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Pointless thread
also "go back to wherever he came from"

I see. If only I hadn't bought into the "privately owned public roads", TMT would be built by now.
"I see. If only I hadn't bought into the "privately owned public roads", TMT would be built by now."

No, and now you're back to putting words in someone's mouth. It's not a good habit.
putting words in someone's mouth

Not quite -- it's been mentioned here that "all my rants are the same" and I've been told that it's "my fault for buying here".

That said, these two issues (and many others) all have the same root cause: neither State nor County can be bothered to follow the existing rules that are supposedly "for everyone" (except for DLNR, Superferry, large landowners, HELCO, etc.)

Perhaps it's more accurate to say that I'm only being forced to care about the failure of TMT because I happen to live in its tax base, and will inevitably be called upon to make up the shortfall. Again, my fault for trying to make a living here.
kalakoa: "Not quite -- it's been mentioned here that "all my rants are the same" and I've been told that it's "my fault for buying here"."

Yes, quite. Using quotation marks around your own paraphrasing is putting words in other people's mouth and is misleading. For reference:

And then you direct it back to repeating the same talking point yet again.
repeating the same talking point yet again

Yes, and fixing the problems doesn't seem to be a priority, I should take the hint.
Your words, not mine.
Curious as to how many big island high school seniors are receiving scholarships to universities like cal tech, Yale, or M.I.T. this year? I am hoping With Maunakea being the astronomy capital of the world yet again this year, that maybe some of our best and brightest are getting an opportunity to go further their education at a prestigious university. Wondering just how many big island kids have received scholarships to these types of universities in the past decade or so? Also wondering why a project like the TMT(caltech)did not make these types of scholarships a community priority? I know one million a year in scholarships was on the table, but I believe that was only for Hawaiian keiki and limited to the UHH campus, not sure though?
wondering why a project like the TMT(caltech)did not make these types of scholarships a community priority?

A little known part of the Protesters occupation of Mauna Kea, was their scholarship program. When they were rolling all of the rocks around the summit area, they also hid a total of $1,000,000 in funds under various boulders, to be used only for the education of this island's keiki.

Don't believe it? I guarantee it's just as true as when the Protesters said the TMT would be used by the military, and that it had the power and capability to destroy small nations, or cities, or whatever it was they said.

So start looking! It's a valuable educational experience for the keiki either way, whether they find a scholarship, or discover everything they hear isn't true!

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Good morning hotpe, great reply.

One students education at a Princeton, Yale, Caltech, or Vanderbilt university is about 60,000 a year currently(thats $220,000 for 4 years). Maybe the 1,000,000 hidden under those rocks from the TMT and the $1 a year from the 13 other telescopes like keck atop Maunakea would help 2-5 kids a year at this present time. Also One million a year in 2072 may seem like a dollar and yet one education at those sacred universities may cost more than a million by then too.

One of my points or questions is that Hawaii has been the astronomy capital of the world for some time now, how has this good fortune made a differance within the host community up to this point? Some of These prestigious universities like Yale or Caltech will be paying millions for future viewing time atop maunakea, they will be using our islands other resources to be able to use this viewing time or gain their Nobel prizes as well. So why couldn't some of those millions go back into our islands most important resource(young great minds)?

P.S. China, India, and others have militaries too. They may have wanted to use their 25% of the TMT's telescope time for military purposes? Even our own military in the near future may have gained important information from the tmts possible technology atop maunakea. With information like that at hand, one country could blow up another countries space technology with better precision that could have caused serious economic problems or hardship in the future, jmo. Also it may be possible that the extra tourists(causing dust for example) that would visit the summit of maunakea due to this TMT project would have many impacts on the summits protected sacred environment. Why weren't these types of important concerns or others addressed in the final EIS report? Why skip or ignore those important parts of a legal process like contested case hearings and those who would be involved?
China, India, and others have militaries too. They may have wanted to use their 25% of the TMT's telescope time for military purposes?... one country could blow up another countries space technology

To track and follow satellites, a telescope has to move across the entire sky in 3-6 minutes. Do you know whether the TMT has the capability to move 30 meters of mirror and it's dome in that short amount of time?

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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