knowing they escaped repercussions.
Originally posted by Katarina

Look everyone. I can hear both sides. Some things I have said sound gruff but I have stayed as close to the truth as I can and have even corrected myself or backtracked. There have been many many posts about HPP that are just total rants and not substantive. We still have freedom of speech and a right to have our own opinions and many many have been posted. It is unfortunate that my posts about F.S. are true. I truly do feel sorry that he just can not understand the bylaws but that said, he hasn't understood that he does not have the right to get up and yell at people at meetings then get offended when someone says something he doesn't like. If he wants respect, he needs to command it. If he doesn't understand the by-laws then he needs to humble himself and ask for help. (and that doesn't mean going to someone who has continually broken them). How sad that so many of our residents don't care and the few lawless are on a rampage. Sadder yet is that they have been able to do so but the worst, is those who can't see the truth if it slapped them in the face. These board supporters are the ones the lawbreaking board use. I don't like to see people used but it is impossible to help them when they can't hear the truth.
Reni, we need level headed people who do understand the by-laws and want what is best for HPP. We need people to keep standing up to these rogue ones. It may take until the next election but we shouldn't make their time easy. The bad board members who have left already did a whole lot of damage and are sitting back knowing they escaped repercussions.

Very well put, but they can't sit back and hide from the law suite that they brought down on HHP and themselves. Remember, each of them are being sued as individuals as well............

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Looks like the chip seal is going forward on 32 & 33 off of Makuu just as I reported a few pages back after what the GM said in his report at last weeks BOD meeting. I wonder how this rain affected things? It looked like they had graded both 1/2 mile dead ends and the emulation spreader thingy that has been parked at the HPPOA shop was moved in place.
We know that they need a licensed contractor and they don't have one... we know that they need permits from the County, State and Feds... and they don't have any... and we know that this process is not what they are calling road maintenance. No matter what THEY call it.
Originally the GM and the VP said that the owner of the chip seal business would train the GM and our road crew to lay the chip seal and then our road crew would take over to save on costs but, I'm 99% sure that did not, will not and cannot happen. Where did the GM and road crew all of a sudden get the experience to lay chip deal right the first time or are they actually using these 2 dead ends as practice? Come to think of it, the GM did say once or twice, that if this "test patch" doesn't work out, it is easier to rip this batch up instead of a mile long stretch of road.
We know that they need a licensed contractor and they don't have one... we know that they need permits from the County, State and Feds... and they don't have any...

Yet, somehow, it seems that nobody is bothering to report these illegal activities to those authorities responsible for enforcement...
Yet, somehow, it seems that nobody is bothering to report these illegal activities to those authorities responsible for enforcement...
thank you Kalakoa......if the board is truly attempting to circumvent the law, ..then send the board a certified letter stating that they and their unlicensed contractor will be immediately reported.... and if they choose to ignore, report them.

YES mermaid.....I STRONGLY discourage anyone serving on this board if they are not fully aware of the responsibility & liability it personally means to them. We need people who get it!

If there are members who believe that laws, statutes, bylaws have been ignored and or seriously violated ( as reported in these posts ) and those members have commenced with arbitration procedure , I applaud this approach.

Yes, Mermaid, we do need qualified board members.
My guess is that the individuals most likely to best serve us are not interested in being involved in this dysfunction.
Some tactics used by many , such as labeling people "good" or "bad", character attacks , attempting to control w/ guilt , let's you and me fight him, etc., are emotionally based and need to go.
People come and go...Speak to the issue, support the law NOT that particular individual you currently "favor".
Even that has a tendency to come and go.
It's much easier to effect the change by being one of the votes instead of trying to control from the peanut gallery. You and 4 other like minded individuals would constitute a quorum . It could change things.

IT IS OUR BOARD AS A WHOLE.... THE BOARD follows the law or it doesn't.
Yes, I strongly discourage anyone from serving on the Board if they do not fully understand the responsibility and liability !
It would be helpful to post information regarding the arbitration.
send the board a certified letter stating that they and their unlicensed contractor will be immediately reported.... and if they choose to ignore, report them

WRONG. Board has had more than enough opportunity to correct their mistakes, it's time to take off the kid gloves and bring out the big stick.

Post the details here, I'm sure plenty of people will be only too happy to complain to the authorities, myself included (and I even don't live/own in HPP).
Hey Kalakoa, you state, "Post the details here, I'm sure plenty of people will be only too happy to complain to the authorities, myself included (and I even don't live/own in HPP).". That's not a bad idea but, I have a better idea, why don't you drive over and attend the meeting at 3:00 PM today. That way you can hear, see and gather up handouts so you can post the information yourself. And you'll have the opportunity to also donate to the Arbitration fund. Kind of like the old saying "put your money where you're mouth is" or "practice what you preach".
When the man from Orchidland came to one of our board meetings to talk about chip seal. They used an unlicensed contractor. As did other subdivisions. No contractor license needed.
Don't know where you get the idea that permits are needed.We didn't get any permits and we also used an unlicensed contractor.

Everything turned out fine and the roads are holding up well.

The only time you would need a permit would be if you are tying into a State or County highway.

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