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Pointless thread
Originally posted by PunaMauka2
An actual invasion of Hawaii was never a serious objective...
Back to TMT yet?

As the TMT will be able to observe to the origins of the universe, it would be trivial to simply look back to 1941 and watch the actual events unfold and solve this quandry. No doubt, this is part of UHH's plans to start an astro-history degree program and monopolize more of the THINK funds for themselves. Other doctorate theses may include chicken or the egg and who shot first, Han or Greedo?

Hopefully this will help convince the state Supreme Court which clearly said the state has done their best, it's really up to the TMT to sell it.
UHH's plans to start an astro-history degree program

I like the way you think ironyak.
While such a program at UHH would of course take away barroom and internet discussions about the detailed facets of historical decision making, (just as the robots will soon replace us in the workforce), thankfully we can still argue over future events.

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Holy crap, the TMT has harnessed a palantír of Orthanc
Gandalf did say that all the lost seeing stones are not accounted for. TMT probably had found one during their site survey and have now been corrupted by Sauron. If only the EIS wasn't so rigorous...

I had no idea that Princeton, Yale, Caltech, or Vanderbilt were sacred universities. You learn something every day...

PS. Thank you Mike for your very kind comment.

You have a well deserved reputation for making stuff up.

"TMT might be too big for Hawaii. The reality is the observatories on top of Mauna Kea started with a promise of jobs and education, with employment of Hawaiians, fast forward almost 50 years and many of the astronomers have nothing but disparaging and condescending statements to make than "none of them are close to being qualified."

Now, since you have actually quoted "many of the astronomers", name them and shame them by providing the evidence to back up your claim.
I thought this might have some relevance to the thread, especially given one or two recent comments.

"Kapolei students chosen for telescope time"
Nicely written article in HawaiiBusiness:

Personally, take whatever Hasinger is quoted as saying with a pinch of salt. He's lost a lot credibility among observatory staff recently. On the other hand, I've known Doug Simons for two decades now and his comments resonate with me.
"We've got no feedback from the state yet as to what needs to be done this time, nor how long it will take,"

Yeah, that.
I apologize to everyone for enabling more boring repetitiveness from kalakoa. It was certainly not my intention, but I should have known so am sorry.

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