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Forced vaccinations
"TomK wrote:

"As for spirituality and ESP, neither have been shown to be real."

Tom you need to learn to be open-minded.

But as Shermer says in the video, not so open-minded your brains fall out. I'm quite happy with the scientific method as it roots out bogus claims through peer-review, and so far, I'm unaware of any studies that show ESP or spirituality to be real. What I go with is the evidence from experiments that can be reproduced, and so far the evidence points to vaccines, including the HPV vaccine, as being safe and saving many lives. As Mike points out, this includes studies of millions of people, so the statistical errors are extremely small.

If I were to be as open minded as much as you suggest, I'd believe in faked moon landings, civilizations on Mars building pyramids, chemtrails and that Elvis is alive and well and living on the moon.

And no, the earth was never flat.

ETA: fixed a minor typo.
You forgot one ...the Zionist plot to control global media.
I could have included astrology, but that would upset Pam!

I must correct the claim that HPV vaccination has been studied with millions of subjects and one small study by a group of pediatricians might be false.

HPV Vaccination has been ADMINISTERED to millions but studies have only taken place using a few thousand people. I don't have exact numbers at hand right now.But I will look these up and provide.

Re list of kooky theories;

But at one time conspiracy theories that have since been proven true were equally as outrageous.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study
MK Ultra
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Paperclip
Smoking- remember the line of tobacco executives standing in front of Congress with right hands raised and swearing that tobacco smoke does not cause lung cancer!
The NSA spying on American citizens' phone calls and financial transactions.
to name a few.

And so it goes.
MBB - you misunderstand my point. If I were to believe that ESP and spirituality were real, I would also believe in the conspiracy theories I listed. It doesn't mean that all conspiracy theories are wrong.
MBB: You are incorrect:

"This population based study included all adolescent girls aged between 10 and 17 years in Denmark and Sweden who received quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine in the first four years after its licensure. Overall, the findings of this study, which were based on nearly one million girls and 700#8201;000 vaccine doses, were reassuring for autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic events after qHPV vaccination."

And another:

"In this study with nationwide coverage of 2 Scandinavian countries, qHPV vaccination was not associated with the development of multiple sclerosis or other demyelinating diseases. These findings do not support concerns about a causal relationship between qHPV vaccination and demyelinating diseases."

But that's ok, just continue to ignore any data that doesn't fit your world view. However, for those who prefer evidence based conclusions, the truth is out there.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
Here's another one, cut and pasted for those that don't want to follow links. It's an overview of 15 studies (a common practice in science - literature review):

An Overview of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Safety: 2006 to 2015.
Vichnin M1, Bonanni P, Klein NP, Garland SM, Block SL, Kjaer SK, Sings HL, Perez G, Haupt RM, Saah AJ, Lievano F, Velicer C, Drury R, Kuter BJ.
Author information
A quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV4) type 6/11/16/18 vaccine (GARDASIL/SILGARDĀ®) has been licensed in many countries around the world for the prevention of cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and anal cancers and precancers, as well as external genital warts causally related to HPV types 6/11/16/18. Across 7 phase 3 clinical trials involving more than 29,000 males and females ages 9-45 years, vaccination was generally well tolerated. Because of its expected public health benefit in reducing cervical cancer and other HPV-related diseases, the vaccine has been implemented in the national vaccination programs of several countries, with over 178 million doses distributed worldwide.
Extensive efforts to assess the safety of the vaccine in routine practice have been conducted over the past 9 years since licensure, including more than 15 studies in more than 1 million preadolescents, adolescents and adults from various countries. Most have been performed in the general population although there have been some in special populations (pregnant women, HIV-infected individuals and those with systemic lupus erythematosus).
We present a summary of the published, postlicensure safety data from active and passive surveillance. Only syncope, and possibly skin infections were associated with vaccination in the postlicensure setting. Serious adverse events, such as adverse pregnancy outcomes, autoimmune diseases (including Guillain-Barre Syndrome and multiple sclerosis), anaphylaxis, venous thromboembolism and stroke, were extensively studied, and no increase in the incidence of these events was found compared with background rates.
These results, along with the safety data from the prelicensure clinical trials, confirm that the HPV4 vaccine has a favorable safety profile. Key policy, medical and regulatory organizations around the world have independently reviewed these data and continue to recommend routine HPV vaccination.

And here's the link for those who don't trust copy/paste jobs:

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
HPV vaccine stops cancer, who woulda thought? Lives saved, oh the horror.
Whatever happened to this "forced vaccination" bill here in Hawaii?
Whatever happened to this "forced vaccination" bill here in Hawaii?

State ineptitude "forced" me to get the Hepatitis-A vaccine, does that count?
Originally posted by PaulW
Whatever happened to this "forced vaccination" bill here in Hawaii?

It was never a bill. It was a resolution that was passed by the county council 7-1 with one council person being absent.

Resolutions have no force of law although every 'whereas' must be a fact and must be provable. Resolutions are sent to the state to be discussed (or not) in committee. We were considering home-rule as a way to protect people who did not want to be vaccinated. This was in response to the Avian bird flu hysteria which never materialized as an epidemic that was going to consume the whole population.

The issue was brought to Emily Naeole's council office by a group of concerned parents who were afraid that their children would be subjected to forced vaccinatios in order to go to school. So we looked into the matter, contacted Dr. Pang and other researchers, who gave testimony on the dangers of vaccines who have been working on this for a long time. They were considered experts and flew to big island at their own expense to testify in front of the council.

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